Azure Functions created from raw deployment packages in C#.
To deploy your infrastructure, follow the below steps.
Create a new stack:
$ pulumi stack init dev
Login to Azure CLI (you will be prompted to do this during deployment if you forget this step):
$ az login
Build and publish the Functions project:
$ dotnet publish functions
Configure the location to deploy the resources to:
$ pulumi config set azure:location <location>
pulumi up
to preview and deploy changes:$ pulumi up Previewing update (dev): ... Updating (dev): ... Resources: + 7 created Duration: 2m42s
Check the deployed function endpoints:
$ pulumi stack output Endpoint $ curl "$(pulumi stack output Endpoint)" Hello, Pulumi
From there, feel free to experiment. Simply making edits and running
pulumi up
will incrementally update your stack. -
Once you've finished experimenting, tear down your stack's resources by destroying and removing it:
$ pulumi destroy --yes $ pulumi stack rm --yes