Zabbix template for monitoring ISP speeds using
To avoid timeouts when executing the speed test this template uses a combination of a trigger item and a trap item to asynchronously execute the speed test.
Latest version is v2.0.5 (2022-10-12). Change Log
- This template uses External Checks which are only supported on the Zabbix Server or a Proxy.
- speedtest-cli
- jq
- zabbix_sender
- atd job scheduler
- Install dependencies
- Copy and to your Zabbix ExternalScripts location (default: /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts)
- Ensure both scripts are executable by the Zabbix Agent user
- Copy userparameter_isp_speedtest.conf to the Zabbix Agent config folder (default: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d)
- Restart Zabbix Agent Service
- Import the template file into the Zabbix UI
- Link the template to the host
Sender Macros
The agent running the speedtest uses the zabbix sender to post the results back to the Zabbix server.
SPEEDTEST_SENDER_SERVER (default: localhost): The hostname or IP address of the Zabbix server to send the results to
SPEEDTEST_SENDER_PORT (default: 10051): The port of the Zabbix server
SPEEDTEST_SENDER_HOST (default: Zabbix server): The host that the template is applied to so the sender can find the results item.
Speedtest Macros
Configure the execution of the speedtest runs
SPEEDTEST_UPDATE_INTERVAL (default: 3h): How often to run the speedtest
SPEEDTEST_SERVER_ID (default: blank): If filled in it will lock speedtest to a specific server (speedtest --list for available servers)
Trigger Macros
Configure trigger values for alerts
SPEEDTEST_TRIGGER_AVG_COUNT (default: 3): Average values evaluated by triggers to prevent one bad run causing alerts
SPEEDTEST_TRIGGER_DOWNLOAD_LOW (default: 100Mbps): Trigger when average download speeds fall below
SPEEDTEST_TRIGGER_UPLOAD_LOW (default: 8Mbps): Trigger when average upload speeds fall below
SPEEDTEST_TRIGGER_LATENCY_HIGH (default: 50ms): Trigger when average latency is above
- Speedtest Trigger (calls isp-speedtest-trigger-atjob script)
- Speedtest Results (trapper item - receives data from isp-speedtest-sender script)
- Speedtest Download
- Speedtest Upload
- Speedtest Host (track which speedtest server gets used)
- Speedtest Latency (rough latency to host)
- Speedtest Success (boolean value if execution succeeded)
- Speedtest Message (error message if any)
- Speedtest FAILED
- Download Speed LOW
- Upload Speed LOW
- Latency HIGH
- Download speed
- Upload speed
- Latency
- Summary graph with download, upload, and latency
The 3 individual graphs are included on a monitoring screen as well