When contributing to I.R.I.S. Utilities, please follow these guidelines:
- Please follow the Code of Conduct.
- Open a new issue before submitting a pull request (unless when submitting a bug fix, security patch, grammatical correction, or simple change).
- Keep your pull request short and to the point. Don't include unrelated or biased changes.
- Don't include code that is not compatible with the current License.
- Please follow the Code Style Guide.
type ExampleType = {};
interface ExampleInterface {}
enum ExampleEnum {}
class ExampleClass {}
function exampleFunction() {}
class ExampleClass {
exampleMethod() {}
const exampleLambda = () => {};
const example_variable = {};
class ExampleClass {
static example_property = {};
// Single-line comment.
/* Single-line comment. */
// Multi-line
// comment.
* Multi-line
* comment.
if (
very_long_condition &&
) {
// ...
const example_nested_array: [ number, string ][] = [
[ 1, 'one' ],
[ 2, 'two' ],
[ 3, 'three' ],