diff --git a/src/app/components/preference/dialogs/dialog-users/dialog-users.component.html b/src/app/components/preference/dialogs/dialog-users/dialog-users.component.html
index 94465cd5..1cddf272 100644
--- a/src/app/components/preference/dialogs/dialog-users/dialog-users.component.html
+++ b/src/app/components/preference/dialogs/dialog-users/dialog-users.component.html
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
[placeholder]="'preference.users.dialog.password' | translate"
[type]="hidePass1 ? 'password' : 'text'"
+ (change)="validate()" (blur)="validate()" (keyup)="validate()"
required />
The password {{'validators.required' | translate }}
@@ -85,7 +86,9 @@
{{ password?.errors?.['maxlength']?.requiredLength }} {{'validators.maxChars' | translate }}
+ {{'validators.pattern' | translate }} [aA-Zz], [0-9] and "~!@#$%^&*()_"]
{{ password2?.errors?.['maxlength']?.requiredLength }} {{'validators.maxChars' | translate }}
+ {{'validators.pattern' | translate }} [aA-Zz], [0-9] and "~!@#$%^&*()_"]
{{ 'preference.users.dialog.personalInfo' | translate }}
@@ -237,7 +243,7 @@
- [disabled]="isCopy && isNotChanged">
+ [disabled]="(isCopy && isNotChanged) || isDisabled">
{{'LINK.buttons.save' | translate}}
diff --git a/src/app/components/preference/dialogs/dialog-users/dialog-users.component.ts b/src/app/components/preference/dialogs/dialog-users/dialog-users.component.ts
index bb9ecb50..5b030a04 100644
--- a/src/app/components/preference/dialogs/dialog-users/dialog-users.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/components/preference/dialogs/dialog-users/dialog-users.component.ts
@@ -2,244 +2,317 @@ import { Component, Inject, ViewChild, ChangeDetectionStrategy, OnInit, ChangeDe
import { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog';
import { Functions } from '@app/helpers/functions';
import { AuthenticationService, AlertService, PreferenceUserService, PreferenceAdvancedService } from '@app/services';
-import { Validators, FormControl, AbstractControl } from '@angular/forms';
+import { Validators, FormControl, AbstractControl, ValidatorFn, ValidationErrors } from '@angular/forms';
import { emailValidator } from '@app/helpers/email-validator.directive';
import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'
-import moment from 'moment';
+import moment from 'moment';
import { lastValueFrom } from 'rxjs';
- selector: 'app-dialog-users',
- templateUrl: './dialog-users.component.html',
- styleUrls: ['./dialog-users.component.scss'],
- changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
+ selector: 'app-dialog-users',
+ templateUrl: './dialog-users.component.html',
+ styleUrls: ['./dialog-users.component.scss'],
+ changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class DialogUsersComponent implements OnInit {
- isValidForm = false;
- isAdmin = false;
- pass2: string;
- hidePass1 = true;
- regString = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+$/;
- regNum = /^[0-9]+$/;
- regDept = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.\s]+$/;
- originalUser = '';
- isCopy = false;
- isNotChanged = true;
- bufferName: string;
- timeout: any;
- lastPasswordChange: string;
- lastLogin: string;
- username = new FormControl(
- {value:'', disabled: true},[
- Validators.required,
- Validators.minLength(3),
- Validators.maxLength(100),
- Validators.pattern(this.regString)],
- this.usernameValidator.bind(this)
- );
- /* usergroup = new FormControl('', [
- Validators.required,
- Validators.minLength(3),
- Validators.maxLength(100),
- Validators.pattern(this.regString)
- ]); */
- usergroup = new FormControl('');
- partid = new FormControl(
- {value:'', disabled: true}, [
- Validators.required,
- Validators.minLength(1),
- Validators.maxLength(100),
- Validators.min(1),
- Validators.max(99),
- Validators.pattern(this.regNum)
- ]);
- password = new FormControl('', [
- Validators.required,
- Validators.minLength(6),
- Validators.maxLength(100)
- ]);
- password2 = new FormControl('', [
- Validators.required,
- Validators.minLength(6),
- Validators.maxLength(100)
- ]);
- firstname = new FormControl('', [
- Validators.required,
- Validators.minLength(1),
- Validators.maxLength(100),
- Validators.pattern(this.regString)
- ]);
- email = new FormControl('', [
- Validators.required,
- emailValidator()]);
- lastname = new FormControl('', [
- Validators.maxLength(100),
