index 8e44da66f0..2812f98d60 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Type: Package
Package: rmarkdown
Title: Dynamic Documents for R
-Version: 2.11.6
+Version: 2.11.7
Authors@R: c(
person("JJ", "Allaire", , "jj@rstudio.com", role = "aut"),
person("Yihui", "Xie", , "xie@yihui.name", role = c("aut", "cre"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-0645-5666")),
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ Suggests:
+ downlit (>= 0.4.0),
sass (>= 0.4.0),
shiny (>= 1.6.0),
testthat (>= 3.0.0),
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index d9420952da..005c0bffa0 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
rmarkdown 2.12
+- Improved the highlighting mechanism for HTML outputs:
+ * It is now possible to pass a custom theme file `.theme` in `highlight` argument for customizing the [syntax highlighting style used by Pandoc](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#syntax-highlighting).
+ * In addition to Pandoc's own supported themes, two more themes are bundled in the package: `highlight: arrow` a theme [optimized for accessibility and color constrast](https://www.a11yproject.com/) (thanks to @apreshill), and `highlight: rstudio` to mimic the RStudio editor theme.
+ * Added optional [downlit](https://downlit.r-lib.org/) support in `html_document()` for R syntax highlighting and autolinking. Use `highlight_downlit = TRUE` to activate it (same argument as in **distill**). This features require the **downlit** package.
- Added a global option `rmarkdown.html_dependency.header_attr` (`TRUE` by default). It can be set to `FALSE` to opt-out the HTML dependency `html_dependency_header_attrs()` in documents based on `html_document_base()` (thanks, @salim-b rstudio/bookdown#865, @maelle r-lib/downlit#1538).
- `draft()` now works with `devtools::load_all()` and **testthat** when used in other packages.
diff --git a/R/html_document.R b/R/html_document.R
index 4fa16716f7..e0fd4d5508 100644
--- a/R/html_document.R
+++ b/R/html_document.R
@@ -58,9 +58,33 @@
#' * `NULL` for no theme (i.e., no [html_dependency_bootstrap()]).
#' * A character string specifying a [Bootswatch 3](https://bootswatch.com/3/)
#' theme name (for backwards-compatibility).
-#'@param highlight Syntax highlighting style. Supported styles include
-#' "default", "tango", "pygments", "kate", "monochrome", "espresso", "zenburn",
-#' "haddock", and "textmate". Pass \code{NULL} to prevent syntax highlighting.
+#'@param highlight Syntax highlight engine and style. See the
+#' \emph{Highlighting} section below for details.
+#' "default" (and "textmate") will use highlightjs as syntax highlighting
+#' engine instead of Pandoc.
+#' Any other value will be passed to Pandoc's
+#' \href{https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#syntax-highlighting}{highlighting
+#' style}. Pandoc's built-in styles include "tango", "pygments", "kate",
+#' "monochrome", "espresso", "zenburn", "haddock" and "breezedark".
+#' Two custom styles are also included, "arrow", an accessible color scheme,
+#' and "rstudio", which mimics the default IDE theme. Alternatively, supply a
+#' path to a \samp{.theme} to use a custom Pandoc style. Note that custom theme
+#' requires Pandoc 2.0+.
+#' Pass \code{NULL} to prevent syntax highlighting.
+#'@param highlight_downlit \code{TRUE} to use the \pkg{downlit} package as
+#' syntax highlight engine to highlight inline code and R code chunks
+#' (including providing hyperlinks to function documentation). The package
+#' needs to be installed to use this feature.
+#' Only Pandoc color schemes are supported with this engine. With
+#' \code{highlight = "default"}, it will use the accessible theme called
+#' "arrow". To learn more about \pkg{downlit} highlighting engine, see
+#' \url{https://downlit.r-lib.org/}.
#'@param mathjax Include mathjax. The "default" option uses an https URL from a
#' MathJax CDN. The "local" option uses a local version of MathJax (which is
#' copied into the output directory). You can pass an alternate URL or pass
@@ -91,6 +115,56 @@
#' base R Markdown HTML output formatter \code{\link{html_document_base}}
#'@return R Markdown output format to pass to \code{\link{render}}
+#'@section Highlighting:
+#' There are three highlighting engines available to HTML documents:
+#' \describe{
+#' \item{highlightjs}{It does highlighting in the browser, using javascript It
+#' can only be used with the default template (i.e \code{template = "default"})
+#' and it has two styles ("default" and "textmate"). When activated, it adds
+#' two additional dependencies to the output file: a JS script and a CSS file.
