- statements
- conditionals
- if-else
- if-elseif-else
- switch case
- ternary operators
- iterative statements
- conditionals
- assigments
- challenges
- Expression - gives or returns o/p or gets i/p
- evaluation of expression is an statement
- two types of statements
- conditional - used to jump /skiparound in a code based on certain conditions
flow charts that is, visual representation of how program goes/runs, step by step
notice every type of box represent different stuff
these are helpful to devise logical solutions of complex problems, that is algorithms
if (condition) { // if true do this } else { // do this }
👉 code snippet
var pocketMoney = prompt("enter your pocket money "); var iceCream = 40; if (pocketMoney < 40) { console.log("no ice cream") } else { console.log("have some ice cream") }
bear in mind in js it is preferred to use camelCase, it's a convention
concatenation - joining two strings together
firstName = "rahul"; lastName = "_choudhary"; fullName = firstName + lastName; // output - rahul_choudhary
var pocketMoney_1 = prompt("enter money "); // Check if num is valid var isNotValid = isNaN(pocketMoney_1); if (isNotValid) { alert("invalid num"); } else { alert("you have valid money"); }
use else if to introduce multiple conditions
- condition inside condition, external and internal, it can go upto many levels
selects code block to execute based on condition, always use break to avoid running all conditions
switch(expression) { case x: // code block break; case y: // code block break; default: // code block }
short hand to write if else conditiional statements
// condition ? exprIfTrue : exprIfFalse;
iterative statements are used to repeat same code block again and again, as and when required
two types
- entry check - for loop (fig below), while loop
entry check loops - check before getting inside loop body, may not even run once
exit check - do while
for (conditions) { // do this }
while loop
while (i < 10) { text += "The number is " + i; i++; }
exit check - check after getting inside the loop body, always runs once
do while
var text = ""; var i = 0; do { text += "The number is " + i; i++; } while (i < 5);
- keyword - reserved previously by programming language
- algorithms - step by step
- block - pair of opening/closing curly braces is called code block
- NaN - used for error validation