- Intro to JavaScript
- History
- JS data types
- JS operators
- Scripting language vs programming language
- why do we need to learn programming language?
- how js came to be one of the core tech of the www
- basically web concept -- file stored in another computer are fetched, then served into another computer
- netscape navigator, early 1995
- it was all static, there's was no user interaction, it was bland and bording
- used primarily for acadameic purposes
- as web become popular there was a new need of interactive stuff
- which required a small scripting lang that could introduce interactivity of web page
- java was pretty famous back then
- but it was kind of difficult plus it was closed community language
- so they could not use java for web purposes
- this lent to advent of MOCHA scripting lang
- scheme was dev by Brenden Eich (father of JS)
- 90s java was ruling, there was a lot of pressure on Mocha dev
- they wanted to come up with working prototype of Mocha
- they also wanted to take advantage of java's popularity for marketing reasons
- java was resevered to be a corporate friendly lang
- dec, 1995, netscape launched Mocha, soon renamed as LiveScript
- IE was bubbling in dev labs at Microsoft, they were focusing more compilation/web browser part
- nov 1996, v2 of Mocha, renamed as LiveScript
- now came a new web browser netscape navigator (grandpa of firefox) which had very first JavaScript
- this was well received amongst web development community
- there were still a lots of bugs which were polished in v3
- there was a need for some standards to write JS for easy maintenance
- ECMA was formed 1961 which was concerned with standardisation of information
- due to trademark reasons, JS was not the accepted name, it's offically called "ECMAScript"
- first ver of ECMAScript came live during 1997 along with Netscape 4
- critical features were missing, ECMA script v2 came in 1998
- following es2 with minor updates
- ability to connect website was a reality after AJAX was born
- netscape and IE5 supported it
- most accepted upgrage of JS, still in 2020, there are still some features not fully supported by web browsers
- Transpilers like babel compiles code into backward JS for more support across devices
- web assembly
- running native assembly lang on to the web, which is low level hence much faster
- console will read loaded js file from web browser and can be used to playaround
console.log("console logged");
document.write("hello, world!"); // non-blocking output
alert("this is alert!"); // blocking output
- using prompt
prompt("enter name ");
- Declaration (create)
- Initialization (store)
- Example
var name = "rahul choudhary"; // doing declaration and init together
- undefined - bucket with garbage value
- null - empty container, use when sure var is going to be empty, if not meaningful
- Arrays
- Objects
- Boolean - true(1) or false(0)
- Number
- String - "Rahul Choudhary"
- BigInt
- Symbol
- Object
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
** Exponentiation (ES2016)
/ Division
% Modulus (Division Remainder)
++ Increment
-- Decrement
|| or (either)
&& and (both)
! not (none)
=== strictly equal
== normal equal
<= less than or equal
>= greater than or equal
!== strict not equal
!= not equal
- to be continued