We have trained the MobileVit and ResNet5M models in self supervised fashion using self distillation and compared the performances with the state of the art DINOv2.
MobileVit(LowDINO) with 5.5M parameters performs very close to the DINOv2 with 21.5M parameters over KNN evaluation. A similar trend can be observed after fine tuning the models over 10% and 30% of CIFAR 10 datasets, the MobileVit(LowDINO) with 4 times less parameter count performs very close to the State of the Art DINOv2 in classification tasks.
Though these results show promising, more research have to be done to compare how the model performs in other tasks like image segmentation, detection etc. and needs to be trained with heavy datasets and more ablation studies.
Archive paper print can be found here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.17791
To get started with the training the LowDINO model
As a first step download the requirements and setup the working environment
Environment setup:
We have used CUDA 11.6 and Pytorch GPU to train all the models where are mentioned in this repository.
Pleaes refer to the following link to setup Pytorch CUDA locally
pip install -r requirements.txt
Move to custom folder
cd custom
There are two different scripts to make your tranining faster
one use pytorch DataParallel and the other uses Colossalai's Distributed Dataparallel.
To train the model of ResNet5M/MobileViT model using colossalai's Distributed Dataparallel
follow this command:
colossalai run --nproc_per_node 2 train_colossalai.py
The number 2 represents two GPUs on the system.
To train using Pytorch Dataparallel use make sure to include device ids based on the number of GPUs available
python train_dp.py --device-ids [0,1]
pretrained==True applies to MobileViT model, one can Modify the mobilenet.py to change the models.
Following are the models it supported backbones(Format shown is backbone: dim from the backbone)
As show in the follwing code snippet one needs to change the teacher and student network here for mobilenet in the scripts of train_dp.py and train_colossalai.py.
student_vit = mobilenet('mobilevit_s',pretrained=args.pretrained)
teacher_vit = mobilenet('mobilevit_s',pretrained=args.pretrained)
for ResNet5m refer the following snippet in the scripts of train_dp.py and train_colossalai.py!
student_vit = ResNet5M()
teacher_vit = ResNet5M()
These are selected backbone networks but can use the other base models along with them like ViT, ResNet101, EfficientNet etc.!
Other Hyperparameters that can be tuned for the both models
-b or --batch-size: an integer indicating the batch size (default: 1024)
-l or --logging-freq: an integer indicating the frequency of logging (default: 1)
--momentum-teacher: a float indicating the momentum of the teacher model (default: 0.9995)
-c or --n-crops: an integer indicating the number of crops to be used for data augmentation (default: 4)
-e or --n-epochs: an integer indicating the number of training epochs (default: 50)
-o or --out-dim: an integer indicating the dimension of the output layer (default: 1024)
-t or --tensorboard-dir: a string indicating the directory to save TensorBoard logs (default: "logs")
--clip-grad: a float indicating the maximum value of the gradient norm for clipping (default: 2.0)
--norm-last-layer: a flag indicating whether to normalize the output of the last layer (default: False)
--batch-size-eval: an integer indicating the batch size for evaluation (default: 8)
--teacher-temp: a float indicating the temperature of the teacher model for distillation (default: 0.04)
--student-temp: a float indicating the temperature of the student model for distillation (default: 0.1)
-d or --device-ids: a list of integers indicating the device IDs(GPUs) to use for training (default: [0,1])
--pretrained: a flag indicating whether to use a pretrained model for training (default: False)
--weight-decay: a float indicating the weight decay for regularization (default: 0.4)
for MobileVits Distillation with ViT_s model use Distillation MobileVits.ipynb notebook.
for ResNet5M Distillation with ResNet50 model use distillation_trainings_resnet.ipynb.
For running KNN on ResNet50 using BYOL follow BYOL.ipynb.