+#' For now, this is the default engine for the default template - this could
+#' change in the future.}
+#' \item{Pandoc}{Pandoc's built-in highlighting.engine works with any template,
+#' default or custom, and style can be chosen among the built-in ones ("tango",
+#' "pygments", "kate", "monochrome", "espresso", "zenburn", "haddock" and
+#' "breezedark") or a path to a custom theme ".theme" file (see Details in the
+#' \href{https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#syntax-highlighting}{Pandoc Manual}).
+#' \pkg{rmarkdown} includes two custom themes to select with \code{highlight}
+#' parameter:
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item{"arrow", an accessible style using colors \href{https://www.a11yproject.com/}{optimized for
+#' accessibility and color contrast}}
+#' \item{"rstudio", a color scheme close to RStudio's default highlighting and
+#' highglightjs's textmate.}
+#' }
+#' Custom themes are only available for Pandoc 2.0 and above.}
+#' \item{downlit}{\href{https://downlit.r-lib.org/}{\pkg{downlit}} is an R package that
+#' provides a syntax highlighting engine in R. It will also do automatic
+#' linking of R code (requires internet connectivity). It is activated only if
+#' \code{highlight_downlit = TRUE} and only affects R code, leaving
+#' highlighting for other languages unchanged. The default color scheme is
+#' the accessible theme "arrow".
+#' It requires some CSS in the template to correctly style links. This is included
+#' in the default template, but if you want to use with a custom template, you will
+#' need to add this to your template:
+#' \preformatted{
+#' $if(highlight-downlit)$
+#' $endif$}
+#' }}
#'@section Anchor Sections Customization:
#' This will be the default to activate anchor sections link on header
@@ -214,16 +288,19 @@
#' Note however that if you choose not to use the "default" HTML template then
#' several aspects of HTML document rendering will behave differently:
-#' \itemize{ \item{The \code{theme} parameter does not work (you can still
-#' provide styles using the \code{css} parameter). } \item{For the
-#' \code{highlight} parameter, the default highlighting style will resolve to
-#' "pygments" and the "textmate" highlighting style is not available }
-#' \item{The \code{toc_float} parameter will not work. } \item{The
-#' \code{code_folding} parameter will not work. } \item{Tabbed sections (as
-#' described above) will not work.} \item{Navigation bars (as described above)
-#' will not work. }\item{MathJax will not work if \code{self_contained} is
-#' \code{TRUE} (these two options can't be used together in normal pandoc
-#' templates). } }
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item{The \code{theme} parameter does not work (you can still provide styles
+#' using the \code{css} parameter). }
+#' \item{For the \code{highlight} parameter, the default highlighting engine
+#' will resolve to Pandoc instead of highlightjs and highlighting style will default to
+#' "pygments". "textmate" style is not available as related to highlightjs}
+#' \item{The \code{toc_float} parameter will not work. }
+#' \item{The \code{code_folding} parameter will not work. }
+#' \item{Tabbed sections (as described above) will not work.}
+#' \item{Navigation bars (as described above) will not work. }
+#' \item{MathJax will not work if \code{self_contained} is \code{TRUE} (these
+#' two options can't be used together in normal pandoc templates). }
+#' }
#' Due to the above restrictions, you might consider using the \code{includes}
#' parameter as an alternative to providing a fully custom template.
