TheTVDB API v3 Rust async client.
Minimum Rust version: 1.40.0
In order to use this client you will need an API key. To create a new API key log in and go to the API Keys page.
NOTE: Because it depends on reqwest, thetvdb currently only works with tokio.
Add with cargo edit:
cargo add thetvdb
or add to Cargo.toml
thetvdb = "0.1.0-beta.2"
Search series by title:
use thetvdb::{Client, params::SearchBy};
let client = Client::new("YOUR_API_KEY").await?;
let search_results ="Planet Earth")).await?;
For more examples check the documentation.
POST /login
(used internally; cannot be manually requested)
GET /episodes/{id}
GET /languages
GET /languages/{id}
GET /movies/{id}
GET /movieupdates
GET /search/series
GET /series/{id}
HEAD /series/{id}
GET /series/{id}/actors
GET /series/{id}/episodes
GET /series/{id}/episodes/query
GET /series/{id}/episodes/summary
GET /series/{id}/filter
GET /series/{id}/images
GET /series/{id}/images/query
GET /series/{id}/images/query/params
GET /updated/query
cargo t --test client
Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT at your option.