Install the 'dev' dependencies
Please install the 'dev' dependencies, which contains the tools for linting (check for code errors), testing, and building the project (see pyproject.toml for details).
pip install -e ".[dev]"
Initialize the pre-commit hooks
Please initialize the pre-commit hooks, which will automatically run black formatter before each commit.
pre-commit install
Open a new branch for your changes
Please open a new branch for your changes, and make sure that your changes are isolated to that branch.
git checkout -b <branch-name>
Make your changes, format your code, and run the tests
Make your changes (VSCode is strongly recommended as an editor) Please, format your code with a formatter (e.g. black). If you are using VSCode as your editor, you can install the Python extension, and set the formatter to black (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/formatting). The pre-commit hooks will automatically run the formatter before each commit. If some code needs to be formatted, the pre-commit hooks stop the commit and format the code. You can then commit again (so better to already have the code well formatted before committing to avoid re-doing the commit). Then, make sure that the tests are passing. You can manually run the tests with pytest:
python -m pytest
If you are using VSCode as your editor, you can also install the Python extension, and run the tests from the editor.
Push your changes to the remote repository
Please push your changes to the remote repository, and open a pull request.
git push origin <branch-name>
Open a pull request
Please open a pull request on GitHub to the
branch, and make sure that the tests are passing.