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File metadata and controls

302 lines (199 loc) · 11.6 KB


Unless otherwise mentioned here, we follow the WordPress style guidelines.

We also have our own standards for things that aren’t covered by the WP style guidelines, such as namespacing and general project structure. Also, we use spaces for indentation, not tabs.

So here’s a phpcs.xml.dist sample we use in our plugins.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="WordPress Coding Standards for Plugins">
    <description>Generally-applicable sniffs for WordPress plugins</description>

    <rule ref="WordPress-Core">
        <exclude name="Generic.WhiteSpace.DisallowSpaceIndent"/>
    <rule ref="WordPress-Docs"/>

    <!-- Check all PHP files in directory tree by default. -->
    <arg name="extensions" value="php"/>

    <!-- Show sniff codes in all reports -->
    <arg value="s"/>


File Layout

PHP files should either declare symbols (classes, functions, etc) or run code (function calls, etc), but not both. Generally speaking, only one file per plugin/theme should contain run code.

An exception is allowed for require statements only if there isn’t a better way to include those files. As an example, a namespace file may include the namespace file for subnamespaces, since PHP doesn’t have a way to autoload namespaced functions.

Classes should be in their own file, which should not declare any other functions or classes, or run any code.

Generally, the file should follow the following order:

  • namespace declaration
  • use declarations
  • const declarations for the namespace
  • require when allowed
  • Declarations or run code

For namespaced functions which are primarily action and filter callbacks, the add_action/add_filter calls should generally live in a bootstrap() function in the namespace. This allows the file to be loaded without adding hooks immediately, but still allows the hook declarations to live with the callbacks.

File Naming

Namespaces are mapped to filesystem directories after lowercasing. Part of the namespace may be excluded from the directory structure, ala PSR-4. For example, classes and functions in the SovWare\Some\Example could live in the base/sovware/some/example directory, or the SovWare could be excluded for base/some/example.

Files containing a class should be named class-<classname>.php, all lowercase, to fit with the WordPress coding standards.

The main file for plugins should live in <plugin-slug>.php in the plugin’s directory, while the main file for themes is functions.php in the theme directory. This file should be the only one to contain run code. This file should also register necessary autoloaders.

Underneath the top-level directory (either the plugin directory or the theme directory) should be an includes directory which represents the top-level namespace for the plugin/theme.

Namespaced File Naming

Namespaced functions and constants should live in namespace.php in the namespace’s directory or in a file named {namespace}.php in the parent namespace’s directory.

Choosing the correct namespace naming strategy is important for project organization. Going the namespace.php route is standardized and simple, but commonly leads to a collection of un-associated functions, reducing discoverability and clarity. Alternatively, going with {namespace}.php will improve discoverability but can lead to many small files which can become difficult to maintain as time goes on. Both philosophies have their place and use.

Generally speaking, if you have classes or sub-namespaces within a namespace, you should use namespace.php. This ensures that the code within a namespace lives together in a single directory. Consider using {namespace}.php for standalone namespaces with only functions.

As an example, for a plugin called “wedevs-coffee” with a namespace of SovWare\Coffee, the directory structure should look like this:

  • <plugin-slug>.php – Declares autoloader for SovWare\Coffee and runs bootstrap functions
  • includes/ – Contains PHP code for SovWare\Coffee namespace
    • namespace.php – Declares functions and constants in the SovWare\Coffee namespace
    • class-cup.php – Declares the SovWare\Coffee\Cup class
    • beans.php – Declares functions and constants in the SovWare\Coffee\Beans namespace
    • sweeteners/ – Contains sub-namespace SovWare\Coffee\Sweeteners
      • namespace.php – Declares functions and constants in the SovWare\Coffee\Sweeteners namespace
      • class-sugar.php – Declares the SovWare\Coffee\Sweeteners\Sugar class

Namespace and Class Naming

Namespaces should be logical groupings of related functionality. Typically, this means along feature lines, not along technology lines. That is, SovWare\Project\Reports with a Command class for CLI, rather than SovWare\CLI with a ProjectReportsCommand class.

Reusable code can be prefixed with SovWare\, or can use a project namespace (such as Dokan\) if it has a project name. Project names starting with “wedevs-” should be sub-namespaces of SovWare\: if the project is called “wedevs-something”, the namespace should be SovWare\Something.

Client projects or products should generally use their own namespace (e.g. AwesomeClient\) rather than under the SovWare namespace.

Namespaces may be named with CamelCase, as _ is historically used as a faux namespace separator. You may avoid underscores in favour of camelisation (heh) as long as the project is consistent.

