It will save your time such as coding a calendar program.
To install go-times
package, you need to install Go and set your Go workspace first.
$ go get -u
This will get date of first monday of month
func GetDateOfFirstMondayOfMonth(t time.Time) int
This will get date of first tuesday of month
func GetDateOfFirstTuesdayOfMonth(t time.Time) int
This will get date of first wednesday of month
func GetDateOfFirstWednesdayOfMonth(t time.Time) int
This will get date of first thursday of month
func GetDateOfFirstThursdayOfMonth(t time.Time) int
This will get date of first friday of month
func GetDateOfFirstFridayOfMonth(t time.Time) int
This will get date of first saturday of month
func GetDateOfFirstSaturdayOfMonth(t time.Time) int
This will get date of first sunday of month
func GetDateOfFirstSundayOfMonth(t time.Time) int
This will get First Working TimeObject of request year, month.
func GetFirstWorkingTimeOfMonth(year, month int) time.Time
This will get n
th Week of Month
(Regard the start of the week as Sunday)
func GetNthWeekOfMonth(t time.Time) int
This will get Last TimeObject Of Month
func GetLastTimeOfMonth(t time.Time) time.Time