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+# Contributing to `jenkins-sauce-ondemand-plugin`
+**Thank you for your interest in `jenkins-sauce-ondemand-plugin`. Your contributions are highly welcome.**
+There are multiple ways of getting involved:
+- [Report a bug](#report-a-bug)
+- [Suggest a feature](#suggest-a-feature)
+- [Contribute code](#contribute-code)
+Below are a few guidelines we would like you to follow.
+If you need help, please reach out to us by opening an issue.
+## Report a bug
+Reporting bugs is one of the best ways to contribute. Before creating a bug report, please check that an [issue](/issues) reporting the same problem does not already exist. If there is such an issue, you may add your information as a comment.
+To report a new bug, you should open an issue that summarizes the bug and set the label to "bug".
+If you want to provide a fix along with your bug report: That is great! In this case please send us a pull request as described in section [Contribute Code](#contribute-code).
+## Suggest a feature
+To request a new feature you should open an [issue](../../issues/new) and summarize the desired functionality and its use case. Set the issue label to "feature".
+## Contribute code
+This is an outline of what the workflow for code contributions looks like:
+- Check the list of open [issues](../../issues). Either assign an existing issue to yourself, or
+create a new one that you would like work on and discuss your ideas and use cases.
+It is always best to discuss your plans beforehand, to ensure that your contribution is in line with our goals.
+- Fork the repository on GitHub.
+- Create a topic branch from where you want to base your work. This is usually master.
+- Open a new pull request, label it `work in progress` and outline what you will be contributing.
+- Make commits of logical units.
+- Make sure you sign-off on your commits `git commit -s -m "adding X to change Y"`.
+- Write good commit messages (see below).
+- Push your changes to a topic branch in your fork of the repository.
+- As you push your changes, update the pull request with new information and tasks as you complete them.
+- Project maintainers might comment on your work as you progress.
+- When you are done, remove the `work in progress` label and assign one of the maintainers to review.
+## Run Locally
+### Prerequisites
+_Java_ and _Maven_
+- Ensure Java 8 or 11 is available.
+ ```console
+ $ java -version
+ ```
+ - Use the alternate Java 8.
+ ```console
+ $ export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`
+ $ echo $JAVA_HOME
+ /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_252.jdk/Contents/Home
+ ```
+- Ensure Maven > 3.6.0 is installed and included in the PATH environment variable.
+ ```console
+ $ mvn --version
+ ```
+### Check out code
+To get the code base, have [git](https://git-scm.com/downloads) installed and run:
+$ git clone git@github.com:saucelabs/jenkins-sauce-ondemand-plugin.git
+### IDE configuration
+See [IDE configuration](https://jenkins.io/doc/developer/development-environment/ide-configuration/).
+### CLI
+To run tests:
+$ mvn test
+To spin up a Jenkins server with your plugin and test manually:
+$ mvn hpi:run
+and wait for:
+INFO: Jenkins is fully up and running
+to appear.
+- Open to test the plugin locally.
+Refer to the [Sauce Labs Jenkins Integration doc](https://docs.saucelabs.com/ci/jenkins/index.html) for instructions on how to create a job that uses this plugin.
+**Have fun, and happy hacking!**
+Thanks for your contributions!
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diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a73dd68c..f11ddc1c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ additional features within the plugin's
+### Contributing
+Refer to our [contribution guidelines](./CONTRIBUTING.md).
### Changelog