A full stack recipe search web application using Edamam API.
Webpack, Babel, React, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Axios
Use npm install to install dependencies
npm install
Use npm run client to start webpack to compile bundle
npm run webpack
Use npm start to run server
npm start
Go to http://localhost:3030 to view the project.
Login page requires a username and password to register a new account or login. When a login fails (i.e, the username doesn't exist, the username and password combination does not match a user account), the corresponding error message will be displayed and the user is disallowed access. After a successful login, the user is redirected to the All Recipes screen.
All Recipes page consists of saved recipe cards with clickable title where users can go check the recipe details. Each card will display the image, cuisine type, calories per serving and brief ingredient information.
This page shows the total number of recipes saved by the user currently logged in. The clickable Keyword List allows users to check receipes associated with that searched keyword.
The Fav button on each recipe card is where users can add the recipe to their favorite list. The Show Fav button will lead users to Favorite Recipes page.
The ingredient search bar can be used to search recipes using all searched ingredients. It will lead users to Search Ingredients page.
The unFav button on each recipe card is where users can remove the recipe from their favorite list. The Show All button will lead users to All Recipes page.
Search Ingredients page displays recipes using all searched ingredients.
- 0.1
- Initial Release