diff --git a/__tests__/reductiveContext_test.re b/__tests__/reductiveContext_test.re
deleted file mode 100644
index 6756bbb..0000000
--- a/__tests__/reductiveContext_test.re
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-[@bs.config {jsx: 3}];
-open Jest;
-open Expect;
-open ReasonHooksTestingLibrary;
-module TestStoreContext = {
- type testState = {
- counter: int,
- content: string,
- };
- type testAction =
- | Increment
- | Decrement
- | AppendA
- | AppendB
- | Reset;
- let testReducer = (state, action) =>
- switch (action) {
- | Increment => {...state, counter: state.counter + 1}
- | Decrement => {...state, counter: state.counter - 1}
- | AppendA => {...state, content: state.content ++ "A"}
- | AppendB => {...state, content: state.content ++ "B"}
- | Reset => {counter: 0, content: ""}
- };
- let appStore =
- Reductive.Store.create(
- ~reducer=testReducer,
- ~preloadedState={counter: 0, content: ""},
- (),
- );
- include ReductiveContext.Make({
- type action = testAction;
- type state = testState;
- });
-module App = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = (~children) => {
- children
- ;
- };
-type selectorMockTest = {. "selector": TestStoreContext.testState => int};
-type spyReturnMockValue = string;
-let getResult = container =>
- container->Testing.Result.result->Testing.Result.current;
-describe("reductiveContext", () => {
- open Testing;
- open ReactTestingLibrary;
- let options = Options.t(~wrapper=App.make, ());
- beforeEach(() =>
- Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Reset)
- );
- describe("useSelector", () => {
- test("sets initial state correctly", () => {
- let selector = (state: TestStoreContext.testState) => state.counter;
- let container =
- renderHook(
- () => TestStoreContext.useSelector(selector),
- ~options,
- (),
- );
- expect(getResult(container)) |> toEqual(0);
- });
- test("selects the state and re-renders component on store updates", () => {
- let selector = (state: TestStoreContext.testState) => state.counter;
- let container =
- renderHook(
- () => TestStoreContext.useSelector(selector),
- ~options,
- (),
- );
- act(() => {
- Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Increment);
- ();
- });
- expect(getResult(container)) |> toEqual(1);
- });
- test("always gives back the latest state", () => {
- let selector = (state: TestStoreContext.testState) => state.counter;
- let renderedStates: ref(array(int)) = ref([||]);
- module Comp = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = () => {
- let counter = TestStoreContext.useSelector(selector);
- renderedStates := Belt.Array.concat(renderedStates^, [|counter|]);
- };
- };
- let element = ;
- render(element) |> ignore;
- act(() => {
- Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Increment);
- Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Decrement);
- ();
- });
- expect(renderedStates^) |> toEqual([|0, 1, 0|]);
- });
- test("prevents re-render if selected state is referentially equal", () => {
- let renderedStates: ref(array(int)) = ref([||]);
- let selector = (state: TestStoreContext.testState) => state.counter;
- module Comp = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = () => {
- let counter = TestStoreContext.useSelector(selector);
- renderedStates := Belt.Array.concat(renderedStates^, [|counter|]);
- };
- };
- let element = ;
- render(element) |> ignore;
- act(() => {
- Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, AppendA);
- Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, AppendB);
- ();
- });
- expect(renderedStates^) |> toEqual([|0|]);
- });
- test("correctly updates selected state if selector depends on props", () => {
- let renderedStates: ref(array(int)) = ref([||]);
- module Comp = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = (~prop) => {
- let selector =
- React.useCallback1(
- (s: TestStoreContext.testState) => s.counter + prop,
- [|prop|],
- );
- let counter = TestStoreContext.useSelector(selector);
- renderedStates := Belt.Array.concat(renderedStates^, [|counter|]);
- };
- };
- let updateProp = ref(() => ());
- module Parent = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = () => {
- let (prop, dispatch) = React.useReducer((s, _) => s + 1, 0);
- updateProp := dispatch;
- ;
- };
- };
- let element = ;
- render(element) |> ignore;
- act(() => {
- Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Increment); // state.counter - 1, prop - 0, total - 1
- updateProp^(); // state.counter - 1, prop - 1, total - 2
- Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Increment); // state.counter - 2, prop - 1, total - 3
- updateProp^(); // state.counter - 2, prop - 2, total - 4
- Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Increment); // state.counter - 3, prop - 2, total - 5
- ();
- });
- // changing selector function that depends on props leads to double re-render and duplicated state values
- let distinctRenderState =
- (renderedStates^)
- ->Belt.Array.keepWithIndex((value, index) =>
- (renderedStates^)
- ->Belt.Array.getIndexBy(v => v === value)
- ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(-1)
- === index
- );
- expect(distinctRenderState) |> toEqual([|0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5|]);
- });
- test("removes subscription on unmount", () => {
- let setupSpy: selectorMockTest => spyReturnMockValue = [%bs.raw
- {|
- function (obj) {
- return jest.spyOn(obj, "selector");
- }
- |}
- ];
- let selector = (state: TestStoreContext.testState) => state.counter;
- let selectorSpyObject = ref({"selector": selector});
- let selectStateFromSpy = state => {
- let spySelector = (selectorSpyObject^)##selector;
- spySelector(state);
- };
- module Comp = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = () => {
- let _ = TestStoreContext.useSelector(selectStateFromSpy);
- };
- };
- let element = ;
- render(element) |> unmount() |> ignore;
- // start spying after unmount
- let spy = setupSpy(selectorSpyObject^);
- act(() => {
- Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Increment);
- Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Decrement);
- Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Increment);
- ();
- });
- let expectSelectorToHaveBeenCalled: spyReturnMockValue => unit = [%bs.raw
- {|
- function (spy) {
- console.log(spy)
- return expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0)
- }
- |}
- ];
- expectSelectorToHaveBeenCalled(spy);
- expect(true) |> toEqual(true);
- });
- });
- describe("useStore", () => {
- test("gets the store", () => {
- let container =
- renderHook(() => TestStoreContext.useStore(), ~options, ());
- expect(getResult(container)) |> toEqual(TestStoreContext.appStore);
- });
- test("re-renders component on store updates", () => {
- let container =
- renderHook(() => TestStoreContext.useStore(), ~options, ());
- act(() => {
- Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Increment);
- ();
- });
- let state = container->getResult->Reductive.Store.getState;
- expect(state.counter) |> toEqual(1);
- });
- });
- describe("useDispatch", () =>
- test("has stable reference", () => {
- let dispatchRerenders: ref(int) = ref(0);
- let forceRender = ref(() => ());
- module Comp = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = () => {
- let (_, setState) = React.useState(() => 0);
- forceRender := (() => setState(prev => prev + 1));
- let dispatch = TestStoreContext.useDispatch();
- React.useEffect1(
- () => {
- dispatchRerenders := dispatchRerenders^ + 1;
- None;
- },
- [|dispatch|],
- );
- };
- };
- let element = ;
- render(element) |> ignore;
- act(() => {
- forceRender^();
- forceRender^();
- forceRender^();
- ();
- });
- expect(dispatchRerenders^) |> toEqual(1);
- })
- );
diff --git a/__tests__/reductiveContext_test.res b/__tests__/reductiveContext_test.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a89644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__tests__/reductiveContext_test.res
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+open Jest
+open Expect
+// Bindings to react-hooks testing library
+module HooksTestingLibrary = {
+ module Testing = {
+ module Result = {
+ @deriving({abstract: light})
+ type current<'value> = {current: 'value}
+ @deriving({abstract: light})
+ type t<'value> = {result: current<'value>}
+ }
+ module Options = {
+ @deriving({abstract: light})
+ type t<'props> = {
+ @optional
+ initialProps: 'props,
+ @optional
+ wrapper: React.component<{
+ "children": React.element,
+ }>,
+ }
+ }
+ @module("@testing-library/react-hooks")
+ external renderHook: (
+ @uncurry ('props => 'hook),
+ ~options: Options.t<'props>=?,
+ unit,
+ ) => Result.t<'hook> = "renderHook"
+ }
+open HooksTestingLibrary
+module TestStoreContext = {
+ type testState = {
+ counter: int,
+ content: string,
+ }
+ type testAction =
+ | Increment
+ | Decrement
+ | AppendA
+ | AppendB
+ | Reset
+ let testReducer = (state, action) =>
+ switch action {
+ | Increment => {...state, counter: state.counter + 1}
+ | Decrement => {...state, counter: state.counter - 1}
+ | AppendA => {...state, content: state.content ++ "A"}
+ | AppendB => {...state, content: state.content ++ "B"}
+ | Reset => {counter: 0, content: ""}
+ }
+ let appStore = Reductive.Store.create(
+ ~reducer=testReducer,
+ ~preloadedState={counter: 0, content: ""},
+ (),
+ )
+ include ReductiveContext.Make({
+ type action = testAction
+ type state = testState
+ })
+module App = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = (~children) =>
+ children
+type selectorMockTest = {"selector": TestStoreContext.testState => int}
+type spyReturnMockValue = string
+let getResult = container => container->Testing.Result.result->Testing.Result.current
+describe("reductiveContext", () => {
+ open Testing
+ open! ReactTestingLibrary
+ let options = Options.t(~wrapper=App.make, ())
+ beforeEach(() => Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Reset))
+ describe("useSelector", () => {
+ test("sets initial state correctly", () => {
+ let selector = (state: TestStoreContext.testState) => state.counter
+ let container = renderHook(() => TestStoreContext.useSelector(selector), ~options, ())
+ expect(getResult(container)) |> toEqual(0)
+ })
+ test("selects the state and re-renders component on store updates", () => {
+ let selector = (state: TestStoreContext.testState) => state.counter
+ let container = renderHook(() => TestStoreContext.useSelector(selector), ~options, ())
+ act(() => {
+ Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Increment)
+ ()
+ })
+ expect(getResult(container)) |> toEqual(1)
+ })
+ test("always gives back the latest state", () => {
+ let selector = (state: TestStoreContext.testState) => state.counter
+ let renderedStates: ref> = ref([])
+ module Comp = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = () => {
+ let counter = TestStoreContext.useSelector(selector)
+ renderedStates := Belt.Array.concat(renderedStates.contents, [counter])
+ }
+ }
+ let element =
+ render(element) |> ignore
+ act(() => Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Increment))
+ act(() => Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Decrement))
