Individual-based, stochastic, dynamic network model of sexually transmitted infections
The CT_IBM_2021 class is an adaptation of the original code for the dynamics of gonorrhea with two strains in a network of men having sex with men (MSM). In this new version, a strictly heterosexual network considered. Mainly, the network was changaed into a bipartite one. And the model was adapted to simulate targeted scenarios on a sexually active heterosexual pupolation, with the precence of a single strain of chlamydia and a single option of drug therapy.
The CT_IBM_2021 class can be run using the script 'CTmodel_Test.m'. The preset parameters are stored in 'params_het_CT.mat'. Additionally, an auto generated file with the "help" can be obtained by typing 'doc CT_IBM_2021' on the command window.
MSM model: Adam Zienkiewicz, 2016 ([email protected]) University of Bristol Last update: 20/10/16
Initial heterosexual version model: Nicolas Verschueren, 2018 ( University of Bristol Last update: May/18