@@ -255,6 +332,7 @@ html_document <- function(toc = FALSE,
self_contained = TRUE,
theme = "default",
highlight = "default",
+ highlight_downlit = FALSE,
mathjax = "default",
template = "default",
extra_dependencies = NULL,
@@ -345,8 +423,14 @@ html_document <- function(toc = FALSE,
- # highlight
- args <- c(args, pandoc_html_highlight_args(template, highlight))
+ # highlighting ---------
+ if (highlight_downlit && !xfun::loadable("downlit")) {
+ stop("highlight_downlit=TRUE requires the downlit package to be installed.",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ args <- c(args,
+ pandoc_html_highlight_args(template, highlight, highlight_downlit)
+ )
# add highlight.js html_dependency if required
extra_dependencies <- append(
@@ -497,6 +581,20 @@ html_document <- function(toc = FALSE,
+ # post-processor that uses the output file from pandoc
+ post_processor <- function(metadata, input_file, output_file, clean, verbose) {
+ # add a post processor for syntax highlighting with downlit if requested
+ if (highlight_downlit) {
+ output_file <- downlit::downlit_html_path(
+ output_file, output_file,
+ classes = downlit::classes_pandoc()
+ )
+ }
+ output_file
+ }
# return format
knitr = knitr_options_html(fig_width, fig_height, fig_retina, keep_md, dev),
@@ -510,6 +608,7 @@ html_document <- function(toc = FALSE,
pre_knit = pre_knit,
post_knit = post_knit,
pre_processor = pre_processor,
+ post_processor = post_processor,
on_exit = on_exit,
base_format = html_document_base(theme = theme,
self_contained = self_contained,
diff --git a/R/html_notebook.R b/R/html_notebook.R
index 019aedad8b..9dc435c465 100644
--- a/R/html_notebook.R
+++ b/R/html_notebook.R
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ html_notebook <- function(toc = FALSE,
code_folding = "show",
theme = "default",
highlight = "textmate",
+ highlight_downlit = FALSE,
mathjax = "default",
extra_dependencies = NULL,
css = NULL,
@@ -189,6 +190,9 @@ html_notebook <- function(toc = FALSE,
extra_dependencies <- append(extra_dependencies,
+ # Change default value of highlight theme if downlit is to be used
+ if (highlight_downlit && missing(highlight)) highlight <- "default"
# generate actual format
base_format <- html_document(toc = toc,
toc_depth = toc_depth,
@@ -201,6 +205,7 @@ html_notebook <- function(toc = FALSE,
code_folding = code_folding,
theme = theme,
highlight = highlight,
+ highlight_downlit = highlight_downlit,
mathjax = mathjax,
extra_dependencies = extra_dependencies,
css = css,
diff --git a/R/pandoc.R b/R/pandoc.R
index bb715b91ff..fe60b28e0a 100644
--- a/R/pandoc.R
+++ b/R/pandoc.R
@@ -553,29 +553,70 @@ unix_mathjax_path <- function() {
pandoc_html_highlight_args <- function(template,
- highlight) {
+ highlight,
+ highlight_downlit = FALSE) {
+ # Reminder: we do not use pandoc_path_arg() for argument to --highlight-style
+ # https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown/issues/1976
args <- c()
- if (is.null(highlight)) {
- args <- c(args, "--no-highlight")
- }
- else if (!identical(template, "default")) {
- if (identical(highlight, "default"))
- highlight <- "pygments"
- args <- c(args, "--highlight-style", highlight)
- }
- else {
- highlight <- match.arg(highlight, html_highlighters())
- if (is_highlightjs(highlight)) {
- args <- c(args, "--no-highlight")
- args <- c(args, "--variable", "highlightjs=1")
+ # no highlighting engine
+ if (is.null(highlight)) return(pandoc_highlight_args(NULL))
+ # TODO: move out so that it works also for other formats
+ resolve_highlight <- function(highlight) {
+ # if Pandoc built-in highlighter, do no nothing
+ if (highlight %in% highlighters()) return(highlight)
+ if (!pandoc2.0()) {
+ stop("Using a custom highlighting style requires Pandoc 2.0 and above",
+ call. = FALSE)
- else {
- args <- c(args, "--highlight-style", highlight)
+ custom <- list(
+ # from distill
+ # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apreshill/distill/arrow/inst/rmarkdown/templates/distill_article/resources/arrow.theme
+ arrow = pkg_file_highlight("arrow.theme"),
+ # from distill
+ # https://github.com/rstudio/distill/blob/c98d332192ff75f268ddf69bddace34e4db6d89b/inst/rmarkdown/templates/distill_article/resources/rstudio.theme
+ rstudio = pkg_file_highlight("rstudio.theme")
+ )
+ # if not an alias use the provided custom path
+ custom[[highlight]] %||% highlight
+ }
+ highlight <- resolve_highlight(highlight)
+ check_highlightjs <- function(highlight, engine) {
+ if (highlight != "default" && is_highlightjs(highlight)) {
+ stop(
+ sprintf(c(
+ "'%s' theme is for highlightjs highlighting engine ",
+ "and can't be used with %s engine."), c(highlight, engine)),
+ call. = FALSE
+ )
+ # downlit engine
+ if (highlight_downlit) {
+ check_highlightjs(highlight, "downlit")
+ default <- if (pandoc2.0()) resolve_highlight("arrow") else "pygments"
+ args <- c(
+ pandoc_highlight_args(highlight, default = default),
+ # variable used to insert some css in a Pandoc template
+ pandoc_variable_arg("highlight-downlit")
+ )
+ } else if (identical(template, "default") && is_highlightjs(highlight)) {
+ # highlightjs engine for default template only
+ args <- c(pandoc_highlight_args(NULL),
+ # variable used to insert some css and js
+ # in the Pandoc default template
+ pandoc_variable_arg("highlightjs", "1"))
+ } else {
+ # Pandoc engine
+ check_highlightjs(highlight, "Pandoc")
+ args <- pandoc_highlight_args(highlight, default = "pygments")
+ }
diff --git a/R/util.R b/R/util.R
index 3a9a748ec1..aa32d788e0 100644
--- a/R/util.R
+++ b/R/util.R
@@ -89,6 +89,10 @@ pkg_file_lua <- function(filters = NULL, package = "rmarkdown") {
+pkg_file_highlight <- function(file) {
+ pkg_file("rmarkdown", "highlight", file, mustWork = TRUE)
#' @rdname rmarkdown_format
#' @export
from_rmarkdown <- function(implicit_figures = TRUE, extensions = NULL) {
diff --git a/inst/rmarkdown/highlight/arrow.theme b/inst/rmarkdown/highlight/arrow.theme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3f35d56c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/rmarkdown/highlight/arrow.theme
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+ "text-color": null,
+ "background-color": null,
+ "line-number-color": "#aaaaaa",
