The list below includes 77 deleted tweets by BurgessOwens.
There are also 7 tweets that are indicated as not currently deleted by the Twitter API that have been scraped from pages of deleted tweets (as replies, etc.). These possibly undeleted tweets are included for context and are indicated by a (live) link.
Datasets generated by SalishCoast 161 and Karma 161 using ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown and other tools as part of the deleted-tweets-archive project repo on github.
You can create your own updated version of this document by checking out and configuring the repository and then running the following commands:
$ cargo build --release
$ target/release/twcc deleted-tweets --report BurgessOwens
Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.
- 4 November 2021: Give Joe Biden's Presidency a rating below (down arrow) We want to know your thoughts!
- 3 October 2021: Robert Smalls courageously sailed a stolen confederate ship to Union territory, leading to the freedom of his family and many others. He went on to serve in the Union Navy and eventually as a representative in Congress.
- 3 August 2021: I introduced a bill that bans funding for discriminatory, segregated "diversity" trainings. America has come too far to return to the days where we segregate each other along racial lines.
- 21 June 2021: I'm fighting back against the Biden Admin and the radical Democrats who want Critical Race Theory in schools, the military, and other government-run institutions. I need your support as the House takes up this bill, so join me!
- 18 June 2021: Biden, Harris are 'lost in space,' unresponsive to Americans' needs: Rep. Owens
- 27 May 2021: Critical Race Theory divides us. And now the Administration is using tax dollars to divide.
- 28 April 2021: Did you catch me on Shooting Straight? Listen in on the full interview at the link.
- 27 April 2021: . @JakeBequette91 went from winning a Super Bowl in 2015, to being an Army Ranger in 2016.
- 19 April 2021: Violence should have no place in our society. This is unacceptable.
- 15 April 2021: No one understands racism as well as "woke" white liberals obviously...
- 15 April 2021: I guess black people will never understand the KKK as well as "woke" white media does...
- 10 April 2021: If only @POTUS cared about issues outside of what's trending with "woke Twitter".
- 8 April 2021: Did you see what I said about Mr. Biden's pandering?
- 8 April 2021: Time for some backbone @POTUS @VP
- 5 April 2021:
- 4 April 2021: RT @JennaEllisEsq: @BurgessOwens He is risen, indeed!
- 2 April 2021: Now is not the time for weak leadership, too much us at stake.
- 30 March 2021:
- 25 March 2021: Our constitutional rights are under attack. Will you support Burgess in defending the 2nd Amendment? Take our poll!
- 19 March 2021: When you can't win on policy or merit, you create a race war. It's disgusting the way the media, celebrities and the DNC have pushed this ugly false narrative that the party of Abraham Lincoln is the party of racism.
- 19 March 2021: Apparently one border crisis isn't enough...
- 15 March 2021: @TonyLaneNV is a strong black conservative running for Congress in Nevada and he needs our help! We need voices like Tony's in Congress. With Tony's help, we can take back House! Please consider donating to his campaign! .
- 11 March 2021: The same people who want the police "defunded", also want them to be the only ones with a means to protect you.
- 11 March 2021: The American Promise is that you can fail, learn, grow, and succeed no matter who you are. We must protect opportunity and freedom so that we can fulfill this promise.
- 4 March 2021: I see a lot more "systemic racism" in Congress than in our brave men and women in blue.
- 20 February 2021: Today on World Day of Social Justice, let us reaffirm our commitment to creating a more just and peaceful society - across Utah, America, and the world.
- 19 February 2021: RT @BurgessOwens: I was never a slave. Why would I possibly "deserve" money from those who have never owned slaves?
- 11 February 2021: Alternate article title... "Black former athlete couldn't possibly understand black athletes as well as white reporters."
- 7 February 2021: RT @BurgessOwens: 40 years ago I played the biggest game of my life. I remember like most players then, seeing the flag & often getting tea…
- 2 February 2021: I wonder if this means they're willing to start the conversation about criminal justice reform, school choice and protecting the unborn?
- 6 January 2021: RT @RepBurgessOwens: Proud to sign this statement alongside so many of my colleagues. We owe it to the American people to protect the integ…
- 4 January 2021: Now the real work begins.