+ expect(renderedStates.contents) |> toEqual([0, 1, 0])
+ })
+ test("prevents re-render if selected state is referentially equal", () => {
+ let renderedStates: ref> = ref([])
+ let selector = (state: TestStoreContext.testState) => state.counter
+ module Comp = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = () => {
+ let counter = TestStoreContext.useSelector(selector)
+ renderedStates := Belt.Array.concat(renderedStates.contents, [counter])
+ }
+ }
+ let element =
+ render(element) |> ignore
+ act(() => Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, AppendA))
+ act(() => Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, AppendB))
+ expect(renderedStates.contents) |> toEqual([0])
+ })
+ test("correctly updates selected state if selector depends on props", () => {
+ let renderedStates: ref> = ref([])
+ module Comp = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = (~prop) => {
+ let selector = React.useCallback1(
+ (s: TestStoreContext.testState) => s.counter + prop,
+ [prop],
+ )
+ let counter = TestStoreContext.useSelector(selector)
+ renderedStates := Belt.Array.concat(renderedStates.contents, [counter])
+ }
+ }
+ let updateProp = ref(() => ())
+ module Parent = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = () => {
+ let (prop, dispatch) = React.useReducer((s, _) => s + 1, 0)
+ updateProp := dispatch
+ }
+ }
+ let element =
+ render(element) |> ignore
+ act(() => Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Increment)) // state.counter - 1, prop - 0, total - 1
+ act(() => updateProp.contents()) // state.counter - 1, prop - 1, total - 2
+ act(() => Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Increment)) // state.counter - 2, prop - 1, total - 3
+ act(() => updateProp.contents()) // state.counter - 2, prop - 2, total - 4
+ act(() => Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Increment)) // state.counter - 3, prop - 2, total - 5
+ // changing selector function that depends on props leads to double re-render and duplicated state values
+ let distinctRenderState =
+ renderedStates.contents->Belt.Array.keepWithIndex((value, index) =>
+ renderedStates.contents
+ ->Belt.Array.getIndexBy(v => v === value)
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(-1) === index
+ )
+ expect(distinctRenderState) |> toEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
+ })
+ test("removes subscription on unmount", () => {
+ let setupSpy: selectorMockTest => spyReturnMockValue = %raw(`
+ function (obj) {
+ return jest.spyOn(obj, "selector");
+ }
+ `)
+ let selector = (state: TestStoreContext.testState) => state.counter
+ let selectorSpyObject = ref({"selector": selector})
+ let selectStateFromSpy = state => {
+ let spySelector = selectorSpyObject.contents["selector"]
+ spySelector(state)
+ }
+ module Comp = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = () => {
+ let _ = TestStoreContext.useSelector(selectStateFromSpy)
+ }
+ }
+ let element =
+ render(element) |> unmount() |> ignore
+ // start spying after unmount
+ let spy = setupSpy(selectorSpyObject.contents)
+ act(() => Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Increment))
+ act(() => Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Decrement))
+ act(() => Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Increment))
+ let expectSelectorToHaveBeenCalled: spyReturnMockValue => unit = %raw(`
+ function (spy) {
+ console.log(spy)
+ return expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0)
+ }
+ `)
+ expectSelectorToHaveBeenCalled(spy)
+ expect(true) |> toEqual(true)
+ })
+ })
+ describe("useStore", () => {
+ test("gets the store", () => {
+ let container = renderHook(() => TestStoreContext.useStore(), ~options, ())
+ expect(getResult(container)) |> toEqual(TestStoreContext.appStore)
+ })
+ test("re-renders component on store updates", () => {
+ let container = renderHook(() => TestStoreContext.useStore(), ~options, ())
+ act(() => {
+ Reductive.Store.dispatch(TestStoreContext.appStore, Increment)
+ ()
+ })
+ let state = container->getResult->Reductive.Store.getState
+ expect(state.counter) |> toEqual(1)
+ })
+ })
+ describe("useDispatch", () =>
+ test("has stable reference", () => {
+ let dispatchRerenders: ref = ref(0)
+ let forceRender = ref(() => ())
+ module Comp = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = () => {
+ let (_, setState) = React.useState(() => 0)
+ forceRender := (() => setState(prev => prev + 1))
+ let dispatch = TestStoreContext.useDispatch()
+ React.useEffect1(() => {
+ dispatchRerenders := dispatchRerenders.contents + 1
+ None
+ }, [dispatch])
+ }
+ }
+ let element =
+ render(element) |> ignore
+ act(() => forceRender.contents())
+ act(() => forceRender.contents())
+ act(() => forceRender.contents())
+ expect(dispatchRerenders.contents) |> toEqual(1)
+ })
+ )
diff --git a/bsconfig.json b/bsconfig.json
index ead74a2..da911d4 100644
--- a/bsconfig.json
+++ b/bsconfig.json
@@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
"name": "reductive",
"refmt": 3,
- "bsc-flags": [
- "-bs-super-errors"
- ],
+ "bsc-flags": ["-bs-super-errors"],
"reason": {
"react-jsx": 3
- "bs-dependencies": [
- "reason-react"
- ],
+ "bs-dependencies": ["@rescript/react"],
"bs-dev-dependencies": [
- "immutable-re",
- "bs-react-testing-library",
- "reason-hooks-testing-library"
+ "@rescriptbr/react-testing-library"
"sources": [
diff --git a/examples/basic/basicEntry.re b/examples/basic/basicEntry.re
deleted file mode 100644
index 45149ef..0000000
--- a/examples/basic/basicEntry.re
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-let unsubscribe = Reductive.Store.subscribe(SimpleStore.store, () => Js.log("store has updated"));
-let dispatch = Reductive.Store.dispatch(SimpleStore.store);
- SimpleStore.store,
- () => Js.log(Reductive.Store.getState(SimpleStore.store))
-/* when replacing reducers, the action and state types must match*/
-Reductive.Store.replaceReducer(SimpleStore.store, SimpleStore.doubleCounter);
- ComplexStore.store,
- () => Js.log(Reductive.Store.getState(ComplexStore.store))
-Reductive.Store.dispatch(ComplexStore.store, ComplexStore.StringAction(A));
-Reductive.Store.dispatch(ComplexStore.store, ComplexStore.StringAction(B));
-Reductive.Store.dispatch(ComplexStore.store, ComplexStore.CounterAction(Increment));
diff --git a/examples/basic/basicEntry.res b/examples/basic/basicEntry.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30694b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/basic/basicEntry.res
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+let unsubscribe = Reductive.Store.subscribe(SimpleStore.store, () => Js.log("store has updated"))
+let dispatch = Reductive.Store.dispatch(SimpleStore.store)
+let _: unit => unit = Reductive.Store.subscribe(SimpleStore.store, () =>
+ Js.log(Reductive.Store.getState(SimpleStore.store))
+/* when replacing reducers, the action and state types must match */
+Reductive.Store.replaceReducer(SimpleStore.store, SimpleStore.doubleCounter)
+let _: unit => unit = Reductive.Store.subscribe(ComplexStore.store, () =>
+ Js.log(Reductive.Store.getState(ComplexStore.store))
+Reductive.Store.dispatch(ComplexStore.store, ComplexStore.StringAction(A))
+Reductive.Store.dispatch(ComplexStore.store, ComplexStore.StringAction(B))
+Reductive.Store.dispatch(ComplexStore.store, ComplexStore.CounterAction(Increment))
diff --git a/examples/basic/complexStore.re b/examples/basic/complexStore.res
similarity index 64%
rename from examples/basic/complexStore.re
rename to examples/basic/complexStore.res
index 024547f..fa43d47 100644
--- a/examples/basic/complexStore.re
+++ b/examples/basic/complexStore.res
@@ -1,34 +1,33 @@
-open SimpleStore;
+open SimpleStore
type stringAction =
| A
- | B;
+ | B
let stringReduce = (state, action) =>
switch action {
| A => state ++ "a"
| B => state ++ "b"
- };
+ }
type appActions =
| StringAction(stringAction)
- | CounterAction(action);
+ | CounterAction(action)
type appState = {
counter: int,
- notACounter: string
+ notACounter: string,
let appReducer = (state, action) =>
switch action {
| StringAction(action) => {...state, notACounter: stringReduce(state.notACounter, action)}
| CounterAction(action) => {...state, counter: counter(state.counter, action)}
- };
+ }
-let store =
- Reductive.Store.create(
- ~reducer=appReducer,
- ~preloadedState={counter: 0, notACounter: ""},
- ~enhancer=Middleware.logger,
- ()
- );
+let store = Reductive.Store.create(
+ ~reducer=appReducer,
+ ~preloadedState={counter: 0, notACounter: ""},
+ ~enhancer=Middleware.logger,
+ (),
diff --git a/examples/basic/simpleStore.re b/examples/basic/simpleStore.res
similarity index 89%
rename from examples/basic/simpleStore.re
rename to examples/basic/simpleStore.res
index 63b4911..62ee3d2 100644
--- a/examples/basic/simpleStore.re
+++ b/examples/basic/simpleStore.res
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
type action =
| Increment
- | Decrement;
+ | Decrement
let counter = (state, action) =>
switch action {
| Increment => state + 1
| Decrement => state - 1
- };
+ }
let doubleCounter = (state, action) =>
switch action {
| Increment => state + 2
| Decrement => state - 2
- };
+ }
-let store = Reductive.Store.create(~reducer=counter, ~preloadedState=0, ());
+let store = Reductive.Store.create(~reducer=counter, ~preloadedState=0, ())
diff --git a/examples/immutable/appState.re b/examples/immutable/appState.res
similarity index 57%
rename from examples/immutable/appState.re
rename to examples/immutable/appState.res
index 2615484..1d0e3cd 100644
--- a/examples/immutable/appState.re
+++ b/examples/immutable/appState.res
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
type appState = {
counter: int,
- notACounter: string
+ notACounter: string,
diff --git a/examples/immutable/immutableEntry.re b/examples/immutable/immutableEntry.re
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ae06ed..0000000
--- a/examples/immutable/immutableEntry.re
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-[@bs.config {jsx: 3}];
- ,
- "index",
diff --git a/examples/immutable/immutableEntry.res b/examples/immutable/immutableEntry.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83ba12c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/immutable/immutableEntry.res
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ ReactDOM.render(
+ ,
+ ),
diff --git a/examples/immutable/immutableRenderer.re b/examples/immutable/immutableRenderer.re
deleted file mode 100644
index b883db8..0000000
--- a/examples/immutable/immutableRenderer.re
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-[@bs.config {jsx: 3}];
-let stateSelector = state => state;
-let make = () => {
- let state = TimeTravelStore.useSelector(stateSelector);
- let dispatch = TimeTravelStore.useDispatch();
- let incrementIfOdd =
- (store: Reductive.Store.t(ReduxThunk.thunk(AppState.appState), AppState.appState)) =>
- switch (Reductive.Store.getState(store)) {
- | {counter} when counter mod 2 === 1 =>
- Reductive.Store.dispatch(store, TimeTravelStore.CounterAction(SimpleStore.Increment))
- | _ => ()
- };
- let incrementAsync = (store) =>
- ignore(
- Js.Global.setTimeout(
- () =>