Classes used in a namespaced file should have a use statement at the top of the file to allow a quick overview of what is used, and to avoid long absolute references to the classes throughout the file. If you have a lot of functionality from given namespace, you can use the entire namespace to avoid excessive use statements.

use statements should never start with a \; these are not required, as the namespaces here are already absolute.

// No:
$x = \SovWare\Some\Thing::method();

// No:
use \SovWare\Some\Thing;
$x = Thing::method();

// Yes:
use SovWare\Some\Thing;
$x = Thing::method();

// Allowed:
use SovWare\Some;

$x = Some\Thing::method();
$y = Some\Other::thing();

Anonymous Functions (Closures)

function should be followed with a space, as should use.

// No:
function() {}
function( $x ) {}
function( $x ) use( $y ) {}
function( $x ) use ( $y ) {}

// Yes:
function () {}
function ( $x ) {}
function ( $x ) use ( $y ) {}

When passing an anonymous function as an argument, if it is the last parameter, you can compress the closing braces and parenthesis without a space:

array_map( $list, function ( $item ) {
    return $item->title;
}); // Space not required between brace and parenthesis.

However, you cannot do this if it is not the last parameter.

add_action( 'init', function () {
}, 10 ); // Space required after 10

(Note that this rule applies also to standard function calls; you can have )); for nested function calls or ]); for short arrays in a function call.)

Generally speaking, you should avoid using anonymous functions for actions and filters. These aren’t possible to unhook neatly, and with namespaces you don’t need to worry about the global namespace pollution of one-function-per-hook.

Array Creation

When creating a new array, prefer the [] short-array syntax over the array() old-style syntax. This is more compact, and fits better with how JavaScript works. In addition, it can make it a little easier to read nested options arrays.

// No:
get_posts( array(
    'author_in' => array( 1, 2, 3 ),
    'meta_query' => array(
        'relation' => 'AND',
            'key' => '_my_meta',
            'value' => '1'
) );

// Yes:
get_posts( [
    'author_in' => [ 1, 2, 3 ],
    'meta_query' => [
        'relation' => 'AND',
            'key' => '_my_meta',
            'value' => '1'
] );

Visibility (Public/Protected/Private)

Class methods and properties should always be marked with a visibility keyword, one of public, protected or private. Generally speaking, private should be avoided in favour of protected, as it doesn’t allow subclasses to access the method. In most cases, this is an unnecessary hindrance, and leads to subclasses simply copy-and-pasting the code when they need to override it.

// No:
class MyClass {
    var $foo = 1;
    function __construct() {}

// Yes:
class MyClass {
    protected $foo = 1;
    public function __construct() {}

Inline Documentation

Generally, follow the WordPress rules on inline documentation.

An exception is made for the description. Descriptions should be written in the imperative (as a command) rather than third-person indicative. This is the opposite of what WordPress coding standards recommend.

When conjugating, pretend you’re commanding someone to do something. (The imperative generally follows the same rules as second-person indicative.)

  • No: “Displays the date.”
  • Yes: “Display the date.”

This is an intentional stylistic choice and deviation from the WordPress coding standards. The WordPress standards produce an incomplete sentence, missing a subject, which can be confusing.

The short description should be able to replace the function name. Doing this for all your functions should produce a sentence that describes what you’re doing.

  • No: “Queries the database. Formats the data for output.”
  • Yes: “Query the database. Format the data.”

PHP for Templates

When writing PHP in theme templates, you should follow a few different rules.

Do not use a namespace

Templated PHP code generally shouldn’t live in a namespace. You can still have use declarations to simplify class and function calls.

Using a namespace for template files muddies the water with template tags. A get_content() call could refer to the core function, or could refer to a function in the theme’s namespace. This can significantly complicate code review by making escaping unclear, as well as potentially being unclear to other developers. It’s also easily possible to accidentally break existing templates if you add new functions.

Your functions.php should be namespaced however, and you can use this namespace into the template.

Inline statements

When using an inline statement, start and end the PHP tags on the same line as the statement, and drop the semicolon.

// No:
<?php echo esc_html( $x ); ?>

// Yes:
<?php echo esc_html( $x ) ?>

// No:
<?php endforeach; ?>

// Yes:
<?php endforeach ?>

This only applies to single statements. For multiple statements, these should be expanded into a full multiline statement with semicolons.

// No:
<?php $x++; echo esc_html( $x ) ?>

// Yes:
echo esc_html( $x );

// No:
<?php echo esc_html( sprintf(
    'Hi %s',
)) ?>

// Yes:
echo esc_html( sprintf(
    'Hi %s',

Credits: The style guide has been adapted from HM Style Guide.