- Validators.pattern(this.regString)
- ]);
- department = new FormControl('', [
- Validators.minLength(1),
- Validators.maxLength(100),
- Validators.pattern(this.regDept)
- ]);
- groupList: Array;
- bufferGroupList: any;
- dateFormat: string;
- hasStatistics = false;
- constructor(
- private authenticationService: AuthenticationService,
- public dialogRef: MatDialogRef,
- private alertService: AlertService,
- private userService: PreferenceUserService,
- public translateService: TranslateService,
- private _pas: PreferenceAdvancedService,
- private cdr: ChangeDetectorRef,
- @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any) {
- translateService.addLangs(['en'])
- translateService.setDefaultLang('en')
- if (data.isnew) {
- data.data = {
- username: '',
- usergroup: 'user',
- partid: 10,
- password: '',
- firstname: '',
- email: '',
- lastname: '',
- department: '',
- guid: Functions.newGuid(),
- };
- }
- const userData = this.authenticationService.currentUserValue;
- this.isAdmin = userData?.user?.admin === true;
- if (this.isAdmin) {
- this.username.enable();
- this.partid.enable();
- }
- this.isCopy = data.isCopy;
- if (this.isCopy) {
- this.bufferName = data.data.username;
- this.isNotChanged = false;
- }
- /* be sure that this is string */
- data.data.password = String(data.data.password);
- (d => {
- this.originalUser = d.username;
- this.username.setValue(this.isCopy ? d.username + 'COPY' : d.username);
- this.usergroup.setValue(d.usergroup.toLowerCase());
- this.partid.setValue(d.partid);
- this.firstname.setValue(d.firstname);
- this.email.setValue(d.email);
- this.lastname.setValue(d.lastname);
- this.department.setValue(d.department);
- this.lastPasswordChange = d.params?.timestamp_change_password;
- this.lastLogin = d.params?.last_loogin;
- })(data.data);
- if (data.data.params?.last_login || data.data.params?.timestamp_change_password) {
- this.hasStatistics = true;
- }
- this.isValidForm = true;
+ isValidForm = false;
+ isAdmin = false;
+ pass2: string;
+ hidePass1 = true;
+ regString = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+$/;
+ regNum = /^[0-9]+$/;
+ regDept = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.\s]+$/;
+ originalUser = '';
+ isCopy = false;
+ isNotChanged = true;
+ bufferName: string;
+ timeout: any;
+ lastPasswordChange: string;
+ lastLogin: string;
+ isDisabled: boolean = true;
+ regPassword: RegExp;
+ characterRequirements: CharacterRequirements = {
+ numbers: true,
+ lowercase: true,
+ uppercase: true,
+ special: false,
+ };
+ username = new FormControl(
+ { value: '', disabled: true }, [
+ Validators.required,
+ Validators.minLength(3),
+ Validators.maxLength(100),
+ Validators.pattern(this.regString)],
+ this.usernameValidator.bind(this)
+ );
+ /* usergroup = new FormControl('', [
+ Validators.required,
+ Validators.minLength(3),
+ Validators.maxLength(100),
+ Validators.pattern(this.regString)
+ ]); */
+ usergroup = new FormControl('');
+ partid = new FormControl(
+ { value: '', disabled: true }, [
+ Validators.required,
+ Validators.minLength(1),
+ Validators.maxLength(100),
+ Validators.min(1),
+ Validators.max(99),
+ Validators.pattern(this.regNum)
+ ]);
+ password = new FormControl('', [
+ Validators.required,
+ Validators.minLength(6),
+ Validators.maxLength(100)
+ ]);
+ password2 = new FormControl('', [
+ Validators.required,
+ Validators.minLength(6),
+ Validators.maxLength(100)
+ ]);
+ firstname = new FormControl('', [
+ Validators.required,
+ Validators.minLength(1),
+ Validators.maxLength(100),
+ Validators.pattern(this.regString)
+ ]);
+ email = new FormControl('', [
+ Validators.required,
+ emailValidator()]);
+ lastname = new FormControl('', [
+ Validators.maxLength(100),
+ Validators.pattern(this.regString)
+ ]);
+ department = new FormControl('', [
+ Validators.minLength(1),
+ Validators.maxLength(100),
+ Validators.pattern(this.regDept)
+ ]);
+ groupList: Array;
+ bufferGroupList: any;
+ dateFormat: string;
+ hasStatistics = false;
+ constructor(
+ private authenticationService: AuthenticationService,
+ public dialogRef: MatDialogRef,
+ private alertService: AlertService,
+ private userService: PreferenceUserService,
+ public translateService: TranslateService,
+ private _pas: PreferenceAdvancedService,
+ private cdr: ChangeDetectorRef,
+ @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any) {
+ translateService.addLangs(['en'])
