diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8e3bd06db0..a43d2fafa0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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- Speckle | Sharp
+ Speckle | Sharp (Legacy)
- .NET SDK, tooling, schema and Connectors
-Speckle is data infrastructure for the AEC industry.
-# About Speckle
-What is Speckle? Check our ![YouTube Video Views](https://img.shields.io/youtube/views/B9humiSpHzM?label=Speckle%20in%201%20minute%20video&style=social)
-### Features
-- **Object-based:** say goodbye to files! Speckle is the first object based platform for the AEC industry
-- **Version control:** Speckle is the Git & Hub for geometry and BIM data
-- **Collaboration:** share your designs collaborate with others
-- **3D Viewer:** see your CAD and BIM models online, share and embed them anywhere
-- **Interoperability:** get your CAD and BIM models into other software without exporting or importing
-- **Real time:** get real time updates and notifications and changes
-- **GraphQL API:** get what you need anywhere you want it
-- **Webhooks:** the base for a automation and next-gen pipelines
-- **Built for developers:** we are building Speckle with developers in mind and got tools for every stack
-- **Built for the AEC industry:** Speckle connectors are plugins for the most common software used in the industry such as Revit, Rhino, Grasshopper, AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Excel, Unreal Engine, Unity, QGIS, Blender and more!
+> Speckle is the first AEC data hub that connects with your favorite AEC tools. Speckle exists to overcome the challenges of working in a fragmented industry where communication, creative workflows, and the exchange of data are often hindered by siloed software and processes. It is here to make the industry better.
-### Try Speckle now!
-Give Speckle a try in no time by:
-- [![speckle](https://img.shields.io/badge/https://-app.speckle.systems-0069ff?style=flat-square&logo=hackthebox&logoColor=white)](https://app.speckle.systems) ⇒ creating an account
-- [![create a droplet](https://img.shields.io/badge/Create%20a%20Droplet-0069ff?style=flat-square&logo=digitalocean&logoColor=white)](https://marketplace.digitalocean.com/apps/speckle-server?refcode=947a2b5d7dc1) ⇒ deploying an instance in 1 click
-### Resources
+ .NET SDK, tooling, schema and Connectors
-- [![Community forum users](https://img.shields.io/badge/community-forum-green?style=for-the-badge&logo=discourse&logoColor=white)](https://speckle.community) for help, feature requests or just to hang with other speckle enthusiasts, check out our community forum!
-- [![website](https://img.shields.io/badge/tutorials-speckle.systems-royalblue?style=for-the-badge&logo=youtube)](https://speckle.systems) our tutorials portal is full of resources to get you started using Speckle
-- [![docs](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-speckle.guide-orange?style=for-the-badge&logo=read-the-docs&logoColor=white)](https://speckle.guide/dev/) reference on almost any end-user and developer functionality
+> This is our legacy .NET repo! Check out our active .NET repos here:
+> [`speckle-sharp-connectors`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-sharp-connectors): our .NET next generation connectors and desktop UI
+> [`speckle-sharp-sdk`](https://github.com/specklesystems/speckle-sharp-sdk): our .NET SDK, Tests, and Objects
# Repo structure