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File metadata and controls

465 lines (351 loc) · 19.8 KB

Getting Started

Lottie Uses Cocoapods, Carthage, Static and Dynamic modules. Lottie supports iOS 8+ and MacOS 10.10+

Installing Lottie

Github Repo

You can pull the Lottie Github Repo and include the Lottie.xcodeproj to build a dynamic or static library.


Get Cocoapods Add the pod to your podfile

pod 'lottie-ios'


pod install

After installing the cocoapod into your project import Lottie with Objective C #import <Lottie/Lottie.h> Swift import Lottie


Get Carthage

Add Lottie to your Cartfile

github "airbnb/lottie-ios" "master"


carthage update

In your application targets “General” tab under the “Linked Frameworks and Libraries” section, drag and drop lottie-ios.framework from the Carthage/Build/iOS directory that carthage update produced.

iOS Sample App

Clone this repo and try out the Sample App The repo can build a MacOS Example and an iOS Example

The iOS Example App demos several of the features of Lottie

Example 1Example 2 Example 3

The animation Explorer allows you to scrub, play, loop, and resize animations. Animations can be loaded from the app bundle or from Lottie Files using the built in QR Code reader.

MacOS Sample App

Clone this repo and try out the Sample App The repo can build a MacOS Example and an iOS Example

Lottie Viewer

The Lottie Viewer for MacOS allows you to drag and drop JSON files to open, play, scrub and loop animations. This app is backed by the same animation code as the iOS app, so you will get an accurate representation of Mac and iOS animations.

Objective C Examples

Lottie animations can be loaded from bundled JSON or from a URL To bundle JSON just add it and any images that the animation requires to your target in xcode.

LOTAnimationView *animation = [LOTAnimationView animationNamed:@"Lottie"];
[self.view addSubview:animation];
[animation playWithCompletion:^(BOOL animationFinished) {
  // Do Something

If you are working with multiple bundles you can use.

LOTAnimationView *animation = [LOTAnimationView animationNamed:@"Lottie" inBundle:[NSBundle YOUR_BUNDLE]];
[self.view addSubview:animation];
[animation playWithCompletion:^(BOOL animationFinished) {
  // Do Something

Or you can load it programmatically from a NSURL

LOTAnimationView *animation = [[LOTAnimationView alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:URL]];
[self.view addSubview:animation];

Lottie supports the iOS UIViewContentModes aspectFit, aspectFill and scaleFill

You can also set the animation progress interactively.

CGPoint translation = [gesture getTranslationInView:self.view];
CGFloat progress = translation.y / self.view.bounds.size.height;
animationView.animationProgress = progress;

Or you can play just a portion of the animation:

[lottieAnimation playFromProgress:0.25 toProgress:0.5 withCompletion:^(BOOL animationFinished) {
// Do Something

Swift Examples

Lottie animations can be loaded from bundled JSON or from a URL To bundle JSON just add it and any images that the animation requires to your target in xcode.

let animationView = LOTAnimationView(name: "LottieLogo")

If your animation is in another bundle you can use

let animationView = LOTAnimationView(name: "LottieLogo" bundle:yourBundle)

Or you can load it asynchronously from a URL

let animationView = LOTAnimationView(contentsOf: WebURL)

You can also set the animation progress interactively.

let translation = gesture.getTranslationInView(self.view)
let progress = translation.y / self.view.bounds.size.height;
animationView.animationProgress = progress

Or you can play just a portion of the animation: 0.25, toProgress: 0.5, withCompletion: nil)

View Controller Transitions

Lottie comes with a UIViewController animation-controller for making custom viewController transitions!

