- Install Chocolatey
- Install Ruby 1.9, 7-Zip, and Ruby DevKit
# Install Ruby 1.9
> cinst ruby1.9
# Restart shell to refresh environment variables
> cinst 7zip.commandline
# Restart shell to refresh environment variables
> cinst ruby.devkit
When installing Ruby DevKit it should automatically register itself with the installed ruby version. However, you may need to configure Ruby DevKit manually by running the following.
# In Git bash
> echo "- C:/ruby193" >> /c/DevKit/config.yml
> ruby /c/DevKit/dk.rb install
# Of if you are in in cmd
> echo "- C:/ruby193" >> c:\DevKit\config.yml
> ruby c:\DevKit\dk.rb install
If the above steps fail try the following
> ruby c:\DevKit\dk.rb install --force
Another thing to try...
> cd c:\devkit
> chcp 1252
> ruby dk.rb init
- Clone the repo
- Install bundler
> gem install bundler
- Install the required games
> bundle install --binstubs
- Run the build using rake.
> bundle exec rake
One installed you should have access to the following tasks:
> bundle exec rake --tasks
rake compile # Builds the solution
rake compile:build # Builds the solution using the Build target
rake compile:clean # Builds the solution using the Clean target
rake compile:rebuild # Builds the solution using the Rebuild target
rake package # Packages all nugets
rake publish # Publish nuget packages to feed
rake publish:local # Copy nuget packages to local path
rake restore # Restores all nugets as per the packages.config files
rake test # Run unit tests