This week's dataset was submitted by Matthew Hendrickson, thanks! Also credit to Kanishka Misra who wanted to work with some text-based data via the tidytext package.
Data was originally scraped by Harrison Jansma and submitted as a Kaggle dataset.
The data-set originally consisted of 1.4 million stories from 95 of Medium's most popular story-tags. Every story was published between August 1st, 2017 and August 1st, 2018.
For each story, Harrison collected all of the information present on a Medium story-card.
Here is the full list of the information he was able to collect for each story: Title, Sub-Title, Author, Publication, Date, Tags, Read-Time, Claps-Received, Story-URL, and Author-URL.
Given that this file was ~660 MB, I filtered the dataset to only articles with tags in: AI, Artificial Intelligience, big data, data, data science, data visualization, deep learning and machine learning. Feel free to use the original dataset if you want a deeper dive.
column | description |
title | Title of the article |
subtitle | Subtitle of the article |
image | Header image present |
author | Author's name |
publication | Publication that the article was published under |
year | Year |
month | Month |
day | Day |
reading_time | Estimated reading time in minutes |
claps | Number of claps (similar to likes, 1 person could clap many times) |
url | url for the article |
author_url | url for the author's Medium page |
tag_ai | tag AI |
tag_artificial_intelligience | tag artificial intelligience |
tag_big_data | tag big data |
tag_data | tag data |
tag_data_science | tag data science |
tag_data_visualization | tag data visualization |
tag_deep_learning | tag deep learning |
tag_machine_learning | tag machine learning |