Signal API Automation with Tasker
install this API on your Homeserver or Cloud instance - using docker
## Create Folder to store signal key data's
mkdir $HOME/.local/share/signal-cli
## Deploy signal api via docker
docker run -d --name signal-api --restart=always -p 6002:6002 -v $HOME/.local/share/signal-cli:/home/.local/share/signal-cli -e MODE=native -e PORT=6002 -e AUTO_RECEIVE_SCHEDULE="0 22 * * *" bbernhard/signal-cli-rest-api
- Link device via QRCODE
- For more about API usage refer this:
- Live Cricket Score API:
This task is created according to MIUI you can modify the task end according to your device's OS because in the end it closes via the app via RAM cleaner MIUI widget so I set autoinput v2 according to the widget placement.
Task: Signal API Get Cricket Score
Comments: Replace the example http api url with your api url
Settings: Abort Existing Task
<Read the Notification Title and Text>
A1: AutoNotification Query [
Configuration: Notification Apps: Signal
Timeout (Seconds): 20
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
<wait for 2 secs to send to reply>
A2: Wait [
MS: 0
Seconds: 2
Minutes: 0
Hours: 0
Days: 0 ]
<Open a Notification>
A3: AutoNotification Actions [
Configuration: Notification Apps: Signal
Intercept Action ID: %antouchaction()
Timeout (Seconds): 20
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
<wait for 2 secs to send to reply>
A4: Wait [
MS: 0
Seconds: 2
Minutes: 0
Hours: 0
Days: 0 ]
<Typing indicator>
A5: HTTP Request [
Method: PUT
Headers: accept:application/json
Body: { "recipient": "+910123456789" }
Timeout (Seconds): 30
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
<Fetch Live cricket score json data>
A6: HTTP Request [
Method: GET
Timeout (Seconds): 30
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
<if condition to validate the Title and Text>
A7: If [ %antext eq score & %antitle eq John doe ]
<Validate the current live match score>
A8: If [ %http_data.livescore.current eq Data Not Found ]
<send match status data>
A9: HTTP Request [
Method: POST
Headers: accept:application/json
Body: {"message": "Hey %antitle π \n\nπ΄ Currently No Live Match\n\nβ
%http_data.livescore.title \n\nπ Status - %http_data.livescore.update", "number": "+910123456789", "recipients": [ "+910123456789" ]}
Timeout (Seconds): 30
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
A10: Else
<send live score>
A11: HTTP Request [
Method: POST
Headers: Content-Type:application/json
Body: {"message": "%http_data.livescore.title\n\nπ΄ Live Score - %http_data.livescore.current\n\nπ Run Rate - %http_data.livescore.runrate\n\nβ Current Batsman - %http_data.livescore.batsman - %http_data.livescore.batsmanrun%http_data.livescore.ballsfaced\n\nβ Current Bowler - %http_data.livescore.bowler - %http_data.livescore.bowlerover Over %http_data.livescore.bowlerruns Run - %http_data.livescore.bowlerwickets Wicket \n\nπ Status - %http_data.livescore.update", "number": "+910123456789", "recipients": [ "+910123456789" ]}
Timeout (Seconds): 30
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
A12: End If
A13: Else
<command warning message>
A14: HTTP Request [
Method: POST
Headers: Content-Type: application/json
Body: {"message": "Hey %antitle π\n\nβ Enter a Valid Command", "number": "+910123456789", "recipients": [ "+910123456789" ]}
Timeout (Seconds): 30
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
A15: End If
<wait for signal message to disappear>
A16: Wait [
MS: 0
Seconds: 5
Minutes: 0
Hours: 0
Days: 0 ]
<close the app>
A17: Go Home [
Page: 0 ]
<wait for signal message to disappear>
A18: Wait [
MS: 0
Seconds: 2
Minutes: 0
Hours: 0
Days: 0 ]
<Clean it>
A19: AutoInput Actions v2 [
Configuration: Actions To Perform: click(point,536\,1831)
Not In AutoInput: true
Not In Tasker: true
Separator: ,
Check Millis: 1000
Timeout (Seconds): 60
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]