- Reductive.Store.dispatch(store, TimeTravelStore.CounterAction(SimpleStore.Increment)),
- 1000
- )
- );
(ReasonReact.string("string: " ++ state.notACounter))
(ReasonReact.string("counter: " ++ string_of_int(state.counter)))
- (ReasonReact.string("Increment"))
- (ReasonReact.string("Decrement"))
- (ReasonReact.string("add a"))
- (ReasonReact.string("Increment Async"))
- (ReasonReact.string("Increment if Odd"))
- (ReasonReact.string("Undo"))
- (ReasonReact.string("Redo"))
diff --git a/examples/immutable/immutableRenderer.res b/examples/immutable/immutableRenderer.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..655f337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/immutable/immutableRenderer.res
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+let stateSelector = state => state
+let make = () => {
+ let state = TimeTravelStore.useSelector(stateSelector)
+ let dispatch = TimeTravelStore.useDispatch()
+ let incrementIfOdd = (
+ store: Reductive.Store.t, AppState.appState>,
+ ) =>
+ switch Reductive.Store.getState(store) {
+ | {counter} if mod(counter, 2) === 1 =>
+ Reductive.Store.dispatch(store, TimeTravelStore.CounterAction(SimpleStore.Increment))
+ | _ => ()
+ }
+ let incrementAsync = store =>
+ ignore(
+ Js.Global.setTimeout(
+ () => Reductive.Store.dispatch(store, TimeTravelStore.CounterAction(SimpleStore.Increment)),
+ 1000,
+ ),
+ )
{React.string("string: " ++ state.notACounter)}
{React.string("counter: " ++ string_of_int(state.counter))}
+ {React.string("Increment")}
+ {React.string("Decrement")}
+ {React.string("add a")}
+ {React.string("Increment Async")}
+ {React.string("Increment if Odd")}
+ {React.string("Undo")}
dispatch(TimeTravelStore.TravelForward)}> {React.string("Redo")}
diff --git a/examples/immutable/timeTravelStore.re b/examples/immutable/timeTravelStore.re
deleted file mode 100644
index b4d403a..0000000
--- a/examples/immutable/timeTravelStore.re
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-open SimpleStore;
-type stringAction =
- | A
- | B;
-let stringReduce = (state, action) =>
- switch action {
- | A => state ++ "a"
- | B => state ++ "b"
- };
-type ReduxThunk.thunk(_) +=
- | StringAction (stringAction)
- | CounterAction (action);
-type ReduxThunk.thunk('a) +=
- | ReplaceState ('a);
-let appReducter = (state: AppState.appState, action) =>
- switch action {
- | StringAction(action) => {...state, notACounter: stringReduce(state.notACounter, action)}
- | CounterAction(action) => {...state, counter: counter(state.counter, action)}
- | ReplaceState(replacedState) => replacedState
- | _ => state
- };
-type ReduxThunk.thunk(_) +=
- | TravelBackward
- | TravelForward;
-let past = ref(Immutable.Stack.empty());
-let future = ref(Immutable.Stack.empty());
-let goBack = currentState =>
- switch (Immutable.Stack.first(past^)) {
- | Some(lastState) =>
- future := Immutable.Stack.addFirst(currentState, future^);
- if (Immutable.Stack.isNotEmpty(past^)) {
- past := Immutable.Stack.removeFirstOrRaise(past^);
- };
- lastState;
- | None => currentState
- };
-let goForward = currentState =>
- switch (Immutable.Stack.first(future^)) {
- | Some(nextState) =>
- past := Immutable.Stack.addFirst(currentState, past^);
- if (Immutable.Stack.isNotEmpty(future^)) {
- future := Immutable.Stack.removeFirstOrRaise(future^);
- };
- nextState;
- | None => currentState
- };
-let recordHistory = currentState => {
- past := Immutable.Stack.addFirst(currentState, past^);
- future := Immutable.Stack.empty();
-let timeTravel = (store, next, action) => {
- let currentState = Reductive.Store.getState(store);
- switch (action) {
- | TravelBackward => next(ReplaceState(goBack(currentState)))
- | TravelForward => next(ReplaceState(goForward(currentState)))
- | _ =>
- next(action);
- let newState = Reductive.Store.getState(store);
- if (currentState !== newState) {
- recordHistory(currentState);
- };
- };
-let thunkedLoggedTimeTravelLogger = (store, next) =>
- Middleware.thunk(store) @@
- Middleware.logger(store) @@
- timeTravel(store) @@
- next;
-let timeTravelStore =
- Reductive.Store.create(
- ~reducer=appReducter,
- ~preloadedState={counter: 0, notACounter: ""},
- ~enhancer=thunkedLoggedTimeTravelLogger,
- (),
- );
-include ReductiveContext.Make({
- type action = ReduxThunk.thunk(AppState.appState);
- type state = AppState.appState;
diff --git a/examples/immutable/timeTravelStore.res b/examples/immutable/timeTravelStore.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8acef4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/immutable/timeTravelStore.res
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+open SimpleStore
+type stringAction =
+ | A
+ | B
+let stringReduce = (state, action) =>
+ switch action {
+ | A => state ++ "a"
+ | B => state ++ "b"
+ }
+type ReduxThunk.thunk<_> +=
+ | StringAction(stringAction)
+ | CounterAction(action)
+type ReduxThunk.thunk<'a> +=
+ | ReplaceState('a)
+let appReducter = (state: AppState.appState, action) =>
+ switch action {
+ | StringAction(action) => {...state, notACounter: stringReduce(state.notACounter, action)}
+ | CounterAction(action) => {...state, counter: counter(state.counter, action)}
+ | ReplaceState(replacedState) => replacedState
+ | _ => state
+ }
+type ReduxThunk.thunk<_> +=
+ | TravelBackward
+ | TravelForward
+let past = ref(list{})
+let future = ref(list{})
+let goBack = currentState =>
+ switch Belt.List.head(past.contents) {
+ | Some(lastState) =>
+ future := Belt.List.add(future.contents, currentState)
+ past :=
+ switch past.contents {
+ | list{} => list{}
+ | list{_, ...t} => t
+ }
+ lastState
+ | None => currentState
+ }
+let goForward = currentState =>
+ switch Belt.List.head(future.contents) {
+ | Some(nextState) =>
+ past := Belt.List.add(past.contents, currentState)
+ future :=
+ switch future.contents {
+ | list{} => list{}
+ | list{_, ...t} => t
+ }
+ nextState
+ | None => currentState
+ }
+let recordHistory = currentState => {
+ past := Belt.List.add(past.contents, currentState)
+ future := list{}
+let timeTravel = (store, next, action) => {
+ let currentState = Reductive.Store.getState(store)
+ switch action {
+ | TravelBackward => next(ReplaceState(goBack(currentState)))
+ | TravelForward => next(ReplaceState(goForward(currentState)))
+ | _ =>
+ next(action)
+ let newState = Reductive.Store.getState(store)
+ if currentState !== newState {
+ recordHistory(currentState)
+ }
+ }
+let thunkedLoggedTimeTravelLogger = (store, next) =>
+ \"@@"(Middleware.thunk(store), \"@@"(Middleware.logger(store), \"@@"(timeTravel(store), next)))
+let timeTravelStore = Reductive.Store.create(
+ ~reducer=appReducter,
+ ~preloadedState={counter: 0, notACounter: ""},
+ ~enhancer=thunkedLoggedTimeTravelLogger,
+ (),
+include ReductiveContext.Make({
+ type action = ReduxThunk.thunk
+ type state = AppState.appState
diff --git a/examples/middleware.re b/examples/middleware.res
similarity index 85%
rename from examples/middleware.re
rename to examples/middleware.res
index fef168b..ef8a460 100644
--- a/examples/middleware.re
+++ b/examples/middleware.res
@@ -6,18 +6,17 @@
* return value can be used by the middleware that called you (optional)
+/* **
* logs the action before dispatching and the new state after.
let logger = (store, next, action) => {
- Js.log(action);
- let returnValue = next(action);
- Js.log(Reductive.Store.getState(store));
+ Js.log(action)
+ let returnValue = next(action)
+ Js.log(Reductive.Store.getState(store))
+/* **
* middleware that listens for a specific action and calls that function.
* Allows for async actions.
@@ -25,4 +24,4 @@ let thunk = (store, next, action) =>
switch action {
| ReduxThunk.Thunk(func) => func(store)
| _ => next(action)
- };
+ }
diff --git a/examples/react/dataRenderer.re b/examples/react/dataRenderer.re
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a4b4b7..0000000
--- a/examples/react/dataRenderer.re
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-let stateSelector = state => state;
-let make = () => {
- let state = ThunkedStore.useSelector(stateSelector);
- let dispatch = ThunkedStore.useDispatch();
- let incrementIfOdd =
- (store: Reductive.Store.t(ReduxThunk.thunk(ThunkedStore.appState), ThunkedStore.appState)) =>
- switch (Reductive.Store.getState(store)) {
- | {counter} when counter mod 2 === 1 =>
- Reductive.Store.dispatch(store, ThunkedStore.CounterAction(SimpleStore.Increment))
- | _ => ()
- };
- let incrementAsync = (store) =>
- ignore(
- Js.Global.setTimeout(
- () => Reductive.Store.dispatch(store, ThunkedStore.CounterAction(SimpleStore.Increment)),
- 1000
- )
- );
(ReasonReact.string("string: " ++ state.notACounter))
(ReasonReact.string("counter: " ++ string_of_int(state.counter)))
- (ReasonReact.string("Increment"))
- (ReasonReact.string("Decrement"))
- (ReasonReact.string("add a"))
- (ReasonReact.string("Increment Async"))
- (ReasonReact.string("Increment if Odd"))
diff --git a/examples/react/dataRenderer.res b/examples/react/dataRenderer.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ba09e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/react/dataRenderer.res
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+let stateSelector = state => state
+let make = () => {
+ let state = ThunkedStore.useSelector(stateSelector)
+ let dispatch = ThunkedStore.useDispatch()
+ let incrementIfOdd = (
+ store: Reductive.Store.t, ThunkedStore.appState>,
+ ) =>
+ switch Reductive.Store.getState(store) {
+ | {counter} if mod(counter, 2) === 1 =>
+ Reductive.Store.dispatch(store, ThunkedStore.CounterAction(SimpleStore.Increment))
+ | _ => ()
+ }
+ let incrementAsync = store =>
+ ignore(
+ Js.Global.setTimeout(
+ () => Reductive.Store.dispatch(store, ThunkedStore.CounterAction(SimpleStore.Increment)),
+ 1000,
+ ),
+ )
{React.string("string: " ++ state.notACounter)}
{React.string("counter: " ++ string_of_int(state.counter))}
+ {React.string("Increment")}
+ {React.string("Decrement")}
+ {React.string("add a")}
+ {React.string("Increment Async")}
+ {React.string("Increment if Odd")}
diff --git a/examples/react/reactEntry.re b/examples/react/reactEntry.re
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fa98db..0000000
--- a/examples/react/reactEntry.re
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-[@bs.config {jsx: 3}];
- ,
- "index",
diff --git a/examples/react/reactEntry.res b/examples/react/reactEntry.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86fa6dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/react/reactEntry.res
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ ReactDOM.render(
+ ,
+ ),
diff --git a/examples/react/reduxThunk.re b/examples/react/reduxThunk.re
deleted file mode 100644
index ddfb302..0000000
--- a/examples/react/reduxThunk.re
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-type thunk('state) = ..;
-type thunk('state) +=
- | Thunk ((Reductive.Store.t(thunk('state), 'state) => unit));
diff --git a/examples/react/reduxThunk.res b/examples/react/reduxThunk.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee094fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/react/reduxThunk.res
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+type thunk<'state> = ..
