This is the IDE which is supposed to visualize a FlexDRMetaModel-based DSL. It uses Theia (and Sprotty) for putting up the IDE (with Theia) and add visual support (with Sprotty).
The following versions were used while developing this solution.
node 12.22.5
npm 7.16.0 (and newer)
yarn 1.22.5 (and newer)
nvm 0.35.1 (and newer)
Install nvm. E.g., write:
curl -o- | bash
Install npm and node.
nvm install 12.22.5
nvm use 12.22.5
Install yarn.
npm install -g yarn
Install the VSCode dependencies. See VSCode Prequisites.
From the root directory, compile the plugins:
yarn --cwd plugins/dsl-extension
Then, compile the editor and run it on port 3001:
yarn && yarn start --port 3001