- Inputting text
- Printing text (to the screen or to a file; default is to stdout file, i.e. the screen)
- Concatenating strings and variables
- Regular expressions (cheatsheets allowed)
- Loops ("iterate", "iteration")
- Splitting strings
- Substituting text
- Importing modules
- List comprehensions?
- dict()
- dir()
- float()
- help()
- input()
- int()
- len()
- list()
- max()
- min()
- open()
- print()
- range()
- reversed()
- round()
- sorted()
- str()
- sum()
- tuple()
- type()
- zip()
Reserved keywords (https://www.programiz.com/python-programming/keyword-list)
- True/False
- None
- and/or/not
- (from X )import Y( as Z)
- if/elif/else
- for/while
- is
- in
- pass
- Function
- Module
- Debug
- Directory
- String
- Character
- Variable
- Value
- Regular expression
- Line break
- File
- Counter