These are a few notes about the way tract represents Neural Networks.
Neural Network natural structure is roughly a Directed Acyclic Graph. In tract, the network structure is materialized mostly by Graph and BaseNode.
From core/src/model/{ graph, node }.rs, with some edits
pub struct Graph<F, O> {
pub nodes: Vec<BaseNode<F, O>>,
pub inputs: Vec<OutletId>,
pub outputs: Vec<OutletId>,
/* [...] */
pub struct BaseNode<F, O> {
pub inputs: Vec<OutletId>,
pub op: O,
pub outputs: Vec<Outlet<F>>,
pub struct OutletId {
pub node: usize,
pub slot: usize,
pub struct Outlet<F: Fact + Hash> {
pub fact: F,
pub successors: Vec<InletId>,
contains a list of BaseNode
(the nodes
Each node contains an Op
, which describes and implements the operator
the Node will apply to the data. Op can be a convolution, addition, etc.
Each node has zero or more inputs referred (rarely) as inlets, and zero or
more outputs referred (often) as outlets. Most operators have one single
When the network is ran, tract executes the nodes in the order induced by the links: a node can only be ran all when tract knows the value of all its inputs.
Note that links between nodes (often called wires) are not symetrical: a tensor produced by a node after its op is ran, can be fed to more than one operator. An outlet can be connected to one or several inlets. On the other hand one inlet can only have its value set by one outlet. A wire connects one single unique outlet to several inlets.
An OutletId is a pair made of a node id and a slot which is the output number of the Op. As most of the ops have a single output, the OutletId slot are frequently zero.
As a consequence, OutletId is a the identifier for the wires in the graph, connecting the designated outlet to successor inlets, and which tensor value is set by the op from the node owning the outlet.
The BaseNode
incoming wires are materialized by the inputs
field, as a
simple vector.
For easier graph traversal, tract also maintains in BaseNode
a redundant list
of outgoing wires: outputs.successors
field. Additionaly, BaseNode stores a
for each of its outgoing wires. Fact is the topic of the next section.
Finally, Graph
owns two lists of OutletId designating the model inputs and
outputs: it is required that nodes pointed but the inputs' OutletId have the
specific Op Source
. On the other hand, the output of a model can be any
With this terminology, we can say that "running a network" involves finding the value (a tensor) of each wire in the graph,
1. Source nodes have their value set by the network caller
2. compute node outputs for unvisited nodes which have all their inputs
known until all nodes are computed
3. extract the model outputs from the wires pointed by `Graph.outputs`
tract actually does much more than running the network as described in previous section. It is capable of performing several optimisations, at the single node or at the graph level. It can also perfom specific transformation, like converting a streaming network to a pulsing network.
In order to perform these network rewrites, tract needs to be able to reason about the datum type and the shape of each wire in the graph. Datum type, despite the pedantic name, is just the type of each element of the tensor (like f32, i8, or String).
Things get a bit more complicated here, because we often need to manipulate and reason with graph with partial shape information. For instance, in TensorFlow frozen network format, input shapes are usually not explicit, so we need to be able to load graphs with partial facts before completing the shape and type analysis.
is a trait abstracting over the level of knowledge the Graph
has about
the model types and shapes. The F
type parameter in Graph is the kind of Fact
that nodes in the graph will contains as outputs.fact
There are two major implementation of Fact in tract. The first one is
in tract-core, the second one is InferenceFact
in tract-hir.
From core/src/model/ with some edits.
pub struct TypedFact {
pub datum_type: DatumType,
pub shape: ShapeFact,
pub konst: Option<Arc<Tensor>>,
pub struct ShapeFact(Vec<TDim>);
DatumType is a simple enumeration of the various element type a Tensor can hold (like DatumType::F32, or DatumType::I8...). ShapeFact is a basically a vector of TDim. Let's assume TDim is an integer for now.
TypedFact has also a optional constant value: if a tensor in the graph has a constant value regardless of the network inputs, this is information the optimiser may be able to use to simplify the network.
As we implied beforehand, this type is not suitable to reprensent network where some wires have an unknown datum type, or partial shape information. In order to reason about these networks, we need a more flexible Fact:
From hir/sr/infer/
pub struct InferenceFact {
pub datum_type: TypeFactoid,
pub shape: ShapeFactoid,
pub value: ValueFact,
Inference here takes the Computer Science meaning (as in "type inference"), not the machine learning sense (synonym with prediction).
The InferenceFact main purpose is to support full shape and datum type discovery of a graph. When this full analysis is done, the network facts are all converted to TypedFact and the graph can undergo optimisation and other transformations.
Without entering into too many details here, TypeFactoid
is basically
an Option<DatumType>
, where the None
value means "unknown". Similarly
can be seen as a Vec<Option<TDim>>
, along with a boolean to
denote if the tensor rank (its number of dimension) is known or not.
The preferred way of running efficiently a network in tract is to make sure we get it to a TypedModel (a model which Fact is a TypedFact), and let tract-core optimise it.
For TensorFlow frozen networks, and to some extent for ONNX networks, the analysis process will traverse the graph looking for incomplete shape or datum type, and collaborate with the Op in the connecting nodes to "infer" more information about the wires facts.
This collaboration is handled through the InferenceOp
trait. All Ops used in
an InferenceModel must implement it. This is actually what the second type
parameter (O
) of the Graph structure represent.
tract defines the InferenceModel
type alias in hir/src/infer/
pub type InferenceModel = Graph<InferenceFact, Box<dyn InferenceOp>>;
InferenceOp interface is relatively complex to implement, as the code needs to
be able to operate on partial information. Once a model is "typed" we no longer
need this complex logic, but can work with a stricter, but easier to implement
variant of the InferenceOp contract, the TypedOp
In core/src/model/types, we define:
pub type TypedModel = Graph<TypedFact, Box<dyn TypedOp>>;
The TypedOp
contract is simple: an operation, given the TypedFacts (datum
type, full shape, optional value) of all its input must be able to compute
the TypeFacts for its outputs.
in core/srs/ops/
trait TypedOp /* [...] */ {
fn output_facts(&self, inputs: &[&TypedFact]) -> TractResult<Vec<TypedFact>>;
/* [...] */
For most operations, implementing it is trivial. This simple contract is enough to build a graph from the Source inputs (assuming we know their Fact) to its outputs, discovering the full facts operation after operation.
The InferenceOp interface is a bit more involved, but allow to build the graph in any aritrary order, leaving some facts partially determined, then running the analyse to complete the missing bits.
trait InferenceOp /* [...] */ {
fn infer(
&mut self,
inputs: TVec<&InferenceFact>,
outputs: TVec<&InferenceFact>,
) -> TractResult<(Vec<InferenceFact>, Vec<InferenceFact>)> {
Here, the analyser will call the infer
method providing all the known
information accumulated, and the op must do its best to return more determined
facts. Note that in the case of TypedOp
, the typing information strictly goes
from inputs to outputs, whereas the InferenceOp
allow operation to infer
inputs facts from output facts. This allows the framework to infer factoids
about model inputs, which can be useful when you're handed over a model without
explicit information about the input structure.
Of course, the purpose of all of this is ultimately to compute. Once tract
has make sense of a model, it will just have to call the eval
method on
each op in the graph in a determined order, keeping track of each tensor
already computed, handing them over to the successor ops.
pub trait EvalOp {
fn eval(&self, inputs: Vec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<Vec<Arc<Tensor>>>;
/* .. */