Bodymovin can render Lottie JSON files on the web.
First, get the bodymovin player javascript library. It is statically hosted at or you can get the javascript directly by clicking Get Player
in the bodymovin plugin.
<script src="js/bodymovin.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- OR -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Bodymovin is also available on npm and bower.
Then playing the animation is as simple as:
var animation = bodymovin.loadAnimation({
container: document.getElementById('lottie'), // Required
path: 'data.json', // Required
renderer: 'svg/canvas/html', // Required
loop: true, // Optional
autoplay: true, // Optional
name: "Hello World", // Name for future reference. Optional.
Or you can use the script file from here:
Or get it directly from the AE plugin clicking on Get Player
The extension includes lottie_light.js
which will play animations exported as svgs.
npm install lottie-web
bower install lottie-web
Call lottie.loadAnimation() to start an animation. It takes an object as a unique param with:
- animationData: an Object with the exported animation data.
- path: the relative path to the animation object. (animationData and path are mutually exclusive)
- loop: true / false / number
- autoplay: true / false it will start playing as soon as it is ready
- name: animation name for future reference
- renderer: 'svg' / 'canvas' / 'html' to set the renderer
- container: the dom element on which to render the animation
It returns the animation instance you can control with play, pause, setSpeed, etc.
container: element, // the dom element that will contain the animation
renderer: 'svg',
loop: true,
autoplay: true,
path: 'data.json' // the path to the animation json
animation instances have these main methods:
anim.setLocationHref(locationHref) -- one param usually pass as location.href
. Its useful when you experience mask issue in safari where your url does not have #
anim.setSpeed(speed) -- one param speed (1 is normal speed)
anim.goToAndStop(value, isFrame) first param is a numeric value. second param is a boolean that defines time or frames for first param
anim.goToAndPlay(value, isFrame) first param is a numeric value. second param is a boolean that defines time or frames for first param
anim.setDirection(direction) -- one param direction (1 is normal direction.)
anim.playSegments(segments, forceFlag) -- first param is a single array or multiple arrays of two values each(fromFrame,toFrame), second param is a boolean for forcing the new segment right away
anim.setSubframe(flag) -- If false, it will respect the original AE fps. If true, it will update as much as possible. (true by default)
lottie has 8 main methods: -- with 1 optional parameter name to target a specific animation
lottie.stop() -- with 1 optional parameter name to target a specific animation
lottie.setSpeed() -- first param speed (1 is normal speed) -- with 1 optional parameter name to target a specific animation
lottie.setDirection() -- first param direction (1 is normal direction.) -- with 1 optional parameter name to target a specific animation
lottie.searchAnimations() -- looks for elements with class "lottie"
lottie.loadAnimation() -- Explained above. returns an animation instance to control individually.
lottie.destroy() -- To destroy and release resources. The DOM element will be emptied.
lottie.registerAnimation() -- you can register an element directly with registerAnimation. It must have the "data-animation-path" attribute pointing at the data.json url
lottie.setQuality() -- default 'high', set 'high','medium','low', or a number > 1 to improve player performance. In some animations as low as 2 won't show any difference.
- onComplete
- onLoopComplete
- onEnterFrame
- onSegmentStart
you can also use addEventListener with the following events:
- complete
- loopComplete
- enterFrame
- segmentStart
- config_ready (when initial config is done)
- data_ready (when all parts of the animation have been loaded)
- DOMLoaded (when elements have been added to the DOM)
- destroy
- if you want to use an existing canvas to draw, you can pass an extra object: 'renderer' with the following configuration:
container: element, // the dom element
renderer: 'svg',
loop: true,
autoplay: true,
animationData: animationData, // the animation data
rendererSettings: {
context: canvasContext, // the canvas context
scaleMode: 'noScale',
clearCanvas: false,
progressiveLoad: false, // Boolean, only svg renderer, loads dom elements when needed. Might speed up initialization for large number of elements.
hideOnTransparent: true //Boolean, only svg renderer, hides elements when opacity reaches 0 (defaults to true)
Doing this you will have to handle the canvas clearing after each frame
Another way to load animations is adding specific attributes to a dom element.
You have to include a div and set it's class to lottie.
If you do it before page load, it will automatically search for all tags with the class "lottie".
Or you can call lottie.searchAnimations() after page load and it will search all elements with the class "lottie".
- add the data.json to a folder relative to the html
- create a div that will contain the animation.
. a class called "lottie" . a "data-animation-path" attribute with relative path to the data.json
. a "data-anim-loop" attribute . a "data-name" attribute to specify a name to target play controls specifically
```html ```
If you drag an exported json file onto, it will preview it directly in the browser. You can also share the link or scan the ar code with the Android or iOS app to preview it there as well.
You can preview or take an svg snapshot of the animation to use as poster. After you render your animation, you can take a snapshot of any frame in the animation and save it to your disk. I recommend to pass the svg through an svg optimizer like and play around with their settings.
Unfortunately, expressions are similar to javascript but not quite the same. So for converting and evaluating the code, I use Esprima and Escodegen. A subset of expressions is supported.
The returning value must be on the last line. You can't return the value in the middle code. To workaround this, you can create a var, set the value, and return it in the final line.
All expression controls are supported. You should have no issues linking any of the supported properties to an expression control.
functions like linear, velocityAtTime and wiggle are not supported. Probably some will in the near future. You can set your own function inside the code.
If you set the string 'use javascript' as the first line of your expression, the plugin won't parse your code and you can get a significant performance increase. For your code to be javascript compliant, please declare all vars and use operators limited to what javascript supports. For example don't use an addition operator to sum two arrays.
For missing mask in Safari browser, please anim.setLocationHref(locationHref) before animation is generated. It usually caused by usage of base tag in html. (see above for description of setLocationHref)
You can use a 3d one-node or two-node Camera. Camera options are not exportable. The idea of using a camera is to provide a moving point of view for the composition. You can parent layers to the camera, but you can't parent the camera to any layer. It will probably be supported soon.
So if you mask a layer it will lose it's 3d properties. What you can do, is use masks inside 3d comps that have 2d layers.
If an element needs to be rendered larger than the original size, it won't be smoothed since browsers promote layers to hardware rendering as textures and they won't redraw them as vectors like the canvas and svg renderers do.
- Text boxes can't contain more than one style (AE doesn't expose multi font text layers).
- Many paragraph and character settings are not supported yet.
- Some fonts have special combinations of chars that are spaced differently than default. These are not supported yet, they will be spaced as any other char and you might notice some differences.
- Some fonts can't be converted to glyphs on AE and will result on an error on the plugin. I've seen this behavior specially with fonts that simulate pixelled fonts.
- If you use Typekit fonts, make sure you load them on a single kit, and provide for each font the css Selector displayed on the kit editor.