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Datasets 1-6

Various unsatisfactory experiments

Dataset 7

Two demographic variables, S and H. S has no effect on outcome (O). H has a direct effect, and an indirect effect mediated by an unobserved SES. The dataset contains three proxies for SES. D is a binary variable, 1 if SES is below a threshold, 0 if SES is above it. I0 is a low-variance approximation to SES. I is a high-variance approximation to SES.

The direct effect of H on O in this model is modest. The baseline probability of a bad outcome is about 9% (log-odds of -2.3). The direct effect of H is to increase the log-odds by 0.2, which by itself ups the probability to about 10%. The total effect increases the log-odds by 0.45 (on average), for a total probability of 13.5%.


  1. Logistic regression controlling for S and H. Gives the total causal effect of H.
  2. Logistic regression pretending that SES is observed and controlling for it.
  3. Logistic regression controlling for the low-variance proxy for SES.
  4. Logistic regression controlling for the high-variance proxy for SES.
  5. Imputing values for SES using I and D, and controlling on the imputed values.
  6. Imputing values for SES using D alone, and controlling on the imputed values.
  7. Imputing values for SES using I alone, and controlling on the imputed values.


  1. Good sampling, gives the total causal effect.
  2. Good sampling. Reproduces features of the simulation model almost perfectly (as expected). The threshold for D in the simulation manifests as a coefficient between SES and D of 11.9, an exceptionally large value for a logistic regression. The posterior distribution for the direct effect of H on O is centered on the correct value, but is surprisingly wide, illustrating binary variables' weakness at constraining model parameters.
  3. Results nearly identical to model 7.1, as expected.
  4. Good sampling. The strength of the direct effect is biased a little high, with a corresponding low bias in the strength of the indirect effect. Conclusion: Using the high-variance proxy as if it were identical to the unknown value appears to produce unsatisfactory results.
  5. Good sampling. Results for H direct and indirect effects on O were very close to model 7.1. Other than being a little slow to sample, this model exceeded my expectations. It's interesting to note what it didn't get right. The coefficient between SES and D is "only" 4.7, indicating that this model is not able to see the SES threshold for D as clearly as 7.1 (no surprise there). In light of this I would conjecture that D is not providing much information for constraining SES. The estimate of the variance of I around SES was also a bit low. Conclusion: This appears to be the best model using only realistically measured data.
  6. Poor sampling. The highest R-hat was only 1.02, but the sampling traces looked visibly off. The results are kind of a disaster. The sign of the direct effect is wrong, though the indirect effect is larger to compensate. I'm not really convinced that this model even sampled correctly. Either way, it seems like a binary observation alone isn't enough to constrain the unobserved variable.
  7. Mostly good sampling, though maybe a little questionable for the parameter for the variance between SES and I (R-hat was 1.02, and the traces looked a little ratty, though not as bad as the traces in m7.5). Results were close to m7.4, seemingly supporting the conjecture that the binary variable D isn't really adding any useful information about SES.

Dataset 8

Like Dataset 7, execpt we have added an admission status, which can be either OSH (1), Elective (2), or ED (3). OSH has a positive effect on P(O=1), Elective has a strong negative effect, and ED is neutral. The baseline admission type probabilities are 20/10/70, with higher SES enhancing Elective and depressing OSH.

The questions we are trying to answer with this dataset are:

  1. Does this additional form of mediated dependence affect our ability to separate the direct and indirect causal effects of H?
  2. Does the admission status provide any useful constraint on SES? We know that D didn't, but perhaps the problem there was the hard threshold.


Where possible these experiments are numbered to correspond with their counterparts in Dataset 7; therefore, some numbers may be skipped if the results from 7 suggest that the experiment isn't worth running.

  1. Logistic regression on S and H to get the total causal effect.
  2. Logistic regression on S, H, and SES (normally unobserved), including the effect of SES on ADM.
  3. Impute SES using I and D, but ignore the link to ADM. (However, we still include the effects of ADM on outcome).
  4. Impute SES using I, D, and ADM. Include effects of ADM on outcome.


  1. Good sampling. The most surprising thing in this experiment was that adding the effect of OSH on outcomes and the effect of SES on OSH really doesn't produce a measurable change in the total causal effect of H. The best explanation I can come up with is that the causal chain is just too tenuous. The (simulation model) effect of H on SES is just 0.5 std. dev, and increasing the strength of the SES effect on ADM equally affects H=1 and H=0 cases with low SES. The practical upshot is that in the sample, 24% of H=1 cases were OSH, vs. 20% of H=0 cases.