+ "line-number-background-color": null,
+ "text-styles": {
+ "Other": {
+ "text-color": "#007BA5",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Attribute": {
+ "text-color": null,
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "SpecialString": {
+ "text-color": "#20794D",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Annotation": {
+ "text-color": "#5E5E5E",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Function": {
+ "text-color": "#4758AB",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "String": {
+ "text-color": "#20794D",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "ControlFlow": {
+ "text-color": "#007BA5",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Operator": {
+ "text-color": "#5E5E5E",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Error": {
+ "text-color": "#AD0000",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "BaseN": {
+ "text-color": "#AD0000",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Alert": {
+ "text-color": "#AD0000",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Variable": {
+ "text-color": "#111111",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "BuiltIn": {
+ "text-color": null,
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Extension": {
+ "text-color": null,
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Preprocessor": {
+ "text-color": "#AD0000",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Information": {
+ "text-color": "#5E5E5E",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "VerbatimString": {
+ "text-color": "#20794D",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Warning": {
+ "text-color": "#5E5E5E",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": true,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Documentation": {
+ "text-color": "#5E5E5E",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": true,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Import": {
+ "text-color": null,
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Char": {
+ "text-color": "#20794D",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "DataType": {
+ "text-color": "#AD0000",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Float": {
+ "text-color": "#AD0000",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Comment": {
+ "text-color": "#5E5E5E",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "CommentVar": {
+ "text-color": "#5E5E5E",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": true,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Constant": {
+ "text-color": "#8f5902",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "SpecialChar": {
+ "text-color": "#5E5E5E",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "DecVal": {
+ "text-color": "#AD0000",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Keyword": {
+ "text-color": "#007BA5",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/inst/rmarkdown/highlight/rstudio.theme b/inst/rmarkdown/highlight/rstudio.theme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e638834d91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/rmarkdown/highlight/rstudio.theme
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+ "text-color": null,
+ "background-color": null,
+ "line-number-color": "#aaaaaa",
+ "line-number-background-color": null,
+ "text-styles": {
+ "Other": {
+ "text-color": "#ff4000",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Attribute": {
+ "text-color": null,
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "SpecialString": {
+ "text-color": "#008080",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Annotation": {
+ "text-color": "#008000",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "String": {
+ "text-color": "#036a07",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "DecVal": {
+ "text-color": "#0000cd",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Float": {
+ "text-color": "#0000cd",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "ControlFlow": {
+ "text-color": "#0000ff",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Operator": {
+ "text-color": "#687687",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Error": {
+ "text-color": "#ff0000",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": true,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Alert": {
+ "text-color": "#ff0000",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Variable": {
+ "text-color": null,
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "BuiltIn": {
+ "text-color": null,
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Extension": {
+ "text-color": null,
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Preprocessor": {
+ "text-color": "#ff4000",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Information": {
+ "text-color": "#008000",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "VerbatimString": {
+ "text-color": "#008080",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Warning": {
+ "text-color": "#008000",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": true,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Documentation": {
+ "text-color": "#008000",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Import": {
+ "text-color": null,
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Char": {
+ "text-color": "#008080",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Comment": {
+ "text-color": "#4c886b",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "CommentVar": {
+ "text-color": "#008000",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Constant": {
+ "text-color": "#585cf6",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "SpecialChar": {
+ "text-color": "#008080",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ },
+ "Keyword": {
+ "text-color": "#0000ff",
+ "background-color": null,
+ "bold": false,
+ "italic": false,
+ "underline": false
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/inst/rmd/h/default.html b/inst/rmd/h/default.html
index e0dd5be0bb..1ef7109d01 100644
--- a/inst/rmd/h/default.html
+++ b/inst/rmd/h/default.html
@@ -58,6 +58,17 @@
+ $endif$}
\section{Anchor Sections Customization}{
@@ -300,16 +377,19 @@ the basic pandoc template by passing \code{template = NULL}.
