- Check model_name in create_model
- PFAN model
- Inference entry point supports sigmoid option
- listing models
- weights for pretrained models in README.md
- Control masks being binary in saldet.plot
- Sigmoid in inferece API
- Default parameters in inference API
- More tests
- Inference entry point
- Saliency maps visualization utils
- InferenceDataset gives also image_path
- Added PGnet Loss
- Added MultiBCE Loss
- Added train experiment entry point
- Added utils to train experiment
- Added pytorch_lightning datamodule
- Correct casting between tensors in different computations
- Added PGNet
- Added U2Net (lite + full)
- Added Saliency Dataset and Saliency Transform utils
- Added PyTorchLightning Module support to saliency models
- Added I/O utils