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373 lines (244 loc) · 9.93 KB

Machine Learning Engineering

This repository contains the code and documentation for developing and deploying machine learning models while adhering to engineering best practices.

Environment Setup

Virtual Environment

  • Navigate to the project directory:
cd <base>/ml-engineering
  • Create and activate the conda environment:
conda env create --file deploy/conda/linux_py312.yml
conda activate mle
  • Manage dependencies:
    • Install additional dependencies using conda or pip as needed.
    • Update environment file: conda env export --name mle > deploy/conda/linux_py312.yml
    • Deactivate environment: conda deactivate
    • Remove environment (if necessary): conda remove --name mle --all

Development Workflow

Research & Development

  • Reference code: <base>/ml-engineering/reference/nonstandardcode
  • Working notebooks: <base>/ml-engineering/notebooks/working

Script Development

Scripts are derived from working notebooks in <base>/ml-engineering/notebooks/working.


Ensure the directory containing housing_value is in PYTHONPATH:

conda env config vars set PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/src
conda deactivate
conda activate mle

Integrated Features in Scripts

  • Argument Parsing: Uses argparse for command-line arguments.
  • Configuration Management: Implements configparser with setup.cfg.
  • Logging: Incorporates logging for execution tracking and debugging.

Code Quality Tools

Install required tools:

sudo apt install black isort flake8
Tool Description Usage
Black Code formatter black <>
isort Import sorter isort <>
flake8 Linter flake8 <>

Note: Configurations are specified in setup.cfg and .vscode/settings.json (for VS Code users).

Maintaining Code Quality

chmod +x shell/

Script Execution

View available options for each script using the --help flag:

python src/housing_value/ --help
python src/housing_value/ --help
python src/housing_value/ --help


Install pytest:

sudo apt install python3-pytest

Note: Configurations are specified in setup.cfg.

Maintain test code quality:

chmod +x shell/

Run tests:

pytest <test_directory>/<>


Using Sphinx for documentation generation.


  1. Install the package:
    • Option 1: Editable mode (dependent on pyproject.toml): produces egg-info folder.
pip install -e .
  • Option 2: Build and install: produces egg-info folder as well as dist folder containing tar.gz and whl file.
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
python3 -m build
pip install dist/housing_value-0.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
  1. Install Sphinx & Packages for building documentation:
sudo apt install python3-sphinx
pip install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme matplotlib
pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon

Generating Documentation

  1. Navigate to the docs directory:
cd docs
  1. Check configuration files:

    • Make sure to create Makefile.
  2. Generate Sphinx project:

  1. Update configuration files:

    • Modify source/ and source/index.rst as needed.
    • Reference files are available in the reference directory.
  2. Generate API documentation:

sphinx-apidoc -o ./source ../src/housing_value
  1. Update configuration files:

    • Modify source/housing_value.rst and source/index.rst as needed.
    • Reference files are available in the reference directory.
  2. Build HTML documentation:

make clean
make html
  1. Return to the project root:
cd ..

Note: The documentation file hierarchy in the source directory is: index.rst > modules.rst > housing_value.rst.

Application Packaging with MLflow

Note: The file hierarchy for MLflow is structured as follows: MLproject >

  1. Maintaining Code Quality
chmod +x shell/
  1. Tracking UI: Launch the MLflow tracking server using the command.
mlflow server --backend-store-uri mlruns/ --default-artifact-root mlruns/ --host --port 5000
  1. Run Experiment: Execute an experiment to generate a model artifact with the following command.
mlflow run . -P <parameters>

The optional parameter split_size defaults to 0.2.

  1. Python Version Management: Install pyenv for managing Python versions and ensuring reproducibility, which facilitates selecting a specific Python version for the project.
chmod +x shell/
  1. Activate Conda Environment: Activate the conda environment created during the experiment execution.