+type thunk<'state> +=
+ | Thunk(Reductive.Store.t, 'state> => unit)
diff --git a/examples/react/thunkedStore.re b/examples/react/thunkedStore.re
deleted file mode 100644
index bd8efc1..0000000
--- a/examples/react/thunkedStore.re
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-[@bs.config {jsx: 3}];
-open SimpleStore;
-type stringAction =
- | A
- | B;
-let stringReduce = (state, action) =>
- switch action {
- | A => state ++ "a"
- | B => state ++ "b"
- };
-type ReduxThunk.thunk(_) +=
- | StringAction (stringAction)
- | CounterAction (action);
-type appState = {
- counter: int,
- notACounter: string
-let appReducer = (state, action) =>
- switch action {
- | StringAction(action) => {...state, notACounter: stringReduce(state.notACounter, action)}
- | CounterAction(action) => {...state, counter: counter(state.counter, action)}
- | _ => state
- };
-let thunkedLogger = (store, next) => Middleware.thunk(store) @@ Middleware.logger(store) @@ next;
-let appStore =
- Reductive.Store.create(
- ~reducer=appReducer,
- ~preloadedState={counter: 0, notACounter: ""},
- ~enhancer=thunkedLogger,
- (),
- );
-include ReductiveContext.Make({
- type state = appState;
- type action = ReduxThunk.thunk(appState);
diff --git a/examples/react/thunkedStore.res b/examples/react/thunkedStore.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eea3f87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/react/thunkedStore.res
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+open SimpleStore
+type stringAction =
+ | A
+ | B
+let stringReduce = (state, action) =>
+ switch action {
+ | A => state ++ "a"
+ | B => state ++ "b"
+ }
+type ReduxThunk.thunk<_> +=
+ | StringAction(stringAction)
+ | CounterAction(action)
+type appState = {
+ counter: int,
+ notACounter: string,
+let appReducer = (state, action) =>
+ switch action {
+ | StringAction(action) => {...state, notACounter: stringReduce(state.notACounter, action)}
+ | CounterAction(action) => {...state, counter: counter(state.counter, action)}
+ | _ => state
+ }
+let thunkedLogger = (store, next) =>
+ \"@@"(Middleware.thunk(store), \"@@"(Middleware.logger(store), next))
+let appStore = Reductive.Store.create(
+ ~reducer=appReducer,
+ ~preloadedState={counter: 0, notACounter: ""},
+ ~enhancer=thunkedLogger,
+ (),
+include ReductiveContext.Make({
+ type state = appState
+ type action = ReduxThunk.thunk
diff --git a/examples/render-v2/renderEntryV2.re b/examples/render-v2/renderEntryV2.res
similarity index 50%
rename from examples/render-v2/renderEntryV2.re
rename to examples/render-v2/renderEntryV2.res
index e9b322c..2c0424f 100644
--- a/examples/render-v2/renderEntryV2.re
+++ b/examples/render-v2/renderEntryV2.res
@@ -9,39 +9,39 @@
module Counter = {
type counterAction =
| Increment
- | Decrement;
+ | Decrement
let counterReduce = (state, action) =>
- switch (action) {
+ switch action {
| Increment => state + 1
| Decrement => state - 1
- };
+ }
module Content = {
type contentAction =
| AppendA
- | AppendB;
+ | AppendB
let contentReduce = (state, action) =>
- switch (action) {
+ switch action {
| AppendA => state ++ "A"
| AppendB => state ++ "B"
- };
+ }
module App = {
type appState = {
counter: int,
content: string,
- };
+ }
type appAction =
| CounterAction(Counter.counterAction)
- | StringAction(Content.contentAction);
+ | StringAction(Content.contentAction)
let appReducer = (state, action) =>
- switch (action) {
+ switch action {
| StringAction(action) => {
content: Content.contentReduce(state.content, action),
@@ -50,77 +50,64 @@ module App = {
counter: Counter.counterReduce(state.counter, action),
- };
+ }
module Store = {
include ReductiveContext.Make({
- type action = App.appAction;
- type state = App.appState;
- });
+ type action = App.appAction
+ type state = App.appState
+ })
- let logger = (store, next) => Middleware.logger(store) @@ next;
+ let logger = (store, next) => \"@@"(Middleware.logger(store), next)
- let store =
- Reductive.Store.create(
- ~reducer=App.appReducer,
- ~preloadedState={counter: 0, content: ""},
- ~enhancer=logger,
- (),
- );
+ let store = Reductive.Store.create(
+ ~reducer=App.appReducer,
+ ~preloadedState={counter: 0, content: ""},
+ ~enhancer=logger,
+ (),
+ )
module Selectors = {
- open App;
- let state = state => state;
- let contentState = state => state.content;
- let counterState = state => state.counter;
- };
+ open App
+ let state = state => state
+ let contentState = state => state.content
+ let counterState = state => state.counter
+ }
module ContentComponent = {
- [@react.component]
+ @react.component
let make = () => {
- let dispatch = Store.useDispatch();
- let state = Store.useSelector(Store.Selectors.contentState);
+ let dispatch = Store.useDispatch()
+ let state = Store.useSelector(Store.Selectors.contentState)
{ReasonReact.string("Content: " ++ state)}
- {ReasonReact.string("+A")}
- {ReasonReact.string("+B")}
- };
+ {React.string("Content: " ++ state)}
+ dispatch(StringAction(AppendA))}> {React.string("+A")}
+ dispatch(StringAction(AppendB))}> {React.string("+B")}
+ }
module CounterComponent = {
- [@react.component]
+ @react.component
let make = () => {
- let dispatch = Store.useDispatch();
- let state = Store.useSelector(Store.Selectors.counterState);
+ let dispatch = Store.useDispatch()
+ let state = Store.useSelector(Store.Selectors.counterState)
{React.string("Counter: " ++ string_of_int(state))}
- {React.string("++")}
- {React.string("--")}
- };
+ dispatch(CounterAction(Increment))}> {React.string("++")}
+ dispatch(CounterAction(Decrement))}> {React.string("--")}
+ }
module RenderApp = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = () => {
+ @react.component
+ let make = () =>
- };
-ReactDOMRe.renderToElementWithId( , "index");
+ReactDOM.querySelector("#index")->Belt.Option.forEach(ReactDOM.render( ))
diff --git a/examples/render/renderEntry.re b/examples/render/renderEntry.re
deleted file mode 100644
index 56447e7..0000000
--- a/examples/render/renderEntry.re
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-[@bs.config {jsx: 3}];
- * Example using multiple components to represent different slices of state.
- * Updating the state exposed by one component should not cause the other
- * components to also update (visually). Use the React Devtools "highlight
- * updates" feature to see this in action. If that proves difficult, then
- * try the Chrome devtools Rendering options, enabling "Paint flashing".
- */
-type counterAction =
- | Increment
- | Decrement;
-let counterReduce = (state, action) =>
- switch (action) {
- | Increment => state + 1
- | Decrement => state - 1
- };
-type stringAction =
- | AppendA
- | AppendB;
-let stringReduce = (state, action) =>
- switch (action) {
- | AppendA => state ++ "A"
- | AppendB => state ++ "B"
- };
-type ReduxThunk.thunk(_) +=
- | StringAction(stringAction)
- | CounterAction(counterAction);
-type appState = {
- counter: int,
- content: string,
-let appReducer = (state, action) =>
- switch (action) {
- | StringAction(action) => {
- ...state,
- content: stringReduce(state.content, action),
- }
- | CounterAction(action) => {
- ...state,
- counter: counterReduce(state.counter, action),
- }
- | _ => state
- };
-let thunkedLogger = (store, next) =>
- Middleware.thunk(store) @@ Middleware.logger(store) @@ next;
-let appStore =
- Reductive.Store.create(
- ~reducer=appReducer,
- ~preloadedState={counter: 0, content: ""},
- ~enhancer=thunkedLogger,
- (),
- );
-module AppStore = {
- include ReductiveContext.Make({
- type state = appState;
- type action = ReduxThunk.thunk(appState);
- });
-let contentSelector = state => state.content;
-module StringComponent = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = () => {
- let dispatch = AppStore.useDispatch();
- let state = AppStore.useSelector(contentSelector);
{ReasonReact.string("Content: " ++ state)}
- {ReasonReact.string("+A")}
- {ReasonReact.string("+B")}
- };
-let counterSelector = state => state.counter;
-module CounterComponent = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = () => {
- let dispatch = AppStore.useDispatch();
- let state = AppStore.useSelector(counterSelector);
{ReasonReact.string("Counter: " ++ string_of_int(state))}
- {ReasonReact.string("++")}
- {ReasonReact.string("--")}
- };
-module RenderApp = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = () => {
- };
-ReactDOMRe.renderToElementWithId( , "index");
diff --git a/examples/render/renderEntry.res b/examples/render/renderEntry.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91b76c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/render/renderEntry.res
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ * Example using multiple components to represent different slices of state.
+ * Updating the state exposed by one component should not cause the other
+ * components to also update (visually). Use the React Devtools "highlight
+ * updates" feature to see this in action. If that proves difficult, then
+ * try the Chrome devtools Rendering options, enabling "Paint flashing".
