- 📄 Support NvChad
- 🌟 Support auto generate entry file and config
- 📄 Support taro
- 🐛 Fix the title of the documentation is not displayed.
- 🌟 Support Meilisearch
- 📄 Move RSSHub to use MeiliSearch as an entry point.
- 🐛 Fix searchbar text disappearing each time the query is changed by the user.
- 📄 add algolia keyword to package.json
- 📄 Support Flet
- 🌟 Add quick search argument for documentation.
- 📄 Support Dubbo
- 📄 Support Nuxt
- 📄 Support Nuxt3
- 📄 Support React Bootstrap
- 📄 Support Remix
- 📄 Support React Native
- 🌟 Add entry point for all documentation(You can close them in the Raycast preferences).
- 📄 Support Vue Router4
- 📄 Support Laravel 9.x
- 📄 Support IPFS
- 📄 Support Vue3(zh-Hans)
- 📄 Support Slidev_zh-Hans
- 📄 Support Unidata
- 📄 Support Vitest
- 📄 Support VueUse
- 📄 Support Echarts
- 📄 Support Echarts_zh-Hans
- 📄 Support Prettier
- 🐛 Fix URL cannot be opened error when URL have Chinese characters
- 🎉 Initial version code