+ translateService.setDefaultLang('en')
+ if (data.isnew) {
+ data.data = {
+ username: '',
+ usergroup: 'user',
+ partid: 10,
+ password: '',
+ firstname: '',
+ email: '',
+ lastname: '',
+ department: '',
+ guid: Functions.newGuid(),
+ };
- async ngOnInit() {
- await lastValueFrom(this.userService
- .getAllGroups())
- .then((groups: any) => {
- this.groupList = groups.data;
- });
- await this.getFormat();
- }
- onNoClick(): void {
- this.dialogRef.close();
+ const userData = this.authenticationService.currentUserValue;
+ this.isAdmin = userData?.user?.admin === true;
+ if (this.isAdmin) {
+ this.username.enable();
+ this.partid.enable();
- onSubmit() {
- if (!this.username?.invalid &&
- !this.usergroup?.invalid &&
- !this.partid?.invalid &&
- (this.data?.isNew || this.isCopy ? !this.password?.invalid : true) &&
- !this.firstname?.invalid &&
- !this.email?.invalid &&
- !this.lastname?.invalid &&
- !this.department?.invalid
- ) {
- (d => {
- d.username = this.username?.value;
- d.usergroup = this.usergroup?.value;
- d.partid = this.partid?.value;
- d.password = this.password?.value;
- d.firstname = this.firstname?.value;
- d.email = this.email?.value;
- d.lastname = this.lastname?.value;
- d.department = this.department?.value;
- })(this.data.data);
- this.dialogRef.close(this.data);
- } else {
- this.username.markAsTouched();
- this.usergroup.markAsTouched();
- this.partid.markAsTouched();
- this.password.markAsTouched();
- this.password2.markAsTouched();
- this.firstname.markAsTouched();
- this.email.markAsTouched();
- this.lastname.markAsTouched();
- this.department.markAsTouched();
- }
+ this.isCopy = data.isCopy;
+ if (this.isCopy) {
+ this.bufferName = data.data.username;
+ this.isNotChanged = false;
- getErrorMessage() {
- return this.email.hasError('required') ? 'You must enter a value' : 'Not a valid email';
+ /* be sure that this is string */
+ data.data.password = String(data.data.password);
+ (d => {
+ this.originalUser = d.username;
+ this.username.setValue(this.isCopy ? d.username + 'COPY' : d.username);
+ this.usergroup.setValue(d.usergroup.toLowerCase());
+ this.partid.setValue(d.partid);
+ this.firstname.setValue(d.firstname);
+ this.email.setValue(d.email);
+ this.lastname.setValue(d.lastname);
+ this.department.setValue(d.department);
+ this.lastPasswordChange = d.params?.timestamp_change_password;
+ this.lastLogin = d.params?.last_loogin;
+ })(data.data);
+ if (data.data.params?.last_login || data.data.params?.timestamp_change_password) {
+ this.hasStatistics = true;
- async getFormat() {
- let advancedFormat;
- await this._pas.getSetting('dateTimeFormat', 'system').then((data) => advancedFormat = data[0]?.format);
- if (typeof advancedFormat === 'undefined' || advancedFormat.replace(/\s/, '') === '') {
- const locale = navigator.languages[0];
- const localeData = moment.localeData(locale);
- const dateFormat = localeData.longDateFormat('L');
- const timeFormat = 'HH:mm:ss';
- this.dateFormat = `${dateFormat} ${timeFormat}`;
- } else {
- this.dateFormat = advancedFormat;
- }
- this.lastLogin = moment(this.lastLogin).format(advancedFormat);
- this.lastPasswordChange = moment(this.lastPasswordChange).format(advancedFormat);
- this.cdr.detectChanges();
+ this.isValidForm = true;
+ }
+ async ngOnInit() {
+ await lastValueFrom(this.userService
+ .getAllGroups())
+ .then((groups: any) => {
+ this.groupList = groups.data;
+ });
+ await this.getFormat();
+ await this.getPasswordPolicy();
+ }
+ async getPasswordPolicy() {
+ this.password.addValidators(passwordValidator(this.characterRequirements));
+ this.password2.addValidators(passwordValidator(this.characterRequirements));
+ this.password.updateValueAndValidity();
+ this.password2.updateValueAndValidity();
+ this.cdr.detectChanges();
+ }
+ onNoClick(): void {
+ this.dialogRef.close();
+ }
+ onSubmit() {
+ if (!this.username?.invalid &&
+ !this.usergroup?.invalid &&
+ !this.partid?.invalid &&
+ (this.data?.isNew || this.isCopy ? !this.password?.invalid : true) &&
+ !this.firstname?.invalid &&
+ !this.email?.invalid &&
+ !this.lastname?.invalid &&
+ !this.department?.invalid
+ ) {
+ (d => {
+ d.username = this.username?.value;
+ d.usergroup = this.usergroup?.value;
+ d.partid = this.partid?.value;
+ d.password = this.password?.value;
+ d.firstname = this.firstname?.value;
+ d.email = this.email?.value;
+ d.lastname = this.lastname?.value;
+ d.department = this.department?.value;
