The Rosette Entity Extractor supports linking to custom knowledge bases instead of or in addition to the
default Wikidata knowledge base shipped with the product.
This package includes a sample knowledge base with an entry of Boston
The knowledge base is stored as a sqlite database.
- Rosette Enterprise 1.24.0
- Rosette Enterprise license for Entity Extraction and English
- [OPTIONAL] If you start Rosette Server via docker-compose, Docker must be installed and running on your machine
Define some variables
export ROSAPI_HOME=/path-to-rosette-install/server directory
export KB_CONNECTOR_HOME=/path-to-this-directory
To build the Sqlite Knowledge Base Connector, run
mvn -Drosapi.home=$ROSAPI_HOME -P extract-flinx-api-jar
mvn -Drosapi.home=$ROSAPI_HOME -P build-kb-connector
This will build the sqlite-kb-connector-1.0.jar
in the target directory.
Copy sqlite-kb-connector-1.0.jar
and kb/
into Rosette Server
cp target/sqlite-kb-connector-1.0.jar $ROSAPI_HOME/launcher/bundles
cp -r kb $ROSAPI_HOME
Edit $ROSAPI_HOME/launcher/config/rosapi/rex-factory-config.yaml
and add the following lines
#The option to link mentions to knowledge base entities with disambiguation model.
#Enabling this option also enables calculateConfidence.
linkEntities: true
#Custom list of Knowledge Bases for the linker, in order of priority.
- ../kb/MyKnowledgeBase1
- ${rex-root}/data/flinx/data/kb/basis
Start Rosette Server
$ROSAPI_HOME/bin/ console
Call the /entities endpoint with linking to the custom knowledge base
curl -s --request POST 'http://localhost:8181/rest/v1/entities' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data '{"content":"Boston is beautiful.", "options": {"linkEntities": true}}' \
| jq .
The output is
"entities": [
"type": "LOCATION",
"mention": "Boston",
"normalized": "Boston",
"count": 1,
"mentionOffsets": [
"startOffset": 0,
"endOffset": 6
"entityId": "E2",
"linkingConfidence": 0.74136907
Notice that the entityId for Boston
is E2, which comes from the knowledge base.
When linkEntities option is false
curl -s --request POST 'http://localhost:8181/rest/v1/entities' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data '{"content":"Boston is beautiful.", "options": {"linkEntities": false}}' \
| jq .
the entityId is T0, which is a temporary id.
"entities": [
"type": "LOCATION",
"mention": "Boston",
"normalized": "Boston",
"count": 1,
"mentionOffsets": [
"startOffset": 0,
"endOffset": 6
"entityId": "T0"
- Edit the
file, adding the following files to the volumes section.
- rosette-roots-vol:/rosette/server/roots:ro
- ${ROSAPI_LICENSE_PATH}:/rosette/server/launcher/config/rosapi/rosette-license.xml:ro
- ${KB_CONNECTOR_HOME}/config/rex-factory-config.yaml:/rosette/server/launcher/config/rosapi/rex-factory-config.yaml
- ${KB_CONNECTOR_HOME}/kb:/customKBs
- ${KB_CONNECTOR_HOME}/target/sqlite-kb-connector-1.0.jar:/rosette/server/launcher/bundles/sqlite-kb-connector-1.0.jar:ro
- Start the Rosette Server Docker container
ROSAPI_LICENSE_PATH=<path-to-license>/rosette-license.xml docker-compose up
Call the /entities endpoint with linking to the custom knowledge base The result should be the same as show above.