const curry = f =>
(a, ..._) => _.length ? f(a, ..._) : (..._) => f(a, ..._);
const go1 = (a, f) => a instanceof Promise ? a.then(f) : f(a);
const go = (...args) => reduce((a, f) => f(a), args);
const pipe = (f, ...fs) => ( => go(f(, ...fs);
const L = {};
L.range = function* (l) {
let i = -1;
while (++i < l) yield i;
}; = curry(function* (f, iter) {
for (const a of iter) {
yield go1(a, f);
const nop = Symbol('nop');
L.filter = curry(function* (f, iter) {
for (const a of iter) {
const b = go1(a, f);
if (b instanceof Promise) yield b.then(b => b ? a : Promise.reject(nop));
else if (b) yield a;
L.entries = function* (obj) {
for (const k in obj) yield [k, obj[k]];
L.flatten = function* (iter) {
for (const a of iter) {
if (isIterable(a)) yield* a;
else yield a;
L.deepFlat = function* f(iter) {
for (const a of iter) {
if (isIterable(a)) yield* f(a);
else yield a;
L.flatMap = curry(pipe(, L.flatten));
const map = curry(pipe(, takeAll));
const filter = curry(pipe(L.filter, takeAll));
const find = curry((f, iter) => go(
([a]) => a));
const flatten = pipe(L.flatten, takeAll);
const flatMap = curry(pipe(, flatten));
const C = {};
function noop() {
const catchNoop = ([...arr]) =>
(arr.forEach(a => a instanceof Promise ? a.catch(noop) : a), arr);
C.reduce = curry((f, acc, iter) => iter ?
reduce(f, acc, catchNoop(iter)) :
reduce(f, catchNoop(acc)));
C.take = curry((l, iter) => take(l, catchNoop(iter)));
C.takeAll = C.take(Infinity); = curry(pipe(, C.takeAll));
C.filter = curry(pipe(L.filter, C.takeAll));