- 20 December 2020: I remember at my low points, I knew I lived in a country where all things are possible. How do we expect our children to have the confidence to rise above their circumstances of they're not taught that?
- 20 December 2020: "Its a great day to be alive" @Travistritt ! So many people out showing their support in GA.
- 13 November 2020: To be honest with you guys.. I’m the absolute last to pull the race card.. BUT @ap has some splaining to do. 40 years in public arena, pictures all over the internet, in one of more competitive national races and this is the best investigative journalism AP can do? COME ON Man
- 5 November 2020: Humm..VERY GOOD question. It would take too much investigative journalism ??...
- 3 November 2020: To better contain the virus I'm calling on @JoeBiden to encourage his supporters to stay home tomorrow.
- 31 October 2020: Now be honest @LilTunechi , did you ask @realDonaldTrump to teach you those dance moves?
- 23 October 2020: I have seem first-hand the evils of white supremacy and racism. If you don't believe we've improved as a country, turn off the TV and go outside. Everyday I meet people who see inside out rather than outside in. Everyday I'm more impressed by the hearts of Americans.
- 13 October 2020: As I pointed out on the debate stage. Ben McAdams corrected and said it specifically said pre-existing conditions. While I've had my problems with ACA, I've been a supporter or the protect act and protections for pre-existing conditions.
- 13 October 2020: Ben should admit the real reason he voted for impeachment. So his pal Pelosi would come in with millions to slander his opponent. Curious, @SpeakerPelosi was their a quid pro quo?
- 2 October 2020: Ben McAdams wants you to think he represents Utahns, but he’s as liberal as it gets. SAY NO to Ben McAdams and VOTE BURGESS OWENS for #UT04 ! ⬇️ CHIP IN ⬇️
- 27 September 2020: The Power of “We the People” comes from the FAITH of “We the Peope”
- 13 September 2020: RT @BurgessOwens: Nancy Pelosi's pac is spending millions in ads against me... Shouldn't that win some votes knowing how badly @SpeakerPel…
- 13 September 2020: That is true! You guys need to get Tommy back!
- 12 September 2020: SmartGirl.. my advice regarding Tara.. “ignore”.. closed mind/ closed heart/ closed soul =Brick Wall. The trigger that actually drives Leftist nuts!!! “Irrelevance” - Just Ignore. “GOD BLESS AMERICA” .. another Leftist trigger 👍🏾😊🇺🇸
- 12 September 2020: Gender reveal parties become less fun when the child is in their mid thirties...
- 5 September 2020: RT @BurgessOwens: On a daily basis I'm called an "uncle Tom", "House Slave", Coon, and other vulgar epithets I'm not comfortable mentioning…
- 3 September 2020: These 4 tenents help guide my life. Now more than ever, we need leaders who stand by their principles and won’t compromise their values for political opportunities. RT if you agree.
- 25 August 2020: It's a horrible thing when someone makes an accusation so heinous because of their inability to see through partisan blinders.
- 23 August 2020: Empathy>apathy
- 22 August 2020: They have started to believe they can hurl that insult at anyone who disagrees with them. Punks like @brianstelter don't know what racism is, they don't care about real racism. It's guys like that who have manipulated the race conversation for decades.
- 20 August 2020: I live my life by these 4 tenants, and it's time they are embraced once again by our nation.
- 20 August 2020: Have you gotten your #Burgess4Utah face mask yet?
- 5 August 2020: RT @BurgessOwens: Here in America people are good, people look after their neighbors, they help those in need. We believe in hard work, we…
- 3 July 2020: Kind of think it's funny you hide behind a cartoon character profile picture and a fake name while trolling... 😂🤣
- 24 June 2020: Jemele Hill.. the face & voice of an angry Black Racist. BTW.. Anyone who tells you that Black Americans are not capable “like normal people” to be racist ...YEP.. take it to the bank...a rabbit, judge people by the color of their skin.. “Racist” !!!
- 20 June 2020: Owed by who? Paid to who? You're blaming a race for the sins or their ancestors, while using the hardships of out ancestors as a means to profit. Should we now all take an accounting of the mistakes of our ancestors and make sure we pay debts to their descendants?
