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167af69 · Sep 6, 2023




Logging Building Block

The goal of the Logging Building Block is to provide a set of RESTFul web services to log all the activities of the bp.

Setup Environment

cd loggingservice
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Environment File

You need to have a .env file in this directory that contains credentials required for authentication. Not all of these variables may be required for this building block.

Example file format:

ROKWIRE_API_KEY=<API Key 1>,<API Key 2>,<API Key 3>
ROKWIRE_ISSUER=<Rokwire ID Token Issuer Name>

# AWS environment variables to set when running on development machine. 
# This is not required when running within AWS.

Run in Development Mode

export FLASK_ENV=development	
python api/

and the Logging Building Block should be running at localhost at port 5000 (http://localhost:5000/logs). The detailed API information is in logging.yaml in the OpenAPI Spec 3.0 format. If you want to use gunicorn, cd into api folder then, use gunicorn logging_rest_service:app -c instead of python api/

Docker Instructions

cd rokwire-building-blocks-api
docker build -f loggingservice/Dockerfile -t rokwire/logging-building-block .
docker run --name logging --rm --env-file loggingservice/.env -e API_LOC=. -e PRINT_LOG=True -e DEBUG=False -e LOGGING_URL_PREFIX=<url_prefix_starting_with_slash> -p 5000:5000 rokwire/logging-building-block

You can edit or environment variable to specify a URL prefix by modifying LOGGIN_URL_PREFIX variable. If you need to make just /logs as endpoint, put the variable value to empty string or do not include this variable.


AWS ECR Instructions

Make sure the repository called rokwire/logging-building-block exists in ECR. Then create Docker image for Rokwire Platform API and push to AWS ECR for deployment.

$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region us-east-2)
cd rokwire-building-blocks-api
docker build -f loggingservice/Dockerfile -t rokwire/logging-building-block .
docker tag rokwire/logging-building-block:latest
docker push

Sample Logs for Post Endpoint:

Let us use curl command to post two sample events to the Events Building Block running at http://localhost:5000/logs.

curl -d '{
            "timestamp": "2019-06-01T10:15:23Z",
            "uuid": "56fe224b-3600-4b66-ac8d-5d2906e19fc61",
            "os": "ios",
            "osVersion": "10.1.4",
            "appVersion": "1.2",
            "device": "iphone 7",
            "deviceSettings": {
                "description": "test device description",
                "setting": "test setting"
            "userAction": {
                "description": "test description",
                "type": "test type",
                "name": "test name",
                "mainFeature": "test main feature",
                "subFeature": "test sub feature",
                "customAttribute1": "test custom attribute 1",
                "customAttribute2": "test custom attribute 2",
                "customAttribute3": "test custom attribute 3",
                "customAttribute4": "test custom attribute 4",
                "customAttribute5": "test custom attribute 5"
}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:5000/logs

It will return back the post status in json which includes the internal id as below:

    "message": "logging information successfully posted",
    "status": 200