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Serverless Configuration

This document serves as a basic outline for configuring your Azure Function App through serverless.yml.

  • service - Name of service. Used to generate name for resource group, function app, and other resources

Provider Configuration

  • - Name of serverless provider. Always azure
  • provider.os - Operating system for function app. Available options:
    • windows (default)
    • linux
  • provider.runtime - Runtime language for function app. Available options (no default, must be specified):
    • nodejs10
    • nodejs12
    • python3.6 (forced to use linux)
    • python3.7 (forced to use linux)
    • python3.8 (forced to use linux)
    • dotnet2.2
    • dotnet3.1
  • provider.region - Azure region for resources
  • provider.prefix - Prefix used in naming convention for resources. Default sls
  • provider.subscriptionId - Subscription ID to be used in deployment. Can also be set via:
    • Command-line argument (--subscriptionId {SUB_ID})
    • Environment variable (AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID)
  • provider.stage - Stage for resources. Default dev
  • provider.type - Type of Azure Function app
    • consumption (default)
    • premium
    • ase
  • provider.subscriptionId - Azure subscription ID. Can also be specified by environment variable (AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID) or command-line args (--subscriptionId)
  • provider.tenantId - Azure subscription ID. Can also be specified by environment variable (AZURE_TENANT_ID) or command-line args (--tenantId)
  • provider.appId - Azure subscription ID. Can also be specified by environment variable (AZURE_CLIENT_ID) or command-line args (--appId)
  • provider.tags - Tags to apply to resource group
        tagName: tagValue
  • provider.deployment - Deployment configuration
    • provider.deployment.external - Publishes function app by uploading to blob storage and executes a sync triggers command
    • provider.deployment.rollback - Enables the rollback scenario by timestamping deployments and artifacts. (Default true)
    • provider.deployment.container - Optional specification of container name for zipped code artifacts
  • provider.{resource}.name - Specify name of resource for the Azure resource types
  • provider.{resource} - Specify name of the sku for the Azure resource types
  • provider.{resource}.sku.tier - Specify tier of the sku for the Azure resource types
  • Azure resource types 👆
    • functionApp
    • appInsights
    • appServicePlan
    • storageAccount
    • hostingEnvironment
    • virtualNetwork
    • keyVaultConfig (can only specify name or resourceGroup)
  • provider.deploymentName - Specification of deployment name
  • provider.armTemplate - Specification of ARM template to use
        file: "pathToArmTemplate.json"
          param1: value1
          param2: value2
  • provider.environment - Key value pairs to set as app settings (environment variables) within function app. Example:
        VARIABLE_FOO: 'bar'
  • provider.apim - APIM Configuration. See documentation for more details

Plugin Configuration

  • plugins - List of plugins used by service. Must always include: - serverless-azure-functions

Package Configuration

  • package.include - Files or folders to include in package
  • package.exclude - Files or folders to exclude from package

Functions Configuration


    # Handler is in src/handlers/hello.js and function sayHello
    handler: src/handlers/hello.sayHello
      # Http Triggered function
      - http: true
        # Allows GET method
          - GET
        authLevel: anonymous # can also be `function` or `admin`

Full Example Config

# Welcome to Serverless!
# This file is the main config file for your service.
# It's very minimal at this point and uses default values.
# You can always add more config options for more control.
# We've included some commented out config examples here.
# Just uncomment any of them to get that config option.
# For full config options, check the docs:
# Happy Coding!

service: my-api

# You can pin your service to only deploy with a specific Serverless version
# Check out our docs for more details
# frameworkVersion: "=X.X.X"

  name: azure
  region: West Europe
  runtime: nodejs10.x
  prefix: "sample"  # prefix of generated resource name
  # subscriptionId: A356AC8C-E310-44F4-BF85-C7F29044AF99
  # stage: dev
  # type: premium  # premium azure functions

  environment: # these will be created as application settings
    VARIABLE_FOO: 'foo'

  # you can define apim configuration here
  # apim:
  #   apis:
  #     - name: v1
  #       subscriptionRequired: false # if true must provide an api key
  #       displayName: v1
  #       description: V1 sample app APIs
  #       protocols:
  #         - https
  #       path: v1
  #       tags:
  #         - tag1
  #         - tag2
  #       authorization: none
  #   cors:
  #     allowCredentials: false
  #     allowedOrigins:
  #       - "*"
  #     allowedMethods:
  #       - GET
  #       - POST
  #       - PUT
  #       - DELETE
  #       - PATCH
  #     allowedHeaders:
  #       - "*"
  #     exposeHeaders:
  #       - "*"

plugins: # look for additional plugins in the community plugins repo:
  - serverless-azure-functions

# you can add packaging information here
  # include:
  #   - include-me.js
  #   - include-me-dir/**
    # - exclude-me.js
    # - exclude-me-dir/**
    - local.settings.json
    - .vscode/**

    handler: src/handlers/hello.sayHello
      - http: true
          - GET
        authLevel: anonymous # can also be `function` or `admin`

    handler: src/handlers/goodbye.sayGoodbye
      - http: true
          - GET
        authLevel: anonymous
  # The following are a few examples of other events you can configure:
  # storageBlob:
  #   handler: src/handlers/storageBlob.printMessage
  #   events:
  #     - blob:
#         name: blob # Specifies which name is available on `context`
#         path: blob-sample/{blobName}
#         connection: AzureWebJobsStorage # App Setting/environment variable which contains Storage Account Connection String
  # storageQueue:
  #   handler: src/handlers/storageQueue.printMessage
  #   events:
  #     - queue: queue-sample
#         name: message # Specifies which naem is available on `context`
#         connection: AzureWebJobsStorage
  # timer:
  #   handler: src/handlers/timer.printMessage
  #   events:
  #     - timer:
#         schedule: '*/10 * * * * *'
  # eventhub:
  #   handler: src/handlers/eventHub.printMessage
  #   events:
  #     - eventHub:
#         name: eventHubMessages # Specifies which name it's available on `context`
#         eventHubName: sample-hub # Specifies the Name of the Event Hub
#         consumerGroup: $Default # Specifies the consumerGroup to listen with
#         connection: EVENT_HUBS_CONNECTION # App Setting/environment variable which contains Event Hubs Namespace Connection String
  # serviceBusQueue:
  #   handler: src/handlers/serviceBusQueue.printMessage
  #   events:
  #     - serviceBus:
#         name: message # Specifies which name is available on `context`
#         queueName: sample-queue # Name of the service bus queue to consume
#         connection: SERVICE_BUS_CONNECTION # App Setting/environment variable variable which contains Service Bus Namespace Connection String
  # serviceBusTopic:
  #   handler: src/handlers/serviceBusTopic.printMessage
  #   events:
  #     - serviceBus:
#         name: message # Specifies which name it's available on `context`
#         topicName: sample-topic # Name of the service bus topic to consume
#         subscriptionName: sample-subscription # Name of the topic subscription to retrieve from
#         connection: SERVICE_BUS_CONNECTION # App Setting/environment variable variable which contains Service Bus Namespace Connection String