#pragma mark -- View Controller Transitioning

- (id<UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning>)animationControllerForPresentedController:(UIViewController *)presented
                                                                  presentingController:(UIViewController *)presenting
                                                                      sourceController:(UIViewController *)source {
  LOTAnimationTransitionController *animationController = [[LOTAnimationTransitionController alloc] initWithAnimationNamed:@"vcTransition1"
  return animationController;

- (id<UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning>)animationControllerForDismissedController:(UIViewController *)dismissed {
  LOTAnimationTransitionController *animationController = [[LOTAnimationTransitionController alloc] initWithAnimationNamed:@"vcTransition2"
  return animationController;

Dynamic Properties

Lottie can do more than just play beautiful animations. Lottie allows you to change animations at runtime. Changing animations is done through Lottie's dynamic properties API. The dynamic properties API features a class for searching through animation data, LOTKeypath, a protocol for setting animation data LOTValueDelegate, several helper objects for common animation scenarios LOTValueCallback, LOTBlockCallback, LOTInterpolatorCallback, and finally a method for setting animation delegates on LOTAnimationView setValueDelegate:forKeypath:.


To understand how to change animation properties in Lottie, you should first understand how animation properties are stored in Lottie. Animation properties are stored in a data tree that mimics the information heirarchy of After Effects. In After Effects a Composition is a collection of Layers that each have their own timelines. Layer objects have string names, and their contents can be an image, shape layers, fills, strokes, or just about anything that is drawable. Each object in After Effects has a name. Lottie can find these objects and properties by their name using a LOTKeypath. A LOTKeypath is an object initialized with a list of String names. LOTKeypath is used to search the backing animation data for properties and objects. Keypath string names should match the names used for layers and objects in the animation data.

Wildcards (*) and Globstars (**) can be used to search through keypaths. Wildcards will search through a single depth layer, globstars will search any depth.

###Creating a LOTKeypath

LOTKeypath is initialized with either a list of strings (Objective-C only), or a single dot-seperated string. As an example, lets say we have an animation with a layer named Boat and we want to target its Position property.


We can search for it explicitly by creating a keypath that targets Boat.Transform.Position


let keypath = LOTKeypath(string: "Boat.Transform.Position")


LOTKeypath *keypath = [LOTKeypath keypathWithKeys:@"Boat", @"Transform", @"Position", nil];
//  ----OR-----
LOTKeypath *keypath = [LOTKeypath keypathWithString@"Boat.Transform.Position"];

###Using Wildcards

Suppose you are interested in changing the color of any shape group named Fish in the Animation. You can do this with Globstars, or double wild cards.


let keypath = LOTKeypath(string: "**.Fish.Fill.Color")


LOTKeypath *keypath = [LOTKeypath keypathWithKeys:@"**", @"Fish", @"Fill", @"Color", nil];
//  ----OR-----
LOTKeypath *keypath = [LOTKeypath keypathWithString@"*.Fish.Fill.Color"];


LOTValueDelegate is a collection of 5 protocols used to provide new animation data for a given LOTKeypath search. A value delegate is called every frame while an animation plays and requests the override data for the given property. The delegate is given the current frame of the animation, and the animation property's current data. If animation already existed for the property the delegate is given the leading and trailing keyframe as well as the current interpolated progress. Each of the 5 protocols returns a different type of animated data.

The protocols are LOTColorValueDelegate, LOTNumberValueDelegate, LOTPointValueDelegate, LOTSizeValueDelegate, LOTPathValueDelegate.

##Predefined LOTValueDelegate Objects

Lottie contains several predefined objects that conform to LOTValueDelegate that support a number of basic operations. There are three types of objects, LOTValueCallback, LOTBlockCallback, and LOTInterpolatorCallback. Each type contains an object for a specific data type. Example LOTValueCallback contains LOTNumberValueCallback, LOTColorValueCallback, etc.


LOTValueCallbacks are used to simply set a value. Each object has a property for its data type that can be set. While the animaiton is playing, Lottie will set the keypath to the value specified by the value callback. There are 5 different value callback objects: LOTColorValueCallback, LOTNumberValueCallback, LOTPointValueCallback, LOTSizeValueCallback, LOTPathValueCallback.

