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Create and run agents to play Gabriele Cirulli's 2048!

Get running

You'll need Firefox and a Ruby interpreter (ruby, jruby, etc)

  1. git clone
  2. bundle install
  3. ruby twenty_forty_eight.rb --help
  4. ruby twenty_forty_eight.rb -a GreedyAgent -t 2

Get developing

  1. Create a file for your new agent in the agents directory
  2. Implement the agent with:
  • initialize with any setup your agent needs
  • next_move that takes the gameboard as its parameter and returns your agent's move

Check greedy_agent.rb or sample_agent.rb in the agents directory for examples. 3. ruby twenty_forty_eight.rb -a <YourAgent> 4. Have fun!


TwentyFortyEight can help you run parallel trials for your agent, monitor its decisions, and even run it locally for a big speed boost. See your options: ruby twenty_forty_eight.rb --help

TwentyFortyEight::Gameboard comes with many useful methods. Some of these methods return or yield TwentyFortyEight::Gameboard::Tile objects, which have attributes row, column, and value (which use zero-based coordinates.) Here are some of Gameboard's useful methods:

  • size self-explanatory
  • score self-explanatory
  • valid_moves returns [:left, :right, :up, :down]
  • move(direction, insert_random = false) returns a new copy of the gameboard with the move simulated (with or without adding a new random tile)
  • would_tiles_move? tells you if a move will change the game state
  • == compares tile values and positions (not scores)
  • board_full? returns true even if there is a possible combination to be made
  • won? self-explanatory
  • lost? self-explanatory
  • tiles enumerates each Tile
  • horizontal_pairs enumerates horizontal pairs of Tiles
  • vertical_pairs enumerates vertical pairs of Tiles
  • adjacent_tiles(row, col) enumerates the 2, 3, or 4 immediately adjacent Tiles
  • largest_tile_value returns the value of the highest-valued tile
  • to_s prints a ASCII representation of the gameboard
  • free_cells returns an array of Tiles with nil (empty) values
  • get_value(row, col) returns either nil or an integer, depending on the presence and value of a Tile

Starting a new trial means a new agent will be instantiated. If you want to write a learning agent, you could use class variables, but be sure to synchronize them if you're testing them in parallel.

After you think you've got an agent worthy of extensive testing, try using the 'local' option to simulate many games locally (without running Firefox.) TwentyFortyEight will simulate games of 2048 and collect the results for you.


If you find a bug, please submit a pull request - I'll happily confirm and merge it.


01/13/2017: Updated to work with Ruby 2.3.3 and Firefox 45.6.0.