+ */
+type counterAction =
+ | Increment
+ | Decrement
+let counterReduce = (state, action) =>
+ switch action {
+ | Increment => state + 1
+ | Decrement => state - 1
+ }
+type stringAction =
+ | AppendA
+ | AppendB
+let stringReduce = (state, action) =>
+ switch action {
+ | AppendA => state ++ "A"
+ | AppendB => state ++ "B"
+ }
+type ReduxThunk.thunk<_> +=
+ | StringAction(stringAction)
+ | CounterAction(counterAction)
+type appState = {
+ counter: int,
+ content: string,
+let appReducer = (state, action) =>
+ switch action {
+ | StringAction(action) => {
+ ...state,
+ content: stringReduce(state.content, action),
+ }
+ | CounterAction(action) => {
+ ...state,
+ counter: counterReduce(state.counter, action),
+ }
+ | _ => state
+ }
+let thunkedLogger = (store, next) =>
+ \"@@"(Middleware.thunk(store), \"@@"(Middleware.logger(store), next))
+let appStore = Reductive.Store.create(
+ ~reducer=appReducer,
+ ~preloadedState={counter: 0, content: ""},
+ ~enhancer=thunkedLogger,
+ (),
+module AppStore = {
+ include ReductiveContext.Make({
+ type state = appState
+ type action = ReduxThunk.thunk
+ })
+let contentSelector = state => state.content
+module StringComponent = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = () => {
+ let dispatch = AppStore.useDispatch()
+ let state = AppStore.useSelector(contentSelector)
{React.string("Content: " ++ state)}
dispatch(StringAction(AppendA))}> {React.string("+A")}
dispatch(StringAction(AppendB))}> {React.string("+B")}
+ }
+let counterSelector = state => state.counter
+module CounterComponent = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = () => {
+ let dispatch = AppStore.useDispatch()
+ let state = AppStore.useSelector(counterSelector)
{React.string("Counter: " ++ string_of_int(state))}
dispatch(CounterAction(Increment))}> {React.string("++")}
dispatch(CounterAction(Decrement))}> {React.string("--")}
+ }
+module RenderApp = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = () =>
+ReactDOM.querySelector("#index")->Belt.Option.forEach(ReactDOM.render( ))
diff --git a/examples/todomvc/todomvcEntry.re b/examples/todomvc/todomvcEntry.re
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fa4b37..0000000
--- a/examples/todomvc/todomvcEntry.re
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-[@bs.config {jsx: 3}];
- * Example of a todo list, loosely based on the redux example, mixed with
- * some code from Jared Forsyth's ReasonReact tutorial, and Cheng Lou's
- * todomvc ReasonReact example.
- *
- * Borrowed CSS from https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc-app-css
- */
-type visibility =
- | ALL
-type appAction =
- | AddItem(string)
- | Show(visibility)
- | UpdateItem(int, string)
- | ToggleItem(int)
- | ToggleAll(bool)
- | ClearItem(int)
- | ClearCompleted;
-type todo = {
- id: int,
- text: string,
- completed: bool,
-type appState = {
- todos: list(todo),
- filter: visibility,
-let lastId = ref(0);
-let newItem = text => {
- lastId := lastId^ + 1;
- {id: lastId^, text, completed: false};
-let appReducer = (state, action) =>
- switch (action) {
- | AddItem(text) => {...state, todos: [newItem(text), ...state.todos]}
- | Show(vis) => {...state, filter: vis}
- | UpdateItem(id, text) => {
- ...state,
- todos:
- List.map(
- todo => todo.id == id ? {...todo, text} : todo,
- state.todos,
- ),
- }
- | ToggleItem(id) => {
- ...state,
- todos:
- List.map(
- todo =>
- todo.id == id ? {...todo, completed: !todo.completed} : todo,
- state.todos,
- ),
- }
- | ToggleAll(checked) => {
- ...state,
- todos: List.map(todo => {...todo, completed: checked}, state.todos),
- }
- | ClearItem(id) => {
- ...state,
- todos: List.filter(todo => todo.id != id, state.todos),
- }
- | ClearCompleted => {
- ...state,
- todos: List.filter(todo => !todo.completed, state.todos),
- }
- };
-let logger = (store, next) => Middleware.logger(store) @@ next;
-let appStore =
- Reductive.Store.create(
- ~reducer=appReducer,
- ~preloadedState={todos: [], filter: ALL},
- ~enhancer=logger,
- (),
- );
-module AppStore = {
- include ReductiveContext.Make({
- type action = appAction;
- type state = appState;
- });
-let valueFromEvent = (evt): string => ReactEvent.Form.target(evt)##value;
-module TodoItem = {
- type state = {
- editText: string,
- editing: bool,
- };
- type action =
- | Edit
- | FinishEdit(string)
- | CancelEdit
- | Change(string);
- let getInitialState = todo => {editText: todo.text, editing: false};
- [@react.component]
- let make = (~todo, ~dispatch) => {
- let editFieldRef = React.useRef(Js.Nullable.null);
- let reducer = (state, action) => {
- switch (action) {
- | Edit => {editing: true, editText: todo.text}
- | FinishEdit(editText) => {editing: false, editText}
- | Change(text) => state.editing ? {...state, editText: text} : state
- | CancelEdit => {editing: false, editText: todo.text}
- };
- };
- let (state, todoItemDispatch) =
- React.useReducer(reducer, getInitialState(todo));
- React.useEffect1(
- () => {
- Js.log("Inside effect ");
- let optionRef = editFieldRef->React.Ref.current->Js.Nullable.toOption;
- switch (state.editing, optionRef) {
- | (true, Some(field)) =>
- let node = ReactDOMRe.domElementToObj(field);
- Js.log(node);
- ignore(node##focus());
- ignore(
- node##setSelectionRange(node##value##length, node##value##length),
- );
- | _ => ()
- };
- None;
- },
- [|state.editing|],
- );
- let submit = () => {
- switch (String.trim(state.editText)) {
- | "" => dispatch(ClearItem(todo.id))
- | nonEmptyValue =>
- todoItemDispatch(FinishEdit(nonEmptyValue));
- dispatch(UpdateItem(todo.id, nonEmptyValue));
- };
- };
- let handleKeyDown = key => {
- switch (key) {
- | 27 => todoItemDispatch(CancelEdit)
- | 13 => submit()
- | _ => ()
- };
- };
- let className =
- [todo.completed ? "completed" : "", state.editing ? "editing" : ""]
- |> String.concat(" ");
- dispatch(ToggleItem(todo.id))}
- />
- todoItemDispatch(Edit)}>
- {ReasonReact.string(todo.text)}
- dispatch(ClearItem(todo.id))}
- />
- submit()}
- onChange={event => {
- let value = valueFromEvent(event);
- todoItemDispatch(Change(value));
- }}
- onKeyDown={event => handleKeyDown(ReactEvent.Keyboard.which(event))}
- />
- ;
- };
-module TodoList = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = (~todos, ~dispatch) => {
- let todoItems =
- List.map(
- todo => ,
- todos,
- );
- let todoCount = List.length(todos);
- let completedCount =
- List.length(List.filter(todo => todo.completed, todos));
- let activeTodoCount = todoCount - completedCount;
- ;
- };
-module TodoInput = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = (~onSubmit) => {
- let (value, setValue) = React.useState(() => "");
- let handleChange = event => {
- let value = valueFromEvent(event);
- setValue(_ => value);
- };
- let handleKeyDown = event =>
- if (ReactEvent.Keyboard.key(event) == "Enter") {
- onSubmit(value);
- setValue(_ => "");
- };
- ;
- };
-module AddTodo = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = (~dispatch) => {
- dispatch(AddItem(text))} />;
- };
-module VisibleTodoList = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = (~state: appState, ~dispatch) => {
- let todos =
- switch (state.filter) {
- | ALL => state.todos
- | ACTIVE => List.filter(t => !t.completed, state.todos)
- | COMPLETED => List.filter(t => t.completed, state.todos)
- };
- ;
- };
-module FilterLink = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = (~filter, ~label, ~state: appState, ~dispatch) => {
- let className = filter == state.filter ? "selected" : "";
- dispatch(Show(filter))}>
- {ReasonReact.string(label)}
- ;
- };
-module Footer = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = (~state: appState, ~dispatch) => {
- let completedCount =
- List.length(List.filter(todo => todo.completed, state.todos));
- let activeTodoCount = List.length(state.todos) - completedCount;
- let activeTodoWord = activeTodoCount === 1 ? "item" : "items";
- let clearButton =
- completedCount > 0
- ? dispatch(ClearCompleted)}>
- {ReasonReact.string("Clear completed")}
- : ReasonReact.null;
- {ReasonReact.string(string_of_int(activeTodoCount))}
- {ReasonReact.string(" " ++ activeTodoWord ++ " left")}
- clearButton
- ;
- };
-let stateSelector = state => state;
-module App = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = () => {
- let dispatch = AppStore.useDispatch();
- let state = AppStore.useSelector(stateSelector);
- {ReasonReact.string("todos")}
- };
- ,
- "TodoApp",
diff --git a/examples/todomvc/todomvcEntry.res b/examples/todomvc/todomvcEntry.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85b33ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/todomvc/todomvcEntry.res
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+ * Example of a todo list, loosely based on the redux example, mixed with
+ * some code from Jared Forsyth's ReasonReact tutorial, and Cheng Lou's
+ * todomvc ReasonReact example.
