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457 lines (364 loc) · 25.6 KB


3.0.0 - 2025-02-25

Package manual is now published on Read the Docs


  • Use int-backed enums\SetOperatorPrecedence and enums\ScalarExpressionPrecedence for specifying relative precedences of SelectCommon and nodes\ScalarExpression nodes, respectively.
  • Use enums\ScalarExpressionAssociativity enum for specifying associativity of nodes\ScalarExpression implementations.
  • Better typehints for base interfaces and classes.


  • Methods of Parser that were erroneously marked as public were changed to intended protected: SearchClause(), CycleClause(), ConstantExpression(), JsonArrayConstructor(), JsonObjectConstructor(), JsonQueryFunction()

3.0.0-beta.2 - 2025-02-03

  • Upgraded psalm to version 6, fixed newly discovered issues
  • \sad_spirit\pg_builder\converters\BuilderSupportDecorator::setConnection() now has a return typehint of void, this follows changes to TypeConverterFactory interface in 3.0.0-beta.2 of sad_spirit/pg_wrapper package

3.0.0-beta - 2025-01-15

The package now requires PHP 8.2+ and Postgres 12+. BC breaks are possible due to new language features being used, please consult the upgrade instructions.


  • Support for new syntax of Postgres 17
    • SQL/JSON functions
      • json() produces json values from text, bytea, json or jsonb values, represented by nodes\json\JsonConstructor.
      • json_scalar() produces a json value from any scalar sql value, represented by nodes\json\JsonScalar.
      • json_serialize() produces text or bytea from json or jsonb input, represented by nodes\json\JsonSerialize
      • json_exists(), json_query(), json_value() for querying JSON data using jsonpath expressions. Represented by nodes\json\JsonExists, nodes\json\JsonQuery, nodes\json\JsonValue, respectively.
      • json_table() allows JSON data to be converted into a relational view and used in a FROM clause, represented by nodes\range\JsonTable and related classes.
    • MERGE statement improvements
      • It is now possible to use MERGE statements in WITH clauses.
      • Support RETURNING clause in MERGE, represented by $returning property of Merge class, merge_action() construct that can be used in that clause, represented by nodes\expressions\MergeAction.
      • Support WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE actions which operate on rows that exist in the target relation, but not in the data source. Represented by a new $matchedBySource property of existing nodes\merge\MergeWhenMatched class.
    • AT LOCAL expression for converting a timestamp to session time zone, represented by nodes\expressions\AtLocalExpression.
  • Tested on PHP 8.4 and Postgres 17


  • Consistently follow Postgres 17 in what is considered a whitespace character: space, \r, \n, \t, \v, \f.
  • Enums are used throughout package instead of string constants, see the upgrade instructions.
  • Added typehints for arguments and return values where not previously possible, e.g. self|string|ScalarExpression|null for an argument of nodes\WhereOrHavingClause::and().
  • Arguments for setter methods no longer have default (usually null) values. These values should be passed explicitly, though the recommended way is to use magic properties rather than setters.
  • Native public readonly properties are used in nodes\Identifier, nodes\expressions\Constant, nodes\expressions\Parameter, and their subclasses instead of magic ones.
  • Token class was converted to an interface with several implementations.


  • Features deprecated in 2.x releases were removed:
    • ParserAwareTypeConverterFactory class, BuilderSupportDecorator should be used instead.
    • $resultTypes parameter for NativeStatement::executePrepared(). The types should be passed to NativeStatement::prepare().
  • nodes\GenericNode no longer implements deprecated Serializable interface, serialize() and unserialize() methods were removed from it and its subclasses.
  • Keywords class (replaced by Keyword enum, see the upgrade instructions).


  • Incorrect method was called to parse right argument of IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM expression, causing syntax exceptions with correct expressions, e.g. foo IS DISTINCT FROM bar < baz.
  • Some keywords (AND, BETWEEN, COLLATE, ILIKE, IN, IS, LIKE, OR) that can be used in Postgres as column aliases without AS keyword caused syntax exceptions when used in such a way, e.g. SELECT NULL AND (this returns a null column aliased and in Postgres).
  • Lexer matches a complete identifier in "junk after number" tests. Previously only a single byte was matched, so the error message could possibly contain a partial multibyte character. Same fix as in Postgres 17.
  • nodes\json\JsonArrayAgg and nodes\json\JsonObjectAgg no longer implement FunctionLike as they cannot be used in FROM clause. An exception will be thrown if they (or the new nodes\expressions\MergeAction) appear when parsing the FROM clause.