Note however that if you choose not to use the "default" HTML template then
several aspects of HTML document rendering will behave differently:
-\itemize{ \item{The \code{theme} parameter does not work (you can still
-provide styles using the \code{css} parameter). } \item{For the
-\code{highlight} parameter, the default highlighting style will resolve to
-"pygments" and the "textmate" highlighting style is not available }
-\item{The \code{toc_float} parameter will not work. } \item{The
-\code{code_folding} parameter will not work. } \item{Tabbed sections (as
-described above) will not work.} \item{Navigation bars (as described above)
-will not work. }\item{MathJax will not work if \code{self_contained} is
-\code{TRUE} (these two options can't be used together in normal pandoc
-templates). } }
+\item{The \code{theme} parameter does not work (you can still provide styles
+using the \code{css} parameter). }
+\item{For the \code{highlight} parameter, the default highlighting engine
+will resolve to Pandoc instead of highlightjs and highlighting style will default to
+"pygments". "textmate" style is not available as related to highlightjs}
+\item{The \code{toc_float} parameter will not work. }
+\item{The \code{code_folding} parameter will not work. }
+\item{Tabbed sections (as described above) will not work.}
+\item{Navigation bars (as described above) will not work. }
+\item{MathJax will not work if \code{self_contained} is \code{TRUE} (these
+two options can't be used together in normal pandoc templates). }
Due to the above restrictions, you might consider using the \code{includes}
parameter as an alternative to providing a fully custom template.
diff --git a/man/html_notebook.Rd b/man/html_notebook.Rd
index aab9f258cb..06fb2fd337 100644
--- a/man/html_notebook.Rd
+++ b/man/html_notebook.Rd
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ html_notebook(
code_folding = "show",
theme = "default",
highlight = "textmate",
+ highlight_downlit = FALSE,
mathjax = "default",
extra_dependencies = NULL,
css = NULL,
@@ -72,9 +73,33 @@ parameter may utilize the \code{theme}'s underlying Sass utilities
theme name (for backwards-compatibility).
-\item{highlight}{Syntax highlighting style. Supported styles include
-"default", "tango", "pygments", "kate", "monochrome", "espresso", "zenburn",
-"haddock", and "textmate". Pass \code{NULL} to prevent syntax highlighting.}
+\item{highlight}{Syntax highlight engine and style. See the
+\emph{Highlighting} section below for details.
+"default" (and "textmate") will use highlightjs as syntax highlighting
+engine instead of Pandoc.
+Any other value will be passed to Pandoc's
+style}. Pandoc's built-in styles include "tango", "pygments", "kate",
+"monochrome", "espresso", "zenburn", "haddock" and "breezedark".
+Two custom styles are also included, "arrow", an accessible color scheme,
+and "rstudio", which mimics the default IDE theme. Alternatively, supply a
+path to a \samp{.theme} to use a custom Pandoc style. Note that custom theme
+requires Pandoc 2.0+.
