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Speckle Server

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We're working to stabilize the 2.0 API, and until then there will be breaking changes.


Comprehensive developer and user documentation can be found in our:


The Speckle Server is a node application tested against v12.

The external dependencies are PostgreSQL and Redis. To get the dependencies running without any hassle, you can run them in docker containers as described in our Server deployment instructions (chapter Run your speckle-server fork, step 1)

NOTE: If you install PostgreSQL yourself or use an existing PostgreSQL instance, make sure to create a database and a user that can access it

After you have PostgreSQL and Redis running, in the packages/server folder:

  • copy the .env-example file to .env,
  • If you have a custom setup, open and edit the .env file, filling in the required variables,
  • run npm install,
  • finally npm run dev,
  • check localhost:3000/graphql out!


The server consists of several semi-related components, or modules. These can be found in /modules. Module composition:

  • an index.js file that exposes two functions, init and finalize (mandatory)
  • a graph folder, with two subfolders, namely resolvers and schemas (optional - these will be picked up and merged).

Server & Apps


  • In development mode, the Speckle Server will proxy the frontend from localhost:3000 to localhost:8080. If you don't see anything, ensure you've run npm run dev in the frontend package.

  • In production mode, the frontend is served by an nginx container that proxy server requests to the server (depending on the requested path). For more information about making a production deployment, check out our detailed guide


A GraphIQL app is available for authenticated api exploration at localhost:3000/explorer. Note that for the authentication flow to work, you need to have the frontend running first.

GraphQL Playground

For non-authenticated api exploration, you can use the Graphql Playground which is available by default at localhost:3000/graphql.


To run all tests, simply run npm run test. To run specific tests, use the mocha --grep @subset syntax. For example:

  • mocha --grep @auth --watch to run tests pertaning to the auth module only in watch mode.
  • mocha --grep @core-streams --watch to run tests pertaining to stream related services.


The Speckle Community hangs out on the forum, do join and introduce yourself & feel free to ask us questions!


Unless otherwise described, the code in this repository is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. Please note that some modules, extensions or code herein might be otherwise licensed. This is indicated either in the root of the containing folder under a different license file, or in the respective file's header. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us via email.