2.4.0 - 2024-05-27


  • NativeStatement::executePrepared() now uses pg_wrapper's PreparedStatement::executeParams() under the hood, all parameter values should be passed in the $params argument. This was already the case when NativeStatement was built from a statement initially containing named parameters, but not positional ones.
  • NativeStatement::prepare() will fetch info on parameter types from the DB if some types are not given explicitly either in $paramTypes argument or via typecasts in the query itself. Previously these types were inferred from the types of parameter values on PHP side.
  • No longer use names deprecated in pg_wrapper 2.4.0: ResultSet -> Result, Connection::getResource() -> Connection::getNative().


NativeStatement::prepare() now accepts $resultTypes argument that will be passed on to Result instances returned by the created PreparedStatement instance.


$resultTypes argument for NativeStatement::executePrepared() method, the types should be passed to prepare().

2.3.1 - 2023-11-15


  • It is now possible to generate SQL suitable for PDO::prepare() even if a query does not contain placeholders, see issue #15. Enabled by a new $forcePDOPrepareCompatibility argument to StatementFactory::createFromAST().

2.3.0 - 2023-09-15

A stable release following release of Postgres 16. No code changes since beta.

2.3.0-beta - 2023-08-30


Support for new syntax of PostgreSQL 16 (as of beta 3)

  • SQL/JSON functions and expressions:
    • IS JSON predicate represented by nodes\expressions\IsJsonExpression;
    • Aggregate functions json_arrayagg() and json_objectagg() represented by nodes\json\JsonArrayAgg and nodes\json\JsonObjectAgg;
    • Constructor functions json_array() and json_object() represented by nodes\json\JsonArrayValueList, nodes\json\JsonArraySubselect, nodes\json\JsonObject classes.
  • Allow non-decimal integer literals and underscores as separators in numeric literals.
  • Aliases for subqueries in FROM are now optional.
  • SYSTEM_USER server variable backed by nodes\expressions\SQLValueFunction.
  • [NO] INDENT option for XMLSERIALIZE() expression.

2.2.0 - 2023-05-14


  • TypeNameNodeHandler interface extending TypeConverterFactory from pg_wrapper package: designed for factories that know how to process TypeName nodes. Its methods were defined previously in ParserAwareTypeConverterFactory class which is now an implementation of the interface.
  • BuilderSupportDecorator class implementing TypeNameNodeHandler and working as a decorator around DefaultTypeConverterFactory.


ParserAwareTypeConverterFactory is now deprecated, BuilderSupportDecorator should be used instead.

2.1.0 - 2022-11-04

A stable release following release of Postgres 15. No code changes since beta 2.

2.1.0-beta.2 - 2022-10-09


Support for SQL/JSON syntax as it was removed in PostgreSQL 15 beta 4

2.1.0-beta - 2022-08-18


Support for new syntax of PostgreSQL 15:

  • MERGE statement
    • Merge class and StatementFactory::merge() helper method
  • SQL/JSON functions and expressions
    • IS JSON predicate represented by nodes\expressions\IsJsonExpression;
    • Constructor functions json(), json_scalar(), json_array(), json_object() represented by nodes\json\JsonConstructor, nodes\json\JsonScalar, nodes\json\JsonArray, nodes\json\JsonObject classes respectively;
    • Aggregate functions json_arrayagg() and json_objectagg() represented by nodes\json\JsonArrayAgg and nodes\json\JsonObjectAgg;
    • Query functions json_exists(), json_value(), json_query() represented by nodes\json\JsonExists, nodes\json\JsonValue, nodes\json\JsonQuery;
    • json_table() expression appearing in FROM clause represented by nodes\range\JsonTable.


Reject numeric literals and positional parameters with trailing non-digits: previously SELECT 123abc was parsed as SELECT 123 AS abc, now it will throw a SyntaxException. This follows the changes to lexer done in Postgres 15.

2.0.1 - 2022-06-17


  • Parser accepts SELECT queries with empty target lists (thanks to @rvanvelzen for PR #14).

