Provides an easy way to create and test Redux Reducers and Middlewares.
Using yarn you only need to execute
yarn add redux-jest-helper
or if you are using npm, execute
npm install redux-jest-helper --save
Implement a MiddlewareFactory<S>
. The abstract class provides an interface for 3 functions that
can be implemented:
onBeforeAction?: (api: MiddlewareAPI<S>, action: Action) => void
onAfterAction?: (api: MiddlewareAPI<S>, action: Action, prevState: S) => void
onCreateMiddleware?: (api: MiddlewareAPI<S>) => void
import { MiddlewareFactory } from 'redux-jest-helper'
class CounterMiddlewareFactory extends MiddlewareFactory<CounterState> {
onBeforeAction = (api: MiddlewareAPI<CounterState>, action: Action) => {
switch (action.type) {
this.onIncrement(action as IncrementAction) // do something before an INCREMENT action
onAfterAction = (api: MiddlewareAPI<CounterState>, action: Action, prevState: CounterState) => {
switch (action.type) {
this.afterDecrement(action as DecrementAction) // do something after a DECREMENT action
The following example will test, if the given methods are called on the given actions.
import { middlewareTestHelper } from 'redux-jest-helper'
middlewareTestHelper(new CounterMiddlewareFactory(), [
{ actionType: 'INCREMENT', methods: ['onIncrement'] },
{ actionType: 'DECREMENT', methods: ['afterDecrement'] }
Now that you tested if the methods are really called when the according action happens you only need to unit-test the methods themselves.
Implement a ReducerFactory<S>
. The abstract class provides an interface for
onAction: (state: S | undefined, action: Action) => S
class CounterReducerFactory extends ReducerFactory<CounterState> {
onIncrement = (state: CounterState, action: IncrementAction) => {
return {
count: state.count + action.amount
onDecrement = (state: CounterState, action: DecrementAction) => {
return {
count: state.count - action.amount
onAction = (state: CounterState = initialState, action: Action) => {
let newState = state
switch (action.type) {
newState = this.onDecrement(state, action as DecrementAction)
newState = this.onIncrement(state, action as IncrementAction)
return newState
The following example will test, if the given methods are called on the given actions with the given payload.
import { reducerTestHelper } from 'redux-jest-helper'
describe('reducerTestHelper', () => {
reducerTestHelper(new TestReducerFactory(), initialState, [
{ actionType: 'INCREMENT', actionValue: { amount: 1 }, methods: 'onIncrement' },
{ actionType: 'DECREMENT', actionValue: { amount: 1 }, methods: 'onDecrement' }
Now that you tested if the methods are really called when the according action happens you only need to unit-test the methods themselves.
const counterReducerFactory = new CounterReducerFactory()
const counterMiddlewareFactory = new CounterMiddlewareFactory()
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
counter: counterReducerFactory.toReducer()
createStore(rootReducer, applyMiddleware(counterMiddlewareFactory.toMiddleware()))