+Pass \code{NULL} to prevent syntax highlighting.}
+\item{highlight_downlit}{\code{TRUE} to use the \pkg{downlit} package as
+syntax highlight engine to highlight inline code and R code chunks
+(including providing hyperlinks to function documentation). The package
+needs to be installed to use this feature.
+Only Pandoc color schemes are supported with this engine. With
+\code{highlight = "default"}, it will use the accessible theme called
+"arrow". To learn more about \pkg{downlit} highlighting engine, see
\item{mathjax}{Include mathjax. The "default" option uses an https URL from a
MathJax CDN. The "local" option uses a local version of MathJax (which is
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-pandoc.R b/tests/testthat/test-pandoc.R
index 7b60ca80ae..d96f572521 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-pandoc.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-pandoc.R
@@ -1,6 +1,64 @@
# TODO: to remove when switching the package to edition 3
+test_that("build highlight args for pandoc correctly", {
+ hl_style <- function(name) c("--highlight-style", name)
+ expect_equal(pandoc_highlight_args(NULL), "--no-highlight")
+ expect_equal(pandoc_highlight_args("default"), hl_style("tango"))
+ expect_equal(pandoc_highlight_args("default", "zenburn"), hl_style("zenburn"))
+ expect_equal(pandoc_highlight_args("zenburn"), hl_style("zenburn"))
+test_that("Correct HTML highlighting argument as requested", {
+ # helpers
+ hl_args <- function(highlight, template, downlit = FALSE) {
+ pandoc_html_highlight_args(template = template, highlight = highlight,
+ highlight_downlit = downlit)
+ }
+ hl_style <- pandoc_highlight_args
+ downlit <- pandoc_variable_arg("highlight-downlit")
+ highlightjs <- pandoc_variable_arg("highlightjs", "1")
+ arrow_theme <- hl_style(pkg_file_highlight("arrow.theme"))
+ rstudio_theme <- hl_style(pkg_file_highlight("rstudio.theme"))
+ # check logic
+ # no engine
+ expect_equal(hl_args(NULL, "default"), hl_style(NULL))
+ expect_equal(hl_args(NULL, "dummy.html"), hl_style(NULL))
+ # pandoc
+ expect_equal(hl_args("default", "dummy.html"), hl_style("pygments"))
+ expect_equal(hl_args("zenburn", "dummy.html"), hl_style("zenburn"))
+ expect_equal(hl_args("breezedark", "default"), hl_style("breezedark"))
+ # highlight
+ expect_equal(hl_args("default", "default"), c(hl_style(NULL), highlightjs))
+ expect_equal(hl_args("textmate", "default"), c(hl_style(NULL), highlightjs))
+ expect_error(hl_args("textmate", "dummy.html"), "Pandoc engine")
+ # downlit
+ expect_equal(hl_args("tango", "default", TRUE), c(hl_style("tango"), downlit))
+ expect_equal(hl_args("tango", "dummy.html", TRUE), c(hl_style("tango"), downlit))
+ expect_error(hl_args("textmate", "dummy.html", TRUE), "downlit engine")
+ expect_error(hl_args("textmate", "default", TRUE), "downlit engine")
+ # custom theme
+ skip_if_not(pandoc2.0())
+ expect_equal(hl_args("default", "default", TRUE), c(arrow_theme, downlit))
+ expect_equal(hl_args("default", "dummy.html", TRUE), c(arrow_theme, downlit))
+ expect_equal(hl_args("arrow", "default", FALSE), c(arrow_theme))
+ expect_equal(hl_args("arrow", "dummy.html", FALSE), c(arrow_theme))
+ expect_equal(hl_args("rstudio", "default", TRUE), c(rstudio_theme, downlit))
+ expect_equal(hl_args("rstudio", "dummy.html", TRUE), c(rstudio_theme, downlit))
+ expect_equal(hl_args("path/to.theme", "default"), c(hl_style("path/to.theme")))
+ expect_equal(hl_args("path/to.theme", "dummy.html"), c(hl_style("path/to.theme")))
+test_that("detect highlightjs theme", {
+ expect_false(is_highlightjs(NULL))
+ expect_false(is_highlightjs("zenburn"))
+ expect_false(is_highlightjs("path/to/hl.theme"))
+ expect_true(is_highlightjs("default"))
+ expect_true(is_highlightjs("textmate"))
test_that("Converting bib file is working", {
skip_if_not_pandoc("2.11") # only test with newer Pandoc citeproc