This repository hosts the code and data supporting the SunGEO tutorial at [link]
If you would like to run the tutorial code locally (on your own computer), make sure to:
- Install r and rstudio
- Download the supporting data (in the "data" folder)
- you won't need the GADM data (the notebooks will download it), but it can speed things up
- Download the code we walked through in the video (SunGEO_tut.qmd will match the script used in video, SunGEO_tut_commented.qmd includes more detailed explanation of code not covered in video)
You can also open and run the code in the cloud 😎 using the binder button below (note that the notebook may take up to ~10 minutes to launch if it hasn't been used in a while)
Once the application launches:
- Select the rstudio button
- Open the desired notebook
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