+ *
+ * Borrowed CSS from https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc-app-css
+ ")
+type visibility =
+ | ALL
+type appAction =
+ | AddItem(string)
+ | Show(visibility)
+ | UpdateItem(int, string)
+ | ToggleItem(int)
+ | ToggleAll(bool)
+ | ClearItem(int)
+ | ClearCompleted
+type todo = {
+ id: int,
+ text: string,
+ completed: bool,
+type appState = {
+ todos: list,
+ filter: visibility,
+let lastId = ref(0)
+let newItem = text => {
+ lastId := lastId.contents + 1
+ {id: lastId.contents, text: text, completed: false}
+let appReducer = (state, action) =>
+ switch action {
+ | AddItem(text) => {...state, todos: list{newItem(text), ...state.todos}}
+ | Show(vis) => {...state, filter: vis}
+ | UpdateItem(id, text) => {
+ ...state,
+ todos: List.map(todo => todo.id == id ? {...todo, text: text} : todo, state.todos),
+ }
+ | ToggleItem(id) => {
+ ...state,
+ todos: List.map(
+ todo => todo.id == id ? {...todo, completed: !todo.completed} : todo,
+ state.todos,
+ ),
+ }
+ | ToggleAll(checked) => {
+ ...state,
+ todos: List.map(todo => {...todo, completed: checked}, state.todos),
+ }
+ | ClearItem(id) => {
+ ...state,
+ todos: List.filter(todo => todo.id != id, state.todos),
+ }
+ | ClearCompleted => {
+ ...state,
+ todos: List.filter(todo => !todo.completed, state.todos),
+ }
+ }
+let logger = (store, next) => \"@@"(Middleware.logger(store), next)
+let appStore = Reductive.Store.create(
+ ~reducer=appReducer,
+ ~preloadedState={todos: list{}, filter: ALL},
+ ~enhancer=logger,
+ (),
+module AppStore = {
+ include ReductiveContext.Make({
+ type action = appAction
+ type state = appState
+ })
+let valueFromEvent = (evt): string => ReactEvent.Form.target(evt)["value"]
+module TodoItem = {
+ type state = {
+ editText: string,
+ editing: bool,
+ }
+ type action =
+ | Edit
+ | FinishEdit(string)
+ | CancelEdit
+ | Change(string)
+ let getInitialState = todo => {editText: todo.text, editing: false}
+ @react.component
+ let make = (~todo, ~dispatch) => {
+ let editFieldRef = React.useRef(Js.Nullable.null)
+ let reducer = (state, action) =>
+ switch action {
+ | Edit => {editing: true, editText: todo.text}
+ | FinishEdit(editText) => {editing: false, editText: editText}
+ | Change(text) => state.editing ? {...state, editText: text} : state
+ | CancelEdit => {editing: false, editText: todo.text}
+ }
+ let (state, todoItemDispatch) = React.useReducer(reducer, getInitialState(todo))
+ React.useEffect1(() => {
+ Js.log("Inside effect ")
+ let optionRef = editFieldRef.current->Js.Nullable.toOption
+ switch (state.editing, optionRef) {
+ | (true, Some(field)) =>
+ let node = ReactDOM.domElementToObj(field)
+ Js.log(node)
+ ignore(node["focus"]())
+ ignore(node["setSelectionRange"](node["value"]["length"], node["value"]["length"]))
+ | _ => ()
+ }
+ None
+ }, [state.editing])
+ let submit = () =>
+ switch String.trim(state.editText) {
+ | "" => dispatch(ClearItem(todo.id))
+ | nonEmptyValue =>
+ todoItemDispatch(FinishEdit(nonEmptyValue))
+ dispatch(UpdateItem(todo.id, nonEmptyValue))
+ }
+ let handleKeyDown = key =>
+ switch key {
+ | 27 => todoItemDispatch(CancelEdit)
+ | 13 => submit()
+ | _ => ()
+ }
+ let className =
+ list{todo.completed ? "completed" : "", state.editing ? "editing" : ""} |> String.concat(" ")
+ dispatch(ToggleItem(todo.id))}
+ />
+ todoItemDispatch(Edit)}> {React.string(todo.text)}
+ dispatch(ClearItem(todo.id))} />
+ submit()}
+ onChange={event => {
+ let value = valueFromEvent(event)
+ todoItemDispatch(Change(value))
+ }}
+ onKeyDown={event => handleKeyDown(ReactEvent.Keyboard.which(event))}
+ />
+ }
+module TodoList = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = (~todos, ~dispatch) => {
+ let todoItems = List.map(todo => , todos)
+ let todoCount = List.length(todos)
+ let completedCount = List.length(List.filter(todo => todo.completed, todos))
+ let activeTodoCount = todoCount - completedCount
+ }
+module TodoInput = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = (~onSubmit) => {
+ let (value, setValue) = React.useState(() => "")
+ let handleChange = event => {
+ let value = valueFromEvent(event)
+ setValue(_ => value)
+ }
+ let handleKeyDown = event =>
+ if ReactEvent.Keyboard.key(event) == "Enter" {
+ onSubmit(value)
+ setValue(_ => "")
+ }
+ }
+module AddTodo = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = (~dispatch) => dispatch(AddItem(text))} />
+module VisibleTodoList = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = (~state: appState, ~dispatch) => {
+ let todos = switch state.filter {
+ | ALL => state.todos
+ | ACTIVE => List.filter(t => !t.completed, state.todos)
+ | COMPLETED => List.filter(t => t.completed, state.todos)
+ }
+ }
+module FilterLink = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = (~filter, ~label, ~state: appState, ~dispatch) => {
+ let className = filter == state.filter ? "selected" : ""
+ dispatch(Show(filter))}> {React.string(label)}
+ }
+module Footer = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = (~state: appState, ~dispatch) => {
+ let completedCount = List.length(List.filter(todo => todo.completed, state.todos))
+ let activeTodoCount = List.length(state.todos) - completedCount
+ let activeTodoWord = activeTodoCount === 1 ? "item" : "items"
+ let clearButton =
+ completedCount > 0
+ ? dispatch(ClearCompleted)}>
+ {React.string("Clear completed")}
+ : React.null
+ {React.string(string_of_int(activeTodoCount))}
+ {React.string(" " ++ (activeTodoWord ++ " left"))}
+ clearButton
+ }
+let stateSelector = state => state
+module App = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = () => {
+ let dispatch = AppStore.useDispatch()
+ let state = AppStore.useSelector(stateSelector)
+ }
+ ReactDOM.render( ),
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index c2a8ac6..3d847b6 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"name": "reductive",
"version": "2.1.1",
- "description": "Redux in Reason",
+ "description": "Redux in ReScript",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
- "build": "bsb -make-world",
- "start": "bsb -make-world -w",
- "clean": "bsb -clean-world",
+ "build": "rescript build",
+ "start": "rescript build -w",
+ "clean": "rescript clean",
"test": "npm run build && jest --silent",
"webpack": "webpack -w"
@@ -17,26 +17,23 @@
"homepage": "https://github.com/reasonml-community/reductive#readme",
"bugs": "https://github.com/reasonml-community/reductive/issues",
"keywords": [
- "reason",
- "reasonml",
- "ocaml",
+ "rescript",
"state management"
"author": "rickyvetter",
"license": "MIT",
"peerDependencies": {
- "reason-react": "^0.7.0"
+ "@rescript/react": "^0.10"
"devDependencies": {
"@glennsl/bs-jest": "^0.4.8",
- "bs-platform": "^5.0.6",
- "bs-react-testing-library": "^0.5.0",
- "immutable-re": "https://github.com/facebookincubator/immutable-re.git",
+ "@rescript/react": "^0.10",
+ "@rescriptbr/react-testing-library": "^1.0.1",
+ "@testing-library/react-hooks": "^7.0.1",
"react": "^16.8.6",
"react-dom": "^16.8.6",
- "reason-hooks-testing-library": "^0.2.0",
- "reason-react": "^0.7.0",
+ "rescript": "^9.1.4",
"webpack": "^4.21.0",
"webpack-cli": "^3.1.2"
diff --git a/src/context.bs.js b/src/context.bs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c8e6ef6..0000000
--- a/src/context.bs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var React = require("react");
-function Make(Config) {
- var context = React.createContext(Config[/* defaultValue */0]);
- var make = context.Provider;
- var Provider = /* module */[/* make */make];
- return /* module */[
- /* context */context,
- /* Provider */Provider
- ];
-exports.Make = Make;
-/* react Not a pure module */
diff --git a/src/reductive.bs.js b/src/reductive.bs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9553bca..0000000
--- a/src/reductive.bs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var List = require("bs-platform/lib/js/list.js");
-var Curry = require("bs-platform/lib/js/curry.js");
-var React = require("react");
-var Caml_option = require("bs-platform/lib/js/caml_option.js");
-var Context$Reductive = require("./context.bs.js");
-function create(reducer, preloadedState, enhancer, param) {
- if (enhancer !== undefined) {
- return /* record */[
- /* state */preloadedState,
- /* reducer */reducer,
- /* listeners : [] */0,
- /* customDispatcher */enhancer
- ];
- } else {
- return /* record */[
- /* state */preloadedState,
- /* reducer */reducer,
- /* listeners : [] */0,
- /* customDispatcher */undefined
- ];
- }
-function unsubscribe(store, listener, param) {
- store[/* listeners */2] = List.filter((function (l) {
- return listener !== l;
- }))(store[/* listeners */2]);
- return /* () */0;
-function subscribe(store, listener) {
- store[/* listeners */2] = /* :: */[
- listener,
- store[/* listeners */2]
- ];
- return (function (param) {
- return unsubscribe(store, listener, param);
- });
-function nativeDispatch(store, action) {
- store[/* state */0] = Curry._2(store[/* reducer */1], store[/* state */0], action);
- return List.iter((function (listener) {
- return Curry._1(listener, /* () */0);
- }), store[/* listeners */2]);
-function dispatch(store, action) {
- var match = store[/* customDispatcher */3];
- if (match !== undefined) {
- return Curry._3(match, store, (function (param) {
- return nativeDispatch(store, param);
- }), action);
- } else {
- return nativeDispatch(store, action);
- }
-function getState(store) {
- return store[/* state */0];
-function replaceReducer(store, reducer) {
- store[/* reducer */1] = reducer;
- return /* () */0;
-var Store = /* module */[
- /* create */create,
- /* unsubscribe */unsubscribe,
- /* subscribe */subscribe,
- /* nativeDispatch */nativeDispatch,
- /* dispatch */dispatch,
- /* getState */getState,
- /* replaceReducer */replaceReducer
-function compose(param) {
- return /* () */0;
-function combineReducers(param) {
- return /* () */0;
-function applyMiddleware(param) {
- return /* () */0;
-function bindActionCreators(actions, dispatch) {
- return List.map((function (action, param) {
- return Curry._1(dispatch, action);
- }), actions);
-function Make(funarg) {
- var defaultValue = funarg[/* store */0];
- var include = Context$Reductive.Make(/* module */[/* defaultValue */defaultValue]);
- var context = include[0];
- var Provider = include[1];
- var Reductive$Make$Provider = function (Props) {
- var children = Props.children;
- return React.createElement(Provider[/* make */0], {
- value: funarg[/* store */0],
- children: children
- });
- };
- var Provider$1 = /* module */[/* make */Reductive$Make$Provider];
- var useSelector = function (selector) {
- var storeFromContext = React.useContext(context);
- var match = React.useReducer((function (s, param) {
- return s + 1 | 0;
- }), 0);
- var forceRerender = match[1];
- var latestSelectedState = React.useRef(undefined);
- var latestSelector = React.useRef(selector);
- React.useLayoutEffect((function () {
- latestSelector.current = selector;
- var newSelectedState = Curry._1(selector, funarg[/* store */0][/* state */0]);
- latestSelectedState.current = Caml_option.some(newSelectedState);
- return undefined;
- }), /* array */[selector]);
- React.useLayoutEffect((function () {
- var checkForUpdates = function (param) {
- var newSelectedState = Curry._1(selector, funarg[/* store */0][/* state */0]);
- var match = latestSelectedState.current;
- var hasStateChanged = match !== undefined ? newSelectedState !== Caml_option.valFromOption(match) : true;
- if (hasStateChanged) {
- latestSelectedState.current = Caml_option.some(newSelectedState);
- return Curry._1(forceRerender, /* () */0);
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- };
- return subscribe(storeFromContext, checkForUpdates);
- }), /* array */[storeFromContext]);
