This repository contains a simple JavaScript/jQuery script that integrates with the ViaCEP API to fetch address information based on a Brazilian postal code (CEP). The script validates the CEP format and automatically fills in the corresponding address fields once a valid CEP is provided.
- The user enters a CEP (Brazilian postal code) and clicks the Fetch Address button.
- The script sanitizes the input, ensuring only numbers are passed to the API.
- It validates if the CEP follows the correct format (8 digits).
- The address fields are initially cleared and then temporarily populated with placeholders (
) while the API request is made. - The script sends an AJAX request to the ViaCEP API to fetch the address data.
- If the API returns valid data, it populates the address fields with the street, city area (bairro), city, and state information.
- If the CEP is invalid or not found, the script alerts the user and clears the fields.
The CEP field input is sanitized by removing any non-numeric characters.
var cep = $('[name="cep"]').val().replace(/\D/g, '');
A helper function clears the address fields to prepare for new data.
function clean_up_cep_form() {
The script checks whether the entered CEP matches the format of eight numeric digits.
var validacep = /^[0-9]{8}$/;
Using jQuery's getJSON
, the script makes a request to ViaCEP’s API to fetch address data.
$.getJSON("" + cep + "/json/?callback=?", function (dados) {
// handle the response
If the CEP is invalid or not found, the user is alerted, and the address fields are cleared.
if (!("erro" in dados)) {
// address found
} else {
alert("CEP não encontrado. Tente novamente.");
- jQuery library (ensure jQuery is loaded in your project to use this script).
- Include the provided script in your HTML file.
- Set up input fields for the CEP and the corresponding address fields (street, city area, city, state).
- The button to fetch the address should have the
ID for the click event to trigger the API request.
<input type="text" name="cep" placeholder="Enter CEP">
<button id="fetch_address">Fetch Address</button>
<input type="text" name="address_street" placeholder="Street">
<input type="text" name="address_city_area" placeholder="City Area">
<input type="text" name="address_city" placeholder="City">
<input type="text" name="address_state" placeholder="State">
- This script is designed to work specifically with the Brazilian postal system (CEP).
- Make sure the fields for the address data are correctly named (
, etc.). - This script provides a basic implementation; further enhancements like error logging, improved validation, or better UX (e.g., loaders) can be added as needed.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.