    If this were the only connection between H and O, we would probably see some appreciable risk here, but in presence of other risk factors, the effect of cranking up the strength of ADM->O is actually to increase the base rate of O=1, making other causal pathways less important.

    In light of these results, we still need to see whether leaving out the SES->ADM connection results in bias, and we should check to make sure that in the absence of other causal pathways from H to O, the H->ADM connection still creates some risk (e.g., what if buo = 0?)

  2. We ran this one in response to the effect of SES on ADM not being identifiable in 8.7. These results seem to confirm that finding. The posterior pdfs on the coefficients for the SES effect on ADM are essentially the same as the priors.

  3. Good sampling. Accurate value for bho, and comparable estimates of the direct contribution of H to relative risk. Unsurprisingly, the model also recovered the effect of admission status on outcome reasonably well.

  4. Good sampling despite some issues at the beginning of the run. Results for the causal effect of H were nearly identical to model 8.4. One notable result is that the model was unable to meaningfully constrain the effect of SES on admission status. The 95% CI for the effect on the logit value for OSH is -0.96 - +0.99, which is pretty much the 95% CI for the prior (the actual value was -0.3). This result motivated us to go back and look at the "truth" model including the ground truth for the unobserved SES, so that we can see if this is due to the noise in the indicator masking this effect, or if it's just that effects on multinomial variables are hard to tease out.

Dataset 7A

Same structure as dataset 7, but the coefficient for the effect of SES on outcome is set to 0, with ao adjusted to give the same overall mortality rate. In this case we should get a total effect equal to the direct effect.


  1. Total causal effect.
  2. Direct causal effect, controlling for the unobserved SES.


  1. Total relative risk was 1.20, which is very nearly the same as the direct relative risk from Dataset 7.
  2. Direct relative risk came out to 1.21, making the difference between the total and direct risk well within the expected statistical fluctuation.

Dataset 7B

Same structure and coefficients as dataset 7, except that S is slightly positively associated with SES and negatively associated with O. Analyzing this dataset with S omitted should produce a biased estimate for bho, even when you control for SES. The numbering of these experiments doesn't line up with the other Dataset 7 variants, and since none of them involve imputing SES values, I just ran them all with glm (so, no corresponding runmod or stan files).

For this set of parameters, omitting S (i.e., O ~ uSES + H) roughly doubles the estimate of the coefficient on H, badly overestimating the


  1. Total causal effect of H, controlling for S.
  2. Total causal effect of H, omitting S.
  3. Direct causal effects, controlling for S, H, and SES.
  4. Direct causal effect of H, omitting S from the model.


  1. bso = -0.3, bho = 0.49, ATRR_H = 1.6
  2. bho = 0.50, ATRR_H = 1.6. No bias in this case because we are not controlling for SES.
  3. bso = -0.18 (true value was -0.2), bho = 0.26 (true was 0.2), buo = -0.49 (ture was -0.5). ATRR_H = 1.26 (value with true bho: 1.19). The value of bho is off by enough to be mildly concerning, but the std. error (1-sigma) on it is 0.06, so we're actually not that far off.

Dataset 7C

Same as Dataset 7, but with a different RNG seed. The purpose of this experiment is to see whether the consistently slightly high values for bho we see in the other experiments are evidence of bias, or a result of commonalities in the datasets that were all generated from the same seed.

Dataset 8A

Same structure as dataset 7, but the coefficient for the effect of SES on outcome is set to 0, with a0 adjusted to give the same overall mortality rate. The effect of SES on admission status is allowed to operate normally. The purpose here is to investigate whether the indirect path through SES and ADM produces an indirect effect when the other indirect effect pathway is closed.

For H=0 we have 20.5% OSH, 10.9% Elective, while for H=1 we have 23.8% OSH, 9.7% elective. Mortality is 15.6% for OSH, vs. 3.4% for elective and 10.5% for ED. So, H=1 definitely produces more OSH, and OSH definitely produces more mortality; however, it remains to be seen if the two of these together produce a measurable indirect effect.


  1. Total causal effect, calculated in the usual way.
  2. Direct causal effect, controlling for the unobserved SES.


  1. Total relative risk of 1.21, nearly identical to 7A.
  2. Direct relative risk of 1.21, also nearly identical to 7A.

Dataset 8B

Same structure as dataset 8A, but this time the direct effect is also set to zero. Basically, we're trying to see if there is any detectable effect through the admission mediator.


  1. Total causal effect, as usual.


  1. Total relative risk of 1.02 +/- 0.1. Definitely too small to measure.