2.0.0 - 2021-12-31


  • Update dependencies, prevent using incompatible versions
  • When caching parsed query fragments, a version is added to cache key to prevent loading cache saved by previous version (e.g. GroupByList is now an abstract class and will cause an error if appearing in cache).

2.0.0-beta - 2021-11-19

Updated for Postgres 14 and PHP 8.1. The major version is incremented due to a few BC breaks.


  • Support for new syntax of PostgreSQL 14:
    • It is now possible to use most of the keywords as column aliases without AS.
    • DISTINCT clause for GROUP BY. Exposed as $distinct property for a new GroupByClause node which is now used for $group property of Select.
    • SEARCH and CYCLE clauses for Common Table Expressions. Implemented as SearchClause and CycleClause classes and exposed as $search and $cycle properties of CommonTableExpression class.
    • Alias can be specified for USING clause of JOIN expression. Exposed as $alias property of a new UsingClause node which is now used for $using property of JoinExpression.
    • SUBSTRING(string SIMILAR pattern ESCAPE escape) function call, represented by nodes\expressions\SubstringSimilarExpression


Several SQL standard functions with special arguments format (arguments separated by keywords or keywords as arguments, etc) were previously parsed into FunctionExpression with pg_catalog.internal_name for a function name and a standard argument list, they appeared that way in generated SQL: trim(trailing 'o' from 'foo') -> pg_catalog.rtrim('foo', 'o'). These functions are now represented by separate Node subclasses and will appear in generated SQL the same way they did in source. The following functions were affected:

  • COLLATION FOR(...) is now represented by nodes\expressions\CollationForExpression
  • EXTRACT(field FROM source) - nodes\expressions\ExtractExpression
  • NORMALIZE(...) - nodes\expressions\NormalizeExpression
  • OVERLAY(...) - nodes\expressions\OverlayExpression
  • POSITION(...) - nodes\expressions\PositionExpression
  • SUBSTRING(... FROM ...) - nodes\expressions\SubstringFromExpression
  • TRIM(...) - nodes\expressions\TrimExpression
  • XMLEXISTS(...) - nodes\xml\XmlExists

This follows the changes done in Postgres 14. Note also that EXTRACT() function maps to internal pg_catalog.extract() in Postgres 14 while in previous versions it mapped to pg_catalog.date_part().


The package will run under PHP 8.1 with no E_DEPRECATED messages:

  • Added return type hints to implementations of methods from ArrayAccess, Countable, and IteratorAggregate interfaces.
  • Implemented __serialize() and __unserialize() magic methods alongside methods defined in deprecated Serializable interface.


  • Support for IS [NOT] OF expressions
  • Support for postfix operators

1.0.2 - 2021-08-10


A space before NOT was missing when generating NOT BETWEEN expressions.

1.0.1 - 2021-07-13


recursive property of WithClause was not properly set when passing SQL strings to its merge() and replace() methods.

1.0.0 - 2021-06-26


Support for undocumented IS [NOT] OF expression that will be removed in Postgres 14.

1.0.0-beta - 2021-02-21


  • Improved Unicode support
    • Lexer handles \uXXXX and \UXXXXXXXX escapes in string literals with C-style escapes and converts them to UTF-8 strings.
    • u&'...' string literals and u&"..." identifiers are also supported, including trailing UESCAPE clauses. These are also converted to UTF-8.
    • SqlBuilderWalker has a new 'escape_unicode' option that will trigger converting multi-byte UTF-8 characters (i.e. non-ASCII) to Unicode escapes in generated SQL.
  • It is now much easier to use the package for generating queries suitable for PDO:
    • StatementFactory may be configured to keep :foo named parameters, automatically escape ? in operator names and prevent generating dollar-quoted strings so that resultant SQL can be handed to PDO::prepare()
    • Convenience method StatementFactory::forPDO() creates an instance of StatementFactory based on passed PDO connection (and enables the above compatibility)
    • New ParserAwareTypeConverterFactory::convertParameters() method prepares parameters for PDOStatement::execute() using types info extracted from query
  • Substantial performance improvements, especially when using cache. Tested on PHP 7.4 against version 0.4.1:
    • 15-20% faster SQL parsing
    • 25% faster SQL building
    • 25% faster unserialization of AST and 30% smaller serialized data length
    • 50% faster cloning of AST
  • Tested and supported on PHP 8
  • Static analysis with phpstan and psalm
  • Special function-like constructs in FROM clause are now properly supported (Postgres allows these):
    select * from current_date, cast('PT1M' as interval);
  • Package Exception interface now extends \Throwable


