- Bug fixe regarding rror handling
- Now EPANET warning is not treated as error
- Bugfix
- Updated Pandas from maximum 1.5.2 to 2.2. Package yet not tested.
- Added warning catch ro suppress depreciating warning for pandas 2.2
- added a check for Restoration. Restoration is not constructed if "restoration_on" is off
- added examples in MANIFEST.in file so it is included in the PyPi.
- Removed some bugs in results
- Project.prj file is always created even when other kind of inputs are provided.
- Modified requirements
- Modified Example 1
- Added one image to documents
- Modified Manifest to include the shared libraries in the PyPi release
- Transfered examples to the REWET main source code
- resolved a minor bug
- Added Manifest
- Fixed typos in documentation
- Improved error handling in data processing module
- Updated dependencies to latest versions
- Updated acknowledgments section with funding and collaboration details
- Added citation information for REWET
- Included licenses for WNTR and EPANET
- Initial release of REWET
- Added basic project information and contact details
- Added API
- Refactored the code
- added tests
- added modified-EPANET compatibility for LINUX AMD64, and MacOS AMD64 (besides Windows AMD64 from the past)