string calc-signature(string data, string private_key [, string passphrase [, string algorithm]])
The calc-signature
function calculates a signature from the given input
using the given private_key
(in PEM format, with or without boundaries).
The optional parameter passphrase
is the pass phrase for decrypting an encrypted private key (the default is the empty string).
The optional parameter algorithm
is the signing algorithm (the default is SHA256
). The resulting signature is Base64-encoded.
See Private Key Format for the supported private key format.
- MD2
- MD4
- MD5
- SHA1
- SHA224
- SHA256
- SHA384
- SHA512
- dsaEncryption
- dsaWithSHA
- ecdsa-with-SHA1
- md2
- md4
- md5
- ripemd160
- sha
- sha1
- sha224
- sha256
- sha384
- sha512
{{$data := 'my data' }}
{{$private_key := 'MIIEvwIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BA…WygYMAMY8YaiAGwLtBsjrh7S12agaEQg=='}}
{{$signature := calc-signature($data, $env/MY_PRIVATE_KEY) }}
{{$signature := calc-signature($data, $private_key, "", "SHA384") }}
{{$signature := calc-signature($data, $env/MY_ENCRYPTED_PRIVATE_KEY, $env/MY_PASSPHRASE) }}
{{$signature := calc-signature($data, $env/MY_ENCRYPTED_KEY, $env/MY_PASSPHRASE, 'SHA512') }}