- var currentStoreState = funarg[/* store */0][/* state */0];
- if (latestSelector.current !== selector) {
- return Curry._1(selector, currentStoreState);
- } else {
- var match$1 = latestSelectedState.current;
- if (match$1 !== undefined) {
- return Caml_option.valFromOption(match$1);
- } else {
- return Curry._1(selector, currentStoreState);
- }
- }
- };
- var useDispatch = function (param) {
- var partial_arg = React.useContext(context);
- return (function (param) {
- return dispatch(partial_arg, param);
- });
- };
- return [
- [context],
- Provider$1,
- useSelector,
- useDispatch
- ];
-exports.Store = Store;
-exports.Make = Make;
-exports.compose = compose;
-exports.combineReducers = combineReducers;
-exports.applyMiddleware = applyMiddleware;
-exports.bindActionCreators = bindActionCreators;
-/* react Not a pure module */
diff --git a/src/reductive.re b/src/reductive.re
deleted file mode 100644
index a6e33e8..0000000
--- a/src/reductive.re
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-module Store = {
- type t('action, 'state) = {
- mutable state: 'state,
- mutable reducer: ('state, 'action) => 'state,
- mutable listeners: list(unit => unit),
- customDispatcher:
- option((t('action, 'state), 'action => unit, 'action) => unit),
- };
- let create = (~reducer, ~preloadedState, ~enhancer=?, ()) =>
- switch (preloadedState, enhancer, reducer) {
- | (preloadedState, None, reducer) => {
- state: preloadedState,
- listeners: [],
- reducer,
- customDispatcher: None,
- }
- | (preloadedState, Some(enhancer), reducer) => {
- state: preloadedState,
- listeners: [],
- reducer,
- customDispatcher: Some(enhancer),
- }
- };
- let unsubscribe = (store, listener, ()) =>
- store.listeners = List.filter(l => listener !== l, store.listeners);
- let subscribe = (store, listener) => {
- store.listeners = [listener, ...store.listeners];
- unsubscribe(store, listener);
- };
- let nativeDispatch = (store, action) => {
- store.state = store.reducer(store.state, action);
- List.iter(listener => listener(), store.listeners);
- };
- let dispatch = (store, action) =>
- switch (store.customDispatcher) {
- | Some(customDispatcher) =>
- customDispatcher(store, nativeDispatch(store), action)
- | None => nativeDispatch(store, action)
- };
- let getState = store => store.state;
- let replaceReducer = (store, reducer) => store.reducer = reducer;
-/* deprecated, use hooks API instead */
-module Lense = {
- type state('reductiveState) = {
- reductiveState: option('reductiveState),
- unsubscribe: option(unit => unit),
- };
- type action =
- | UpdateState
- | AddListener(action => unit);
- let createMake =
- (
- ~name="Lense",
- ~lense: 'state => 'lense,
- store: Store.t('action, 'state),
- ) => {
- let innerComponent = ReasonReact.reducerComponent(name);
- let make =
- (
- ~component:
- (
- ~state: 'lense,
- ~dispatch: 'action => unit,
- array(ReasonReact.reactElement)
- ) =>
- ReasonReact.component('a, 'b, 'c),
- _children: array(ReasonReact.reactElement),
- )
- : ReasonReact.component(
- state('lense),
- ReasonReact.noRetainedProps,
- action,
- ) => {
- ...innerComponent,
- initialState: () => {
- reductiveState: Some(lense(Store.getState(store))),
- unsubscribe: None,
- },
- reducer: (action, state) =>
- switch (action) {
- | AddListener(send) =>
- ReasonReact.Update({
- unsubscribe:
- Some(Store.subscribe(store, _ => send(UpdateState))),
- reductiveState: Some(lense(Store.getState(store))),
- })
- | UpdateState =>
- lense(Store.getState(store))
- |. Some
- |. Belt.Option.eq(state.reductiveState, (a,b) => a === b)
- ? ReasonReact.NoUpdate
- : ReasonReact.Update({
- ...state,
- reductiveState: Some(lense(Store.getState(store))),
- })
- },
- didMount: ({send}) => send(AddListener(send)),
- willUnmount: ({state}) =>
- switch (state.unsubscribe) {
- | Some(unsubscribe) => unsubscribe()
- | None => ()
- },
- render: ({state}) =>
- switch (state.reductiveState) {
- | None => ReasonReact.null
- | Some(state) =>
- ReasonReact.element(
- component(~state, ~dispatch=Store.dispatch(store), [||]),
- )
- },
- };
- make;
- };
-/* deprecated, use provider from reductiveContext.re */
-module Provider = {
- type state('reductiveState) = Lense.state('reductiveState);
- type action = Lense.action;
- let createMake = (~name="Provider", store: Store.t('action, 'state)) =>
- Lense.createMake(~name, ~lense=s => s, store);
-/*** These are all visible apis of Redux that aren't needed in Reason.
- * When used, build tools will provide explanation of alternatives.
- * (see .rei for those)
- */
-let compose = _ => ();
-let combineReducers = _ => ();
-let applyMiddleware = _ => ();
-let bindActionCreators = (actions, dispatch) =>
- List.map((action, ()) => dispatch(action), actions);
-type store('action, 'state) = Store.t('action, 'state);
-type reducer('action, 'state) = ('state, 'action) => 'state;
-type middleware('action, 'state) =
- (store('action, 'state), 'action => unit, 'action) => unit;
-type storeCreator('action, 'state) =
- (
- ~reducer: reducer('action, 'state),
- ~preloadedState: 'state,
- ~enhancer: middleware('action, 'state)=?,
- unit
- ) =>
- store('action, 'state);
-type storeEnhancer('action, 'state) =
- storeCreator('action, 'state) => storeCreator('action, 'state);
-type liftedStoreEnhancer('action, 'state, 'enhancedAction, 'enhancedState) =
- (
- ~reducer: reducer('action, 'state),
- ~preloadedState: 'enhancedState,
- ~enhancer: middleware('enhancedAction, 'enhancedState)=?,
- unit
- ) =>
- store('enhancedAction, 'enhancedState);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/reductive.rei b/src/reductive.rei
deleted file mode 100644
index a331c35..0000000
--- a/src/reductive.rei
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-module Store: {
- type t('action, 'state);
- let create:
- (
- ~reducer: ('state, 'action) => 'state,
- ~preloadedState: 'state,
- ~enhancer: (t('action, 'state), 'action => unit, 'action) => unit=?,
- unit
- ) =>
- t('action, 'state);
- let unsubscribe: (t('action, 'state), unit => unit, unit) => unit;
- let subscribe: (t('action, 'state), unit => unit, unit) => unit;
- /* skips all middleware and applies an update directly to the store */
- let nativeDispatch: (t('action, 'state), 'action) => unit;
- let dispatch: (t('action, 'state), 'action) => unit;
- let getState: t('action, 'state) => 'state;
- let replaceReducer:
- (t('action, 'state), ('state, 'action) => 'state) => unit;
-module Lense: {
- type state('reductiveState);
- type action =
- | UpdateState
- | AddListener(action => unit);
- [@deprecated "Legacy API, prefer the new hooks API with jsx 3"]
- let createMake:
- (
- ~name: string=?,
- ~lense: 'state => 'lense,
- Store.t('action, 'state),
- ~component: (
- ~state: 'lense,
- ~dispatch: 'action => unit,
- array(ReasonReact.reactElement)
- ) =>
- ReasonReact.component('a, 'b, 'c),
- array(ReasonReact.reactElement)
- ) =>
- ReasonReact.component(state('lense), ReasonReact.noRetainedProps, action);
-module Provider: {
- type state('reductiveState) = Lense.state('reductiveState);
- type action = Lense.action;
- [@deprecated "Legacy API, prefer the new hooks API with jsx 3"]
- let createMake:
- (
- ~name: string=?,
- Store.t('action, 'state),
- ~component: (
- ~state: 'state,
- ~dispatch: 'action => unit,
- array(ReasonReact.reactElement)
- ) =>
- ReasonReact.component('a, 'b, 'c),
- array(ReasonReact.reactElement)
- ) =>
- ReasonReact.component(state('state), ReasonReact.noRetainedProps, action);
-/*** These are all visible apis of Redux that aren't needed in Reason.
- * When used, build tools will provide explanation of alternatives.
- */
- {|
-Use the |> as an infix operator to chain the
-result of one function into another:
-`compose(f, g, h)(x)`
-in JS goes to
-`x |> h |> g |> f`
-in Reason.
-let compose: _ => unit;
- {|
-combineReducers uses some introspection to determine
-the shape of your state. Instead, consider a declarative pattern like:
-type counterAction =
-| Increment
-| Decrement;
-type stringAction =
-| A
-| B;
-type action =
-| StringAction stringAction
-| CounterAction counterAction;
-type state = {string, counter};
-let combinedReducer state action => {
-| StringAction action => {...state, string: stringReducer state action}
-| CounterAction action => {...state, counter: counterReducer state action}
-this pattern gives you full control over the shape of your state.
-let combineReducers: _ => unit;
- {|
-The enhancer attribute in Redux allows you
-to provide a custom dispatch method (to perform more
-actions before or after the dispatch function). You can simply pass in
-a function directly which handles the exact actions you're looking for.
-To chain middlewares you can do something like:
-let thunkedLoggedTimeTravelLogger store next =>
- Middleware.thunk store @@
- Middleware.logger store @@
- Middleware.timeTravel store @@
- next;
-let applyMiddleware: _ => unit;
- {|
-bindActionCreators is not as useful in Reason,
-since action creators are types, not functions.
-The code is implemented as:
-let bindActionCreators actions dispatch =>
-List.map (fun action () => dispatch action) actions;
-Instead - you are free to build the action data type at dispatch time.
-let bindActionCreators: (list('a), 'a => 'b) => list(unit => 'b);
-type store('action, 'state) = Store.t('action, 'state);
-type reducer('action, 'state) = ('state, 'action) => 'state;
-type middleware('action, 'state) =
- (store('action, 'state), 'action => unit, 'action) => unit;
-type storeCreator('action, 'state) =
- (
- ~reducer: reducer('action, 'state),
- ~preloadedState: 'state,
- ~enhancer: middleware('action, 'state)=?,
- unit
- ) =>
- store('action, 'state);
-type storeEnhancer('action, 'state) =
- storeCreator('action, 'state) => storeCreator('action, 'state);
-type liftedStoreEnhancer('action, 'state, 'enhancedAction, 'enhancedState) =
- (
- ~reducer: reducer('action, 'state),
- ~preloadedState: 'enhancedState,
- ~enhancer: middleware('enhancedAction, 'enhancedState)=?,
- unit
- ) =>
- store('enhancedAction, 'enhancedState);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/reductive.res b/src/reductive.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a24050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/reductive.res
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+module Store = {
+ type rec t<'action, 'state> = {
+ mutable state: 'state,
+ mutable reducer: ('state, 'action) => 'state,
+ mutable listeners: list unit>,
+ customDispatcher: option<(t<'action, 'state>, 'action => unit, 'action) => unit>,
+ }
+ let create = (~reducer, ~preloadedState, ~enhancer=?, ()) =>
+ switch (preloadedState, enhancer, reducer) {
+ | (preloadedState, None, reducer) => {
+ state: preloadedState,
+ listeners: list{},
+ reducer: reducer,
+ customDispatcher: None,
+ }
+ | (preloadedState, Some(enhancer), reducer) => {
+ state: preloadedState,
+ listeners: list{},
+ reducer: reducer,
+ customDispatcher: Some(enhancer),
+ }
+ }
+ let unsubscribe = (store, listener, ()) =>
+ store.listeners = List.filter(l => listener !== l, store.listeners)
+ let subscribe = (store, listener) => {
+ store.listeners = list{listener, ...store.listeners}
+ unsubscribe(store, listener)
+ }
+ let nativeDispatch = (store, action) => {
+ store.state = store.reducer(store.state, action)
+ List.iter(listener => listener(), store.listeners)
+ }
+ let dispatch = (store, action) =>
+ switch store.customDispatcher {
+ | Some(customDispatcher) => customDispatcher(store, nativeDispatch(store), action)
+ | None => nativeDispatch(store, action)
+ }
+ let getState = store => store.state
+ let replaceReducer = (store, reducer) => store.reducer = reducer
+/* ** These are all visible apis of Redux that aren't needed in Reason.
