- format_abc() wraps header lines prefixing them with '+:'.
- format_abc() will not include empty header lines.
- Added support for continued info field lines (+:)
- Added factories for testing
- Unittest replaced with pytest
- Tune.format_abc() will no longer include empty info fields
- Add strip_slurs() which removes slurs (parentheses) from string. This function is called by expand_abc.
- Fixed bug introduced by the Tune.abc and Tune.expanded_abc changes in last release This bug broke Tune.format_abc()
- Fixed bug which caused Tune.expanded_abc never to be set
- Added support for P: (parts)
- Added tune method format_abc which returns a properly formatted tune
- Added support for F: (file)
- Added support :: shorthand syntax (which equals :||:)
- Added strip_decorations()
- Added strip_gracenotes()
- Removed support for A: as it's deprecated according to the ABC standard
- Fixed Travis-CI setup
- The strip_ornaments is now deprecated. It has been replaced by strip_decorations and strip_gracenotes and will be removed in future versions.
- The parser is now an iterable object (Parser) which yields Tune objects
- Added lots of documentation
- Documentation is now in ReST, generated with Sphinx.
- Some minor refactoring of code