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Mechanical Design Competition |
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The rules of this competition are as follows:
General Rules :
- Each team can consist of a maximum of 4 members.
- The team members can be from different institutes or colleges.
- The Mechanical design winners will be eligible for the rewarded benefits in Robotix 2016 subject to the condition that the robot made for the event should be based on the submitted design.
- The right spirit of participation is expected from the participants.
- The decision of Team ROBOTIX will be final and binding.
Event Rules :
- Every mechanism should be well explained, accompanied by a pictorial representation of the same. Diagrams are mandatory for each of the mechanisms.
- Diagrams can be in the form of drawings, sketchup models or animated videos etc.
- All the electrical components used in a particular mechanism should be mentioned clearly, with all relevant specifications.
- The design of the robot should be explained in not more than 5 pages.
- An additional "Introduction Page" is to be submitted along with your report.
- The submission should be in PDF format only.
- The introduction page will be shared on our facebook page (in .jpeg format) by us within 48 hours of receiving it and likes on this image will be taken into consideration for the scoring.
- For judgement, likes will be considered only from the time of uploading till 3rd January 2016. Results will be declared on 5th of January on facebook page as well as website.
Scoring :
The weightage for scoring will be as following:
Facebook Likes: 30%
Submission: 70%
- Feasibility: 30%
- Innovation: 20%
- Cost Effectiveness: 10%
- Presentation: 10%
Send your entries to [email protected]
For any queries,
Contact :
Apoorva Sharma
Email ID : [email protected]
Phone No. : (+91) 9800105345
Rohan Lohia
Email ID : [email protected]
Phone No. : (+91) 7872846690