  • Requires at least PHP 7.2
  • Requires at least PostgreSQL 9.5
  • Parser expects incoming SQL to be encoded in UTF-8, will throw exceptions in case of invalid encoding
  • Method mergeInputTypes() of NativeStatement renamed to mergeParameterTypes()
  • Changes to StatementFactory API
    • Constructor accepts an instance of Parser, an instance of class implementing new StatementToStringWalker interface (which is implemented by SqlBuilderWalker), and a flag to toggle PDO-compatible output.
    • Creation of StatementFactory configured for Connection object from pg_wrapper package is now done via StatementFactory::forConnection() method.
    • Similarly, an instance of StatementFactory configured for PDO connection can be created with StatementFactory::forPDO().
  • Changes to Node subclasses API:
    • Methods and_() and or_() of WhereOrHavingClause were renamed to and() and or() as such names are allowed in PHP 7
    • Signatures of constructors for ColumnReference and QualifiedName were changed from __construct(array $parts) to __construct(...$parts)
    • OperatorExpression no longer accepts any string as an operator, it accepts either a string of special characters valid for operator name or an instance of new QualifiedOperator class representing a namespaced operator: operator(pg_catalog.+). SQL constructs previously represented by OperatorExpression have their own nodes: AtTimeZoneExpression, IsDistinctFromExpression, IsExpression, OverlapsExpression, NotExpression.
    • Similar to above, FunctionCall constructor will no longer accept a string with an SQL keyword for a function name and will convert a non-keyword string to QualifiedName. Thus FunctionCall's $name property is always an instance of QualifiedName. Function-like constructs previously represented by FunctionCall have their own nodes: ArrayComparisonExpression (for ANY / ALL / SOME), NullIfExpression, SystemFunctionCallExpression (for COALESCE, GREATEST, LEAST, XMLCONCAT)
    • NOT in SQL constructs like IS NOT DISTINCT FROM or NOT BETWEEN is represented as $not property of a relevant Node
    • Constant and Parameter nodes were essentially 1:1 mapping of TYPE_LITERAL and TYPE_PARAMETER Tokens exposing Token::TYPE_* constants, so branching code was needed to process them. Added specialized KeywordConstant, NumericConstant, StringConstant, NamedParameter, PositionalParameter child classes. Constant and Parameter are now abstract base classes containing factory-like methods for creating child class instances.
    • XmlColumnDefinition (used in representing XMLTABLE constructs) is now an abstract class extended by XmlOrdinalityColumnDefinition and XmlTypedColumnDefinition
    • SQL standard "value functions" like current_user and current_timestamp are represented by a new SQLValueFunction Node instead of ad-hoc system function calls and typecasts. They will now appear in generated SQL the same way they did in source.
    • ArrayIndexes node representing a single offset access [1] rather than slice [1:2] will have that offset as an upper bound rather than lower. ArrayIndexes will disallow setting lower bound for non-slice nodes.
    • RowsFrom no longer extends range\FunctionCall, they both extend a new base FunctionFromElement class. Also property of RowsFrom containing function calls is named $functions rather than $function.
  • Changes to TreeWalker interface
    • walkConstant() was replaced by walkKeywordConstant() / walkNumericConstant() / walkStringConstant() methods.
    • Similarly, walkParameter() was replaced by walkNamedParameter() and walkPositionalParameter().
    • Also walkXmlColumnDefinition was replaced by walkXmlTypedColumnDefinition() and walkXmlOrdinalityColumnDefinition()
    • Added walkQualifiedOperator() for visiting QualifiedOperator nodes.
    • Added walkAtTimeZoneExpression(), walkIsDistinctFromExpression(), walkIsExpression(), walkNotExpression(), walkOverlapsExpression() for visiting nodes previously represented by OperatorExpression.
    • Added walkSQLValueFunction() for visiting SQLValueFunction nodes.
    • Added walkSystemFunctionCall(), walkArrayComparisonExpression(), walkNullIfExpression() for visiting nodes previously represented by FunctionCall.
  • Most of the required renames and changes to code that deals with creating objects can be automated by using the provided rector rules, consult the upgrade instructions. Changes to custom TreeWalker implementations and to code that checks for particular object instances and property values should be done manually, unfortunately.