- 20 June 2020 (live): Because it's not true. The moments I've seen the best out of Americans were when I was at my lowest, when no one knew my name. I know their are problems, problems with the world regardless of race, but most people are good people with just different life experiences.
- 20 June 2020 (live): Yes I am. Ignorance knows no color just look at all the nasty things that are said about me, a man who fought segregation and overcame the obstacles of race when racial tensions were at their height because my opinion differs.
- 20 June 2020 (live): Donovan, I'm a fan. I believe you're a genuine person. I do disagree with you politically. If. You're open to a discussion on race and the politicizing of it by the media during election years I'd love to have that.
- 17 June 2020: Let's get you out to Utah!
- 15 June 2020: RT @BurgessOwens: In America, we're always looking to find our better selves. As your Congressman, I will bring needed change to D.C. and f…
- 4 June 2020: #Biden lost pres elections to Dukakis, Jesse Jackson, Obama, Clinton, John Edwards, they're confident he'll beat @realDonaldTrump who prior to an unprecedented worldwide pandemic, gave us the GREATEST EXONOMY IN AMERICAN HISTORY. Still confident in our education system?
- 1 June 2020 (live): I believe it's possible to be against a police officer killing someone unjustly while being against violent riots. Who's with me?
- 25 May 2020: Let's have a forum, @JoeBiden if black issues are so important to you. Myself, @RealCandaceO @dbongino @davidwebbshow @IWashington @larryelder @DiamondandSilk @hodgetwins @staceydash @kanyewest @THEHermanCain @RealBenCarson and @cvpayne to talk about why we vote Republican.
- 24 May 2020 (live): Here's the thing. @realDonaldTrump doesn't SAY the perfect thing. He DOES the right thing. @BarackObama said all the right things, but did nothing. The media and Hollywood are far more concerned with being told what they want to hear, than they are seeing American success.
- 22 May 2020: RT @BurgessOwens: @DonaldJTrumpJr If @realDonaldTrump said this there would be riots in the street. I held picket signs and protested segre…
- 22 May 2020: The only Democrat upset about this is Hunter Biden..... asking "Where was my $1 billion dad?"
- 15 May 2020: You want to know who has the most stressful job on the planet??? Joe Biden's math tutor.
- 8 May 2020: RT @BurgessOwens: Why do I talk about race so much? For 8 years of Obama, Republicans were told they were racist if they disagreed on even…
- 6 May 2020: RT @BurgessOwens: This is unacceptable and should worry every American. Criminalizing someone for trying to feed their family? Let's make t…
- 30 April 2020: RT @BurgessOwens: When I was a kid I protested segregation. Now we face a new problem, one just as divisive and destructive. We have popula…
- 8 March 2020: @BernieSanders , @JoeBiden Have No 'Desire to Love Our Nation' via @BreitbartNews #ut04 #utpol #DonaldTrump
- 17 February 2020: RT @BurgessOwens: I left the NFL as a cocky Liberal. Started a biz I knew could not fail. 7 years later it did. Lost everything, moved fami…
- 12 February 2020: Let's flip these districts!
- 10 February 2020: Thank you for standing up for the blue!
- 14 November 2019: Had the opportunity to share our message of Head, Heart, Hands and Home with @ShannonBream on @foxnewsnight #ut04 #utpol #donaldtrump #foxnews
- 8 November 2019: We need your help getting our message of Head, Heart, Hands and Home to Washington. Please take a look and donate today! #utpol #UT04 #gop #RNC
- 8 November 2019: Thank you for having me on today @ainsleyearhardt
- 2 November 2019: OK..announcing next week a run for a Congressional seat in the House. Had an epiphany 3-4 months ago.. the leftist are finally beyond “NUTS”.. they are in your face anti-American. No heart & no shame...Our kids don’t have a chance if they keep the House & Love being an Underdog
- 1 November 2019 (live): Hey Mimi...stay tuned..i have one of those “Never say NEVER” moments that I’ll share with you. Hope all is well 👍🏾
- 31 October 2019 (live): Awesome, awesome opportunity to spend time with Candace. We agreed that it is indeed an honor to share the proud last name.....OWENS 😊👍🏾
- 1 October 2019: I don’t want and don’t deserve reparations. This is why: #walkaway #blexit #YAF #noreparations