Example: ####Swift

let colorCallback = LOTColorValueCallback(color:UIColor.blueColor.CGColor)


LOTColorValueCallback *colorCallback = [LOTColorValueCallback withCGColor:[UIColor blueColor].CGColor];


LOTBlockCallback is similar to valueCallback, but instead holds a block or closure that is called every frame for the property. There are 5 different block callback objects: LOTColorBlockCallback, LOTNumberBlockCallback, LOTPointBlockCallback, LOTSizeBlockCallback, LOTPathBlockCallback.

Example: ####Swift

let colorBlock = LOTColorBlockCallback { (currentFrame, startKeyFrame, endKeyFrame, interpolatedProgress, startColor, endColor, interpolatedColor) -> Unmanaged<CGColor> in
	return aColor


LOTColorBlockCallback *colorBlock = [LOTColorBlockCallback withBlock:^CGColorRef _Nonnull(CGFloat currentFrame, CGFloat startFrame, CGFloat endFrame, CGFloat interpolatedProgress, CGColorRef  _Nullable startColor, CGColorRef  _Nullable endColor, CGColorRef  _Nullable interpolatedColor) {
    return aColor;


LOTInterpolatorCallback is used to interpolate between two values using a progress from 0 to 1. Each Interpolator contains a startValue, endvalue, and a currentProgress. When currentProgress is changed externally, the property is set with the interpolated value. There are 5 different interpolator callback objects: LOTColorInterpolatorCallback, LOTNumberInterpolatorCallback, LOTPointInterpolatorCallback, LOTSizeInterpolatorCallback, LOTPathInterpolatorCallback.

Example: ####Swift

let positionInterpolator = LOTPointInterpolatorCallback(from: startPoint, to: endPoint)
positionInterpolator.currentProgress = 0.5
// Sets the position to the halfway point between start and end point.


LOTPointInterpolatorCallback *positionInterpolator = [LOTPointInterpolatorCallback withFromPoint:startPoint toPoint:endPoint];
positionInterpolator.currentProgress = 0.5;
// Sets the position to the halfway point between start and end point.

##Setting a Value Delegate

After creating a LOTKeypath and a LOTValueDelegate it is possible to set the delegate on an existing LOTAnimationView.

setValueDelegate:forKeypath: will search through the exisiting animation view, and set the valueDelegate on each property that matches the keypath. The animation will be forced to redraw. An exception will be thrown if the data type of the property does not match the data type of the delegate (Example: setting number delegate on color property).

NOTE LOTAnimationView maintains a WEAK reference to the delegate. This helps reduce retain cycles. You must maintain a reference to the delegate to keep it in memory.


Say we want to create 4 toggle switches. Toggle
Its easy to create the four switches and play them:

let animationView = LOTAnimationView(name: "toggle");
animationView.frame.origin.x = 40
animationView.frame.origin.y = 20
animationView.autoReverseAnimation = true
animationView.loopAnimation = true

let animationView2 = LOTAnimationView(name: "toggle");
animationView2.frame.origin.x = 40
animationView2.frame.origin.y = animationView.frame.maxY + 4
animationView2.autoReverseAnimation = true
animationView2.loopAnimation = true

let animationView3 = LOTAnimationView(name: "toggle");
animationView3.frame.origin.x = 40
animationView3.frame.origin.y = animationView2.frame.maxY + 4
animationView3.autoReverseAnimation = true
animationView3.loopAnimation = true

let animationView4 = LOTAnimationView(name: "toggle");
animationView4.frame.origin.x = 40
animationView4.frame.origin.y = animationView3.frame.maxY + 4
animationView4.autoReverseAnimation = true
animationView4.loopAnimation = true

Now lets change their colors

Recolored Toggle

// Create a LOTKeypath
let keypath = LOTKeypath(string: "BG-On.Group 1.Fill 1.Color")

// Create some Color Values
let greenColorValue = LOTColorValueCallback(
let redColorValue = LOTColorValueCallback(
let orangeColorValue = LOTColorValueCallback(

// Now set them on the animations.
animationView2.setValueDelegate(greenColorValue for:keypath)
animationView3.setValueDelegate(redColorValue for:keypath)
animationView4.setValueDelegate(orangeColorValue for:keypath)

