Bbdb is a little utility for reading drive stats from BackBlaze, and putting them into a sqlite3 database. BackBlaze is unique among cloud backup/storage providers, in that they are transparent about their operational statistics. They make SMART data available for all the drives they use, and by downloading that data into a database, amateurs like me can analyze the data for useful things like the reliability of various brands and models of drives.
This code has a few advantages over the code provided by BackBlaze:
One program understands all file formats. Over the years, BackBlaze has added new columns to the data. bbdb
understands that, and loads the data correctly regardless. If they stick to the current naming scheme, bbdb
should also work with future formats.
bbdb creates views instead of tables for the analysis. This means you don't have to re-run the SQL code when you add new data.
I've added a few indexes to the data, to help with faster calculations.
When new data is available, you can load just the new stuff without having to start from scratch.
Just one thing to run. No need to remember the order to run the scripts, or which ones go with which data.
There's also a little shell script for downloading the stats. This may stop working if BackBlaze changes the format of their download page.
To use bbdb, first run
in an empty directory. This will give you a bunch of zip files containing all
the data. Then run bbdb <data_dir>
. This will recursively search for data files under data_dir
, and add all
the data to drive_stats.db
, which is a SQLite3 database. It also creates a SQL view (based on BackBlaze's own
sample code) to give you a reliability stat for all the drive models in the database.
After that, you're pretty much on your own to come up with insights from the data. :)
The download script and bbdb itself are idempotent. That is, you can run them again with the same inputs, and they
will incorporate new data without erasing the old.
will only download files that aren't already
downloaded, and bbdb will only insert new data into the database.
Although bbdb incorporates a few snippets of SQL code from BackBlaze's own sample scripts, this project is in no way affiliated with the company. Don't blame them if there's a problem with this code.