+ })(this.data.data);
+ this.dialogRef.close(this.data);
+ } else {
+ this.username.markAsTouched();
+ this.usergroup.markAsTouched();
+ this.partid.markAsTouched();
+ this.password.markAsTouched();
+ this.password2.markAsTouched();
+ this.firstname.markAsTouched();
+ this.email.markAsTouched();
+ this.lastname.markAsTouched();
+ this.department.markAsTouched();
+ }
+ getErrorMessage() {
+ return this.email.hasError('required') ? 'You must enter a value' : 'Not a valid email';
+ }
+ async getFormat() {
+ let advancedFormat;
- usernameValidator(userControl: AbstractControl) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- if (typeof this.timeout !== 'undefined') {
- clearTimeout(this.timeout);
- }
- this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
- let validated = false;
- this.isTaken(userControl.value).then(data => {
- validated = data;
- resolve(validated ? { userNameNotAvailable: true } : null);
- });
- }, 500);
- });
+ await this._pas.getSetting('dateTimeFormat', 'system').then((data) => advancedFormat = data[0]?.format);
+ if (typeof advancedFormat === 'undefined' || advancedFormat.replace(/\s/, '') === '') {
+ const locale = navigator.languages[0];
+ const localeData = moment.localeData(locale);
+ const dateFormat = localeData.longDateFormat('L');
+ const timeFormat = 'HH:mm:ss';
+ this.dateFormat = `${dateFormat} ${timeFormat}`;
+ } else {
+ this.dateFormat = advancedFormat;
+ }
+ this.lastLogin = moment(this.lastLogin).format(advancedFormat);
+ this.lastPasswordChange = moment(this.lastPasswordChange).format(advancedFormat);
+ this.cdr.detectChanges();
+ }
+ validate() {
+ if (
+ this.username?.invalid ||
+ this.usergroup?.invalid ||
+ this.partid?.invalid ||
+ this.firstname?.invalid ||
+ this.email?.invalid ||
+ this.lastname?.invalid ||
+ (this.data?.isNew || this.isCopy || this.password.value !== ''
+ ? this.password?.invalid
+ : false) ||
+ this.department?.invalid
+ ) {
+ this.isDisabled = true;
+ } else {
+ this.isDisabled = false;
- async isTaken(user) {
- return this.userService.getAll().toPromise().then((users: any) => {
- return ([].concat(users?.data?.map?.(m => m?.username) || [])).includes(user) && user !== this.originalUser;
+ this.cdr.detectChanges();
+ }
+ usernameValidator(userControl: AbstractControl) {
+ return new Promise(resolve => {
+ if (typeof this.timeout !== 'undefined') {
+ clearTimeout(this.timeout);
+ }
+ this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ let validated = false;
+ this.isTaken(userControl.value).then(data => {
+ validated = data;
+ resolve(validated ? { userNameNotAvailable: true } : null);
+ }, 500);
+ });
+ }
+ async isTaken(user) {
+ return this.userService.getAll().toPromise().then((users: any) => {
+ return ([].concat(users?.data?.map?.(m => m?.username) || [])).includes(user) && user !== this.originalUser;
+ });
+ }
+ disableClose(e) {
+ this.dialogRef.disableClose = e;
+ }
+ import(text) {
+ this.data.data.setting = text;
+ }
+export interface CharacterRequirements {
+ special: boolean;
+ lowercase: boolean;
+ uppercase: boolean;
+ numbers: boolean;
+export function passwordValidator(
+ characterRequirements: CharacterRequirements
+): ValidatorFn {
+ return (control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null => {
+ const specialCharaterRegex = /[\*\.!@#$%^&(){}[\]:;<>,.?\/~_+-=|\\]/;
+ const hasSpecial = !characterRequirements.special || specialCharaterRegex.test(control.value);
+ const lowercaseRegex = /[a-z]/;
+ const hasLowercase = !characterRequirements.lowercase || lowercaseRegex.test(control.value);
+ const uppercaseRegex = /[A-Z]/;
+ const hasUppercase = !characterRequirements.uppercase || uppercaseRegex.test(control.value);
+ const numberRegex = /\d/;
+ const hasNumbers = !characterRequirements.numbers || numberRegex.test(control.value);
+ const forbidden =
+ hasNumbers && hasUppercase && hasLowercase && hasSpecial;
+ const missing = [];
+ if (!hasNumbers) {
+ missing.push('numbers');
+ }
+ if (!hasLowercase) {
+ missing.push('lowercase letters');
- disableClose(e) {
- this.dialogRef.disableClose = e;
+ if (!hasUppercase) {
+ missing.push('uppercase letters');
- import(text) {
- this.data.data.setting = text;
+ if (!hasSpecial) {
+ missing.push('special characters');
+ const textMissing = missing.join(', ')
+ return !forbidden ? { missingCharacters: { value: textMissing } } : null;
+ };