  • As postfix operators are deprecated in Postgres 13 and will be removed in Postgres 14, OperatorExpression will now trigger a (silenced) E_USER_DEPRECATED error when right operand is missing. Support for postfix operators will be removed altogether in the release of pg_builder that supports new syntax features of Postgres 14.


  • Support for mbstring.func_overload, which was deprecated in PHP 7.2
  • Support for operator precedence of pre-9.5 Postgres
  • 'ascii_only_downcasing' option for Lexer, it is now assumed to always be true


  • Single quotes in string literals with C-style escapes could be unescaped twice
  • Subselect with several parentheses around it could be incorrectly parsed
  • and() and or() methods of WhereOrHavingClause incorrectly handled empty WhereOrHavingClause and empty LogicalExpression passed as arguments.
  • BlankWalker missed several dispatch() calls to child nodes

0.4.1 - 2020-09-30


  • SqlBuilderWalker used incorrect operator precedence when generating SQL containing new IS NORMALIZED operator
  • A sub-optimal regular expression in Lexer could cause up to 10x lexing slowdown for some queries

0.4.0 - 2020-09-26

This is the last feature release to support PHP 5 and Postgres versions below 9.5


  • New keywords from Postgres 12 and 13
  • Support for new syntax of Postgres 12:
    • MATERIALIZED / NOT MATERIALIZED modifiers of Common Table Expressions. Exposed as $materialized property of CommonTableExpression node.
    • BY VALUE clause in XMLEXISTS and XMLTABLE.
  • Support for new syntax of Postgres 13:
    • FETCH FIRST ... WITH TIES form of SQL:2008 limit clause. Exposed as $limitWithTies property of SelectCommon node.
    • IS [NOT] NORMALIZED operator.
    • NORMALIZE(...) function.
  • .gitattributes file to prevent installing tests with the package


  • Use composer's PSR-4 autoloaders for code and tests, drop home-grown ones


  • Parsing of argument for SQL:2008 limit clause (FETCH FIRST ...) better follows behaviour of Postgres.

0.3.0 - 2018-10-30


  • Support for new syntax of PostgreSQL 11


  • Ported fixes to multicharacter operators processing from Postgres lexer
  • Fixed BlankWalker (and consequently ParameterWalker) not visiting nodes representing ON CONFLICT clause of INSERT
  • PHPDoc cleanup

0.2.3 - 2018-10-28


  • Parser clones parsed Node objects when storing them in cache or retrieving from cache. This prevents problems if the same query fragment is used multiple times.
  • Make ext-ctype a required dependency in composer.json

0.2.2 - 2017-10-05


  • Invalid dollar-quoted strings created by SqlBuilderWalker if the string constant ended with dollar symbol (common thing with RegExps)
  • Make sad-spirit/pg_wrapper a suggested dependency in composer.json

0.2.1 - 2017-09-19


  • Support for SKIP LOCKED construct in locking clause of SELECT. Missed when implementing syntax of Postgres 9.5
  • BlankWalker implementation of TreeWalker that only dispatches to child nodes. ParameterWalker is reimplemented as a subclass of BlankWalker.


  • $statement property of CommonTableExpression is now writable.

0.2.0 - 2017-09-04


  • Support for new syntax of PostgreSQL versions 9.5, 9.6 and 10
  • Parser can be configured to use either pre-9.5 or 9.5+ operator precedence
  • SqlBuilderWalker can add parentheses in compatibility mode, so that generated queries will run on both pre-9.5 and 9.5+ PostgreSQL
  • Added converters\ParserAwareTypeConverterFactory that contains code depending on sad-spirit/pg-builder classes


  • sad-spirit/pg-wrapper is now an optional dependency, base Exception interface no longer extends sad_spirit\pg_wrapper\Exception
  • Parser can now use any PSR-6 compatible cache implementation for storing generated ASTs, as home-grown cache implementation was removed from pg_wrapper.


  • Correctly build WHERE clause when first call to WhereOrHavingClause::and_() contained an expression with OR

0.1.1 - 2014-10-06


Exceptions from sad-spirit/pg-wrapper are no longer thrown here.

0.1.0 - 2014-09-28

Initial release on GitHub