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File metadata and controls

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Top level API

The top level object of this library is Spec object.

var spec = require("api-first-spec");

Spec has following methods.

define(apiConfig): API

  • Parameter:
    • apiConfig - Object which describes API
  • Return:
    • API

Define API object The detail of apiConfig is later.

host(hostName: string, ssl: boolean): HttpClient

  • Parameter:
    • hostName: string - host name(e.g. localhost:9000)
    • ssl: boolean - The flag which specifies using https or not. (Default false)
  • Return:
    • HttpClient

Generate HttpClient object which access to specified host.

skipTest(flag?: boolean)

  • Parameter:
    • flag - The flag which specifies skip test for API itself or not.
  • Return:
    • If flag parameter absent in params, it returns skipTest property value.
    • If flag parameter present in params, it returns Spec itself.

The method for get/set skipTest flag. Like JQuery, the return value of this method is different by get/set.

verbose(flag?: boolean)

  • Parameter:
    • flag - The flag which specifies verbose for API itself or not.
  • Return:
    • If flag parameter absent in params, it returns verbose property value.
    • If flag parameter present in params, it returns Spec itself.

The method for get/set verbose flag.(Show detail logs on Http execution or not.) Like JQuery, the return value of this method is different by get/set.


An string enum which defines available DataTypes. Defined values are below.

  • ANY: "any"
  • STRING: "string"
  • INT: "int"
  • LONG: "long"
  • DOUBLE: "double"
  • NUMBER: "number"
  • BOOLEAN: "boolean"
  • DATE: "date"
  • DATETIME: "datetime"
  • BIT: "bit"

※ You can use string in API definition too.


An string enum which defines available ContentType Defined values are below.

  • CSV: "text/csv"
  • TEXT: "text/plain"
  • JSON: "application/json"
  • URLENCODED: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  • MULTIPART: "multipart/form-data"

※ You can use string in API definition too.


An string enum which defines available HTTP methods. Defined values are below.

  • GET: "GET"
  • POST: "POST"
  • PUT: "PUT"

※ You can use string in API definition too.


You can use following keys in object which passed to Spec#define method.


string. required

The endpoint for API.

If that contains URL parameters, you can define it with [].


  • /api/users
  • /api/users/[userId]


string. required

The method of HTTP.



string. optional

The name for this API.


string. optional

The description for this API.


object. required

The request definition. The keys of this object are below.


string. optional(If omitted, it will be application/x-www-form-urlencoded)

The content-type of HTTP request.


object. optional

HTTP headers which added to http request.


object. optional

The definition for request parameters. Key and DataType pair of parameters.

You can use nested keys. If parameter value is array, use [] with DataType.


params: {
  name: "string",
  imageUrl: "string",
  age: "int"
  hobby: ["string"],
  school: {
    name: "string",
    grade: "int"


object. optional

The validation rules for input parameters.

How to define rules are later.


object. required

The response definition. The keys of this object are below.


string. optional(If omitted, it will be application/json)

The content-type for HTTP response.

object. optional

The data structure of response body.(JSON). Key and DataType pair of response body.

You can use nested keys. If parameter value is array, use [] with DataType.


data: {
  name: "string",
  imageUrl: "string",
  age: "int"
  hobby: ["string"],
  school: {
    name: "string",
    grade: "int"


object. optional

The validation rules for response body.

How to define rules are later.


rules describes validation rules for each fields.

You can use following key and values.

  • required: boolean. If the field is required, specify true.
  • min: number. The minimum number for number datatype.
  • max: number. The maximum number for number datatype.
  • minlength: number. The minimum length for string datatype.
  • maxlength: number. The maximum length for string datatype.
  • pattern: string(Regex). Allowed regex pattern for string datatype.
  • email: boolean. If the field should be email address, specify true.
  • url: boolean, If the field should be url, specify true.
  • list: Array<string|number>. The list for allowed values.

You can use function in rule.
It means you can switch validation rule by other field status.

rules: {
  id: {
    required: true
  code: {
    required: true,
    list: [200, 404]
  result: {
    required: function(data) {
      // The parameter data is response body
      // Below means it is required only when data.code === 200.
      return data.code === 200;
  "": {
    required: true,
    maxlength: 40

For field name you can use . separated name.

rules: {
  "": {
    maxlength: 100
  "": {
    maxlength: id
  // This rule is appliced to both `` and ``.
  name: {
    required: true

Also you can use wildcard for field name. (e.g. user.*).


HttpClient is the object to execute defined API. If passed request parameters or response body is not match with API definition, it causes Error.

A HttpClient instance keeps cookie.

api(api: API): HttpClient

  • Parameter:
    • api - API
  • Return:
    • this

Specify API to execute. It returns this, so you can make method chain.

params(params: any)

  • Parameter:
    • params - Input parameters and URL parameters.
  • Return:
    • this

Specify input parameters for GET/POST/PUT request. Also, URL parameters in endpoint should be specified here. (e.g. userId for the endpoint /users/[userId]) It returns this, so you can make method chain.

headers(headers: any)

  • Parameter:
    • headers - HTTP headers for request
  • Return:
    • this

HTTP headers for request. It returns this, so you can make method chain.

success(callback?: (data?: any, res?: Request.Response, req?: Request.Request) => void, validateInput: boolean = true): Promise

  • Parameter:
    • callback: optional. The callback method which is executed on API execution success.
    • validateInput: The flag to validate input parameters or not. If omitted, default value is true.
  • Return:
    • Promise - If the status code of HTTP response is 20x, it returns Promise of response body.

Execute API call with specified api and params. If the status code of HTTP response is not 20x, returned Promise will be rejected. In this case, callback is not executed.

The first parameter of callback is same as Promise content. If you need HTTP request/response object to handle response, you can use callback. However most of cases, using Promise is enough and better.

Example for mocha test.

var spec = require("api-first-spec");
var someApi = require("./someApi"); // Defined API
var host ="localhost:9000");

describe("someAPI", function() {
  it("should succeed", function() {
    // This test will fail with follwing cases.
    // - The status code of response is not 20x.
    // - The input parameters are different from API definition.
    // - The response body is different from API definition.
    return host.api(someApi).params({
      param1: "hoge",
      params2: "fuga"

### badRequest(callback?: (data?: any, res?: Request.Response, req?: Request.Request) => void, validateInput: boolean = true): Promise<any>

As same as `success`, it executes HTTP request.
But the result Promise will be rejected when the status code of response is not `400`.

### unauthorized(callback?: (data?: any, res?: Request.Response, req?: Request.Request) => void, validateInput: boolean = true): Promise<any>

As same as `success`, it executes HTTP request.
But the result Promise will be rejected when the status code of response is not `401`.

### forbidden(callback?: (data?: any, res?: Request.Response, req?: Request.Request) => void, validateInput: boolean = true): Promise<any>

As same as `success`, it executes HTTP request.
But the result Promise will be rejected when the status code of response is not `403`.

### notFound(callback?: (data?: any, res?: Request.Response, req?: Request.Request) => void, validateInput: boolean = true): Promise<any>

As same as `success`, it executes HTTP request.
But the result Promise will be rejected when the status code of response is not `404`.

### clientError(callback?: (data?: any, res?: Request.Response, req?: Request.Request) => void, validateInput: boolean = true): Promise<any>

As same as `success`, it executes HTTP request.
But the result Promise will be rejected when the status code of response is not `4xx`.

## Optional env vars
You can turn the default value for `verbose` and `skipTest` to `true` by specifying following env variables with value `true`.