This library provides an easy way to generate Microsoft Account access and refresh tokens from a Windows Forms application.
Before using this library, you need to register your application on the Microsoft Account developer center. Your application needs to be configured as a Mobile or Desktop Client application on the API settings page for this library to work.
To retrieve a one-time access token:
using MicrosoftAccount.WindowsForms;
public async void Authenticate()
string accessToken = await MicrosoftAccountOAuth.LoginOneTimeAuthorizationAsync("client_id",
new string[] { "wl.signin", "wl.basic" });
To retrieve a refresh token along with your access token to enable your app to stay signed-in for longer than the 1 hour access token validitity period:
using MicrosoftAccount.WindowsForms;
public async void Authenticate()
var token = await MicrosoftAccountOAuth.LoginAuthorizationCodeFlowAsync("client_id",
"client_secret", new string[] { "wl.offline_access", "wl.basic", "wl.signin" });
string accessToken = token.AccessToken;
string refreshToken = token.RefreshToken;
// Store these values somewhere useful. Treat them like passwords!
After the access token has expired, you can redeem the refresh token for a new set of
tokens using RedeemRefreshTokenAsync()
public async void RenewAuthentication()
var token = await MicrosoftAccountOAuth.LoginAuthorizationCodeFlowAsync("client_id",
"client_secret", "refresh_token");
string accessToken = token.AccessToken;
string refreshToken = token.RefreshToken;
// Store these values somewhere useful. Treat them like passwords!