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File metadata and controls

25 lines (21 loc) · 1.98 KB

Checklist for adding or changing a build variant

For adding a new build variant

  • Add the product flavour in the productFlavours closure in app/build.gradle.
  • Update the variantFilter closure to remove the unnecessary build for the new variant.
    • For e.g.: we don't want the ability to create debug variants of flavors like Demo and Production.
  • Add the API endpoint in and add this as the API_ENDPOINT build config field when defining the product flavour in app/build.gradle. This might need to be overriden on Bitrise based on the needs of the build flavour.
  • Add the Mixpanel project token in and add this as the MIXPANEL_TOKEN build config field when defining the product flavour in app/build.gradle. This might need to be overriden on the Bitrise based on the needs of the build flavour.
  • Update the applicationIdSuffix and versionNameSuffix when defining the product flavour.
  • Update the afterEvaluate closure at the end of the android block in app/build.gradle to include the build tasks for the new variant (only needed if you have enabled proguard for the build).
    • For e.g.: We only use Proguard to minify source files and not to obfuscate them. However, Proguard still creates empty mapping.txt files. We use the afterEvaluate block to delete those empty mapping.txt files.

For both adding and renaming a build variant

  • All resources must be updated at the path app/src/<build flavour>/res.
  • The app name must be added at values/strings.xml, with the resource id app_name.
  • Update the launcher icons for pre-sdk26 in the mipmap-<density> folders.
  • Update the adaptive icon foreground for sdk26+ in drawable-v26.
  • Add the logo_large drawable resource in the drawable folder. This is the large logo with text used on the app bar in some screens.
  • Add the ic_icons_logo drawable resource in the drawable folder. This is the small logo (without text) used on the app bar in the home screen.