+ * When used, build tools will provide explanation of alternatives.
+ * (see .rei for those)
+ */
+let compose = _ => ()
+let combineReducers = _ => ()
+let applyMiddleware = _ => ()
+let bindActionCreators = (actions, dispatch) => List.map((action, ()) => dispatch(action), actions)
+type store<'action, 'state> = Store.t<'action, 'state>
+type reducer<'action, 'state> = ('state, 'action) => 'state
+type middleware<'action, 'state> = (store<'action, 'state>, 'action => unit, 'action) => unit
+type storeCreator<'action, 'state> = (
+ ~reducer: reducer<'action, 'state>,
+ ~preloadedState: 'state,
+ ~enhancer: middleware<'action, 'state>=?,
+ unit,
+) => store<'action, 'state>
+type storeEnhancer<'action, 'state> = storeCreator<'action, 'state> => storeCreator<'action, 'state>
+type liftedStoreEnhancer<'action, 'state, 'enhancedAction, 'enhancedState> = (
+ ~reducer: reducer<'action, 'state>,
+ ~preloadedState: 'enhancedState,
+ ~enhancer: middleware<'enhancedAction, 'enhancedState>=?,
+ unit,
+) => store<'enhancedAction, 'enhancedState>
diff --git a/src/reductive.resi b/src/reductive.resi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..354ec5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/reductive.resi
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+module Store: {
+ type t<'action, 'state>
+ let create: (
+ ~reducer: ('state, 'action) => 'state,
+ ~preloadedState: 'state,
+ ~enhancer: (t<'action, 'state>, 'action => unit, 'action) => unit=?,
+ unit,
+ ) => t<'action, 'state>
+ let unsubscribe: (t<'action, 'state>, unit => unit, unit) => unit
+ let subscribe: (t<'action, 'state>, unit => unit, unit) => unit
+ /* skips all middleware and applies an update directly to the store */
+ let nativeDispatch: (t<'action, 'state>, 'action) => unit
+ let dispatch: (t<'action, 'state>, 'action) => unit
+ let getState: t<'action, 'state> => 'state
+ let replaceReducer: (t<'action, 'state>, ('state, 'action) => 'state) => unit
+/* ** These are all visible apis of Redux that aren't needed in Reason.
+ * When used, build tools will provide explanation of alternatives.
+ */
+Use the |> as an infix operator to chain the
+result of one function into another:
+\`compose(f, g, h)(x)\`
+in JS goes to
+\`x |> h |> g |> f\`
+in Reason.
+let compose: _ => unit
+combineReducers uses some introspection to determine
+the shape of your state. Instead, consider a declarative pattern like:
+type counterAction =
+| Increment
+| Decrement;
+type stringAction =
+| A
+| B;
+type action =
+| StringAction stringAction
+| CounterAction counterAction;
+type state = {string, counter};
+let combinedReducer state action => {
+| StringAction action => {...state, string: stringReducer state action}
+| CounterAction action => {...state, counter: counterReducer state action}
+this pattern gives you full control over the shape of your state.
+let combineReducers: _ => unit
+The enhancer attribute in Redux allows you
+to provide a custom dispatch method (to perform more
+actions before or after the dispatch function). You can simply pass in
+a function directly which handles the exact actions you're looking for.
+To chain middlewares you can do something like:
+let thunkedLoggedTimeTravelLogger store next =>
+ Middleware.thunk store @@
+ Middleware.logger store @@
+ Middleware.timeTravel store @@
+ next;
+let applyMiddleware: _ => unit
+bindActionCreators is not as useful in Reason,
+since action creators are types, not functions.
+The code is implemented as:
+let bindActionCreators actions dispatch =>
+List.map (fun action () => dispatch action) actions;
+Instead - you are free to build the action data type at dispatch time.
+let bindActionCreators: (list<'a>, 'a => 'b) => list 'b>
+type store<'action, 'state> = Store.t<'action, 'state>
+type reducer<'action, 'state> = ('state, 'action) => 'state
+type middleware<'action, 'state> = (store<'action, 'state>, 'action => unit, 'action) => unit
+type storeCreator<'action, 'state> = (
+ ~reducer: reducer<'action, 'state>,
+ ~preloadedState: 'state,
+ ~enhancer: middleware<'action, 'state>=?,
+ unit,
+) => store<'action, 'state>
+type storeEnhancer<'action, 'state> = storeCreator<'action, 'state> => storeCreator<'action, 'state>
+type liftedStoreEnhancer<'action, 'state, 'enhancedAction, 'enhancedState> = (
+ ~reducer: reducer<'action, 'state>,
+ ~preloadedState: 'enhancedState,
+ ~enhancer: middleware<'enhancedAction, 'enhancedState>=?,
+ unit,
+) => store<'enhancedAction, 'enhancedState>
diff --git a/src/reductiveContext.re b/src/reductiveContext.re
deleted file mode 100644
index ff4199e..0000000
--- a/src/reductiveContext.re
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-module type Config = {
- type state;
- type action;
-module Make = (Config: Config) => {
- open Subscription;
- let storeContext = React.createContext(None);
- module ContextProvider = {
- let make = React.Context.provider(storeContext);
- let makeProps =
- (
- ~value: option(Reductive.Store.t(Config.action, Config.state)),
- ~children,
- (),
- ) => {
- "value": value,
- "children": children,
- };
- };
- module Provider = {
- [@react.component]
- let make = (~children, ~store) => {
- children ;
- };
- };
- let useStore = () => {
- let storeFromContext = React.useContext(storeContext);
- switch (storeFromContext) {
- | None =>
- failwith(
- "Could not find reductive context value; please ensure the component is wrapped in a ",
- )
- | Some(store) => store
- };
- };
- let useSelector = selector => {
- let store = useStore();
- let source =
- React.useMemo2(
- () =>
- {
- subscribe: Reductive.Store.subscribe(store),
- getCurrentValue: () => selector(Reductive.Store.getState(store)),
- },
- (selector, store),
- );
- let selectedState = useSubscription(source);
- selectedState;
- };
- let useDispatch = () => {
- let store = useStore();
- React.useCallback1(Reductive.Store.dispatch(store), [|store|]);
- };
diff --git a/src/reductiveContext.rei b/src/reductiveContext.rei
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c11f5c..0000000
--- a/src/reductiveContext.rei
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-module type Config = {
- type state;
- type action;
-module Make:
- (Config: Config) =>
- {
- module Provider: {
- [@bs.obj]
- external makeProps:
- (
- ~children: 'children,
- ~store: Reductive.Store.t(Config.action, Config.state),
- ~key: string=?,
- unit
- ) =>
- {
- .
- "children": 'children,
- "store": Reductive.Store.t(Config.action, Config.state),
- } =
- "";
- let make:
- {
- .
- "children": React.element,
- "store": Reductive.Store.t(Config.action, Config.state),
- } =>
- React.element;
- };
- let useSelector: (Config.state => 'selectedState) => 'selectedState;
- let useDispatch: (unit, Config.action) => unit;
- let useStore: unit => Reductive.Store.t(Config.action, Config.state);
- };
diff --git a/src/reductiveContext.res b/src/reductiveContext.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1399703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/reductiveContext.res
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+module type Config = {
+ type state
+ type action
+module Make = (Config: Config) => {
+ open Subscription
+ let storeContext = React.createContext(None)
+ module ContextProvider = {
+ let make = React.Context.provider(storeContext)
+ let makeProps = (
+ ~value: option>,
+ ~children,
+ (),
+ ) =>
+ {
+ "value": value,
+ "children": children,
+ }
+ }
+ module Provider = {
+ @react.component
+ let make = (~children, ~store) =>
+ children
+ }
+ let useStore = () => {
+ let storeFromContext = React.useContext(storeContext)
+ switch storeFromContext {
+ | None =>
+ failwith(
+ "Could not find reductive context value; please ensure the component is wrapped in a ",
+ )
+ | Some(store) => store
+ }
+ }
+ let useSelector = selector => {
+ let store = useStore()
+ let source = React.useMemo2(() => {
+ subscribe: Reductive.Store.subscribe(store),
+ getCurrentValue: () => selector(Reductive.Store.getState(store)),
+ }, (selector, store))
+ let selectedState = useSubscription(source)
+ selectedState
+ }
+ let useDispatch = () => {
+ let store = useStore()
+ React.useCallback1(Reductive.Store.dispatch(store), [store])
+ }
diff --git a/src/reductiveContext.resi b/src/reductiveContext.resi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3193a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/reductiveContext.resi
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+module type Config = {
+ type state
+ type action
+module Make: (Config: Config) =>
+ module Provider: {
+ @obj
+ external makeProps: (
+ ~children: 'children,
+ ~store: Reductive.Store.t,
+ ~key: string=?,
+ unit,
+ ) => {"children": 'children, "store": Reductive.Store.t} = ""
+ let make: {
+ "children": React.element,
+ "store": Reductive.Store.t,
+ } => React.element
+ }
+ let useSelector: (Config.state => 'selectedState) => 'selectedState
+ let useDispatch: (unit, Config.action) => unit
+ let useStore: unit => Reductive.Store.t
diff --git a/src/subscription.re b/src/subscription.re
deleted file mode 100644
index cffab86..0000000
--- a/src/subscription.re
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-[@bs.deriving {jsConverter: newType}]
-type source('a) = {
- subscribe: (unit => unit, unit) => unit,
- getCurrentValue: unit => 'a,
-[@bs.module "use-subscription"]
-external useSubscriptionJs: abs_source('a) => 'a = "useSubscription";
-let useSubscription = source => {
- let sourceJs = React.useMemo1(() => sourceToJs(source), [|source|]);
- useSubscriptionJs(sourceJs);
diff --git a/src/subscription.res b/src/subscription.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a7a932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/subscription.res
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+@deriving({jsConverter: newType})
+type source<'a> = {
+ subscribe: (unit => unit, unit) => unit,
+ getCurrentValue: unit => 'a,
+external useSubscriptionJs: abs_source<'a> => 'a = "useSubscription"
+let useSubscription = source => {
+ let sourceJs = React.useMemo1(() => sourceToJs(source), [source])
+ useSubscriptionJs(sourceJs)
diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock
index eec0af9..6e6c2f4 100644
--- a/yarn.lock
+++ b/yarn.lock
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