  2. Dependency Installation: Install the required dependency in activated environment.

pip install virtualenv
  1. API Endpoint Generation: Create an API endpoint to serve the model using -
mlflow models serve -m mlruns/<experiment_id>/<run_id>/artifacts/model/ -h -p 1234
  1. Testing API Endpoint: Test the API endpoint from another terminal with the following formats.
  • Datasplit Format:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"dataframe_split": {"columns": ["longitude", "latitude", "housing_median_age", "total_rooms", "total_bedrooms", "population", "households", "median_income", "ocean_proximity"], "data": [[-118.39, 34.12, 29.0, 6447.0, 1012.0, 2184.0, 960.0, 8.2816, "<1H OCEAN"]]}}' 
  • Inputs/Instances Format:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"inputs": [{"longitude": -118.39, "latitude": 34.12, "housing_median_age": 29.0, "total_rooms": 6447.0, "total_bedrooms": 1012.0, "population": 2184.0, "households": 960.0, "median_income": 8.2816, "ocean_proximity": "<1H OCEAN"}]}' 

Deployment Readiness

To facilitate deployment, Docker images are created by aggregating necessary artifacts and configurations.

  1. Artifact Aggregation:
  • Copy model artifacts (MLmodel and model.pkl) from mlruns/<experiment_id>/<run_id>/artifacts/model to <base>/ml-engineering/deploy/docker/mlruns. Ensure unnecessary metadata is cleaned from the MLmodel.

  • Transfer the requirements.txt file from mlruns/<experiment_id>/<run_id>/artifacts/model to <base>/ml-engineering/deploy/docker.

  • Move the wheel file (housing_value-0.0.0-py3-none-any.whl) from the dist directory to <base>/ml-engineering/deploy/docker.

  • Copy the setup.cfg from the project root to <base>/ml-engineering/deploy/docker, ensuring it contains only data required for inference.

  1. Script and Configuration Creation:
  • Develop script to execute MLflow models serve command.

  • Create .dockerignore file to ignore copying files in WORKDIR of image/container.

  • Construct Dockerfile to package all components into a Docker image, ensuring efficient deployment and scalability.

  1. Image Development:
cd deploy/docker 
  • Build With Root User:
docker build . -t <dockerhub_username>/mle:rootuser -f Dockerfile.rootuser 
  • Build Without Root User for Security: Enhance security by building an image that does not use the root user.
docker build . -t <dockerhub_username>/mle:nonrootuser -f Dockerfile.nonrootuser 
  • Use Buildkit for Multistage Builds: Optimize your image size and build time using Docker Buildkit for multistage builds.
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -t <dockerhub_username>/mle:multistage -f Dockerfile.multistage 

Container Management

This section provides detailed instructions for containerizing your application using Docker and testing endpoints.

Starting and Testing a Container

  1. Start the Container: Use the following command to start a Docker container named rootuser and map port 8080 on your host to port 5000 in the container.
docker run -dit -p 8080:5000 --name rootuser <dockerhub_username>/mle:rootuser 
  1. Test the Endpoint: Verify that your application is running correctly by sending a POST request to the endpoint using curl.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"dataframe_split": {"columns": ["longitude", "latitude", "housing_median_age", "total_rooms", "total_bedrooms", "population", "households", "median_income", "ocean_proximity"], "data": [[-118.39, 34.12, 29.0, 6447.0, 1012.0, 2184.0, 960.0, 8.2816, "<1H OCEAN"]]}}' 

Managing Docker Images

  1. Push Image to Docker Hub: First, log in to Docker Hub and then push images.
docker login -u <dockerhub_username>
docker push <dockerhub_username>/mle:rootuser 
docker push <dockerhub_username>/mle:nonrootuser 
docker push <dockerhub_username>/mle:multistage 
  1. List Images and Containers: To view all Docker images and containers on system.
  • Images:
docker image ls 
  • Containers:
docker ps --all 
  1. View Logs: Access the logs of a running container.
docker logs <container_name> 
  1. Delete Containers and Images: Remove a specific container or image using these commands:
  • Containers:
docker rm -f <container_name> 
  • Images:
docker rmi <image_name> 

Retesting in a New Environment

To test your application in a new environment:

  1. Pull Image from Docker Hub:
docker pull <dockerhub_username>/mle:rootuser 
  1. Start the Container Again:
docker run -dit -p 8080:5000 --name rootuser <dockerhub_username>/mle:rootuser 
  1. Re-test the Endpoint: Use the same curl command as before to verify functionality.