NOTE: These scripts are terrible. If you know minimally about CentOS 9 you can easily solve any problem that it may happen. quick breakdown:
1- Installs Docker on your VM.
2- Starts Docker
3- Sets username and randomly generate root password and user password (for docker compose only)
4- Creates docker-compose.yml and the .conf file of the blog. (wp-blog.conf)
5- Docker composes up
wdpUninstall quick breakdown:
1- Stops nginx, wordpress and db containers
2- Removes nginx, wordpress and db containers
3- Removes blog volumes used by the containers
4- Removes the cloned directory (wdp-docker-directory)
This is my first upload to GitHub. I did this as a project for my internship.
SE: shellscript to run wordpress on docker using nginx on virtual machine centos 9