The keyPath is a dot seperated path of layer and property names from After Effects. Key Path "BG-On.Group 1.Fill 1.Color"

Now lets change a couple of properties

Multiple Colors

let onKeypath = LOTKeypath(string: "BG-On.Group 1.Fill 1.Color")
let offKeypath = LOTKeypath(string: "BG-Off.Group 1.Fill 1.Color")
animationView2.setValueDelegate(greenColorValue for:onKeypath)
animationView2.setValueDelegate(redColorValue for:offKeypath)

Adding Views to an Animation at Runtime

Not only can you change animations at runtime with Lottie, you can also add custom UI to a LOTAnimation at runtime. The example below shows some advance uses of this to create a dynamic image loader.

A Dynamic Image Loading Spinner


The example above shows a single LOTAnimationView that is set with a loading spinner animation. The loading spinner loops a portion of its animation while an image is downloaded asynchronously. When the download is complete, the image is added to the animation and the rest of the animation is played seamlessly. The image is cleanly animated in and a completion block is called.


Now, the animation has been changed by a designer and needs to be updated. All that is required is updating the JSON file in the bundle. No code change needed!


Here, the design has decided to add a 'Dark Mode' to the app. Just a few lines of code change the color of the animation at runtime.

Pretty powerful eh?

Check out the code below for an example! Download the After Effects file here

import UIKit
import Lottie

class ViewController: UIViewController {

  var animationView: LOTAnimationView = LOTAnimationView(name: "SpinnerSpin")
  var colorCallback = LOTColorValueCallback(color: UIColor.darkGray.cgColor)
  var maskOpacityCallback = LOTNumberValueCallback(number: 0)

  override func viewDidLoad() {

    // Setup our animaiton view
    animationView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
    animationView.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: 20, width: 200, height: 200)

    // Lets change some of the properties of the animation
    // We arent going to use the MaskLayer, so lets just hide it

    let maskKeypath = LOTKeypath(string: "MaskLayer.Ellipse 1.Transform.Opacity")
    animationView.setValueDelegate(maskOpacityCallback, for: maskKeypath)

    // All of the strokes and fills are white, lets make them DarkGrey
    animationView.setValueDelegate(colorCallback, for: LOTKeypath(string: "OuterRing.Stroke.Color"))
    animationView.setValueDelegate(colorCallback, for: LOTKeypath(string: "InnerRing.Stroke.Color"))
    animationView.setValueDelegate(colorCallback, for: LOTKeypath(string: "InnerRing.Fill.Color"))

    // Lets turn looping on, since we want it to repeat while the image is 'Downloading'
    animationView.loopAnimation = true
    // Now play from 0 to 0.5 progress and loop indefinitely. 0, toProgress: 0.5, withCompletion: nil)

    // Lets simulate a download that finishes in 4 seconds.
    let dispatchTime = + 4.0
    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: dispatchTime) {

  func simulateImageDownloaded() {
    // Our downloaded image
    let image = UIImage(named: "avatar.jpg")
    let imageView = UIImageView(image: image)

    let layerKeypath = LOTKeypath(string: "TransformLayer")

    // We want the image to show up centered in the animation view at 150Px150P
    // Convert that rect to the layers animations coordinate space
    let imageRect = animationView.convert(CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 150, height: 150), toKeypathLayer:layerKeypath)

    // Setup our image view with the rect and add rounded corners
    imageView.frame = imageRect
    imageView.layer.masksToBounds = true
    imageView.layer.cornerRadius = imageRect.width / 2;

    // Now we set the completion block on the currently running animation
    animationView.completionBlock = { (result: Bool) in ()
      // Add the image view to the layer named "TransformLayer"
      self.animationView.addSubview(imageView, toKeypathLayer: layerKeypath)
      // Now play the last half of the animation 0.5, toProgress: 1, withCompletion: { (complete: Bool) in
        // Now the animation has finished and our image is displayed on screen
        print("Image Downloaded and Displayed")

    // Turn looping off. Once the current loop finishes the animation will stop
    // and the completion block will be called.
    animationView.loopAnimation = false
