Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Integer | [optional] | |
version | Integer | [optional] | |
changes | Array<Change> | [optional] | |
url | String | [optional] | |
payment_date | String | [optional] | |
booking_date | String | [optional] | |
value_date | String | [optional] | |
amount_currency | Float | In the specified currency. | [optional] |
currency | Currency | [optional] | |
creditor_bank_name | String | [optional] | |
creditor_bank_address | String | [optional] | |
creditor_bank_postal_code | String | [optional] | |
creditor_bank_postal_city | String | [optional] | |
status | String | The payment status.NOT_APPROVED: Payment not approved yet.<br>APPROVED: Payment approved, but not yet sent to bank.<br>SENT_TO_AUTOPAY: Payment sent to bank.<br>RECEIVED_BY_BANK: Payment received by the bank.<br>ACCEPTED_BY_BANK: Payment that was accepted by the bank.<br>FAILED: Payment that failed.<br>CANCELLED: Cancelled payment.<br>SUCCESS: Payment that ended successfully.<br> | [optional] |
status_id | String | The payment status Id. Usually all the payments in one batch have the same status ID, at least to the point of being received by bank.NEW: Payment is new.<br>PENDING_SIGNING: Payment is sent to AutoPay but not signed yet, requires re-approving.<br>CANCELLED: Payment was cancelled by ERP.<br>ERROR: Payment that failed.<br>RECEIVED_BY_BANK: Payment was received by the bank.<br>ACCEPTED_BY_BANK: Payment was accepted by bank.<br>CANCELLED_IN_BANK: Payment was cancelled in bank.<br>REJECTED_BY_BANK: Payment was rejected by bank.<br>PAID: Payment is paid.<br>OTHER: In case status in unknown. Will never be a final status.<br> | [optional] |
is_final_status | BOOLEAN | [optional] | |
is_foreign_payment | BOOLEAN | [optional] | |
is_salary | BOOLEAN | [optional] | |
description | String | [optional] | |
kid | String | KID - Kundeidentifikasjonsnummer. | [optional] |
receiver_reference | String | [optional] | |
source_voucher | Voucher | Vouchere that was paid. | [optional] |
postings | Posting | The payment posting. | [optional] |
account | Account | The payment account. | [optional] |
amount_in_account_currency | Float | Amount